Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (22)

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After hearing that the tattoo was covering a birthmark, Lu Shijin couldn’t focus for the rest of the interview.

Whenever the host asked him a question, he would only respond after being prompted thrice.

Thankfully, the interview wasn’t very long and ended after half an hour.

As they left the room, Lu Shijin followed Xu Yifan. He stared at his back, deep in thought.

Before, he discarded the idea that Xu Yifan was Payne when he saw the tattoo.

But now, his guess about what was under the tattoo clouded Lu Shijin’s mind with doubt.

Although he knew that the chance for Xu Yifan to be Payne was slim, Lu Shijin still couldn’t help but hope.

What if?

Then wouldn’t all his problems be resolved?

Hope was like a spark. As long as there was a chance for a fire to be lit, it would slowly grow larger and larger.

Lu Shijin couldn’t wait to find out the truth.

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On the car ride back, Lu Shijin deliberately squished in next to Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan glanced at him but didn’t say anything. He turned to look out the window expressionlessly, not reacting to Lu Shijin at all.

As the car began moving, the inside gradually became silent.

When everyone else was asleep, Lu Shijin carefully pulled at Xu Yifan’s shirt and quietly called, “Fan-ge.”

Xu Yifan had his eyes closed, but Lu Shijin knew he wasn’t asleep because he had noticed his eyelids move.

So he bravely poked Xu Yifan’s arm, moving in closer as he asked in a fawning tone, “Fan-ge? You’re not asleep, right?”

Xu Yifan frowned, but still didn’t open his eyes. His arm moved back a bit, like he was shying away from physical contact with Lu Shijin.

How rude, ignoring me?

Lu Shijin went full out on his shamelessness and retracted the armrest between them as he shifted his entire body onto Xu Yifan.

“Fan-ge, I know you’re not sleeping.” Lu Shijin lowered his voice and said gloatingly in Xu Yifan’s ear, “I saw your eyelashes move. Don’t ignore me, I want to ask you something.”

Xu Yifan finally opened his eyes and used his arm to push Lu Shijin away, his voice full of annoyance. “Ask then, don’t get so close.”

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Lu Shijin didn’t mind Xu Yifan’s cold attitude. He looked at Xu Yifan’s shoulder. “Fan-ge, you said that you had a birthmark on your shoulder, right?”

Xu Yifan closed his eyes again, humming in acquiescence.

Lu Shijin cutely wrinkled his nose at this big ice cube. “Can you tell me what your birthmark is like?”

“No.” Xu Yifan instantly rejected him.

Lu Shijin didn’t understand. “Why not?”

Xu Yifan calmly replied, “Personal privacy.”

Lu Shijin: . . .

“How is this personal privacy?” Lu Shijin didn’t give up and held onto Xu Yifan’s arm. If there weren’t other people in the car, he would have already torn off Xu Yifan’s shirt. “Don’t we always go topless when we’re practicing? And plus, we’ve even washed together before, what part of your body have I not seen?”

Xu Yifan suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Lu Shijin with a cold gaze. He didn’t move or speak.

Lu Shijin was a bit spooked by Xu Yifan’s gaze and subconsciously let go of Xu Yifan’s arm, sitting back properly in his seat.

“Why are you looking at me like that, just say you won’t do it then.”

“Lu Shijin.” Xu Yifan called his name, speaking lightly. “Since we’ve already cleared things up, you shouldn’t do things that are so easy to misunderstand.”

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Xu Yifan would rarely say Lu Shijin’s full name. This made their relationship seem very distant.

Lu Shijin was tongue-tied and replied with an “Oh.”

Xu Yifan’s cold attitude was like a needle that pierced into Lu Shijin’s heart, causing pain.

He turned his head away in anger, preparing to ignore Xu Yifan.

Since Xu Yifan was unhappy with him and unwilling to tell him what his birthmark was, Lu Shijin could only think of another way.

When they returned to the dorms, Lu Shijin couldn’t sleep on his bed. His head was still full of Xu Yifan’s birthmark.

He had a sudden idea and secretly went to the bathroom to get a glass of water.

Returning to his room, he directly spilled the entire glass onto his bed, then knocked on Xu Yifan’s door in his slippers.

Xu Yifan opened the door. Upon seeing that it was Lu Shijin again, he asked coldly, “What do you want now?”

“I don’t want anything.” Lu Shijin pouted cutely, “I wanted to have a drink of water, but I accidentally spilled the glass on my bed. Now, it’s too wet for me to sleep. Fan-ge, can I sleep with you today? Don’t worry! I’m a very good sleeper! I promise I won’t hog the quilt or snore!”

Xu Yifan was completely unaffected by Lu Shijin’s acting, “If your bed’s wet, you can sleep on the sofa.”

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Lu Shijin choked on his anger. This heartless man!

Lu Shijin repeated in his mind that he couldn’t let a minor setback disrupt his plans and smiled brightly at Xu Yifa., “I could do that, but I don’t have a blanket. Fan-ge, can’t you take me in for one night?”

Xu Yifan continued standing there coldly, making Lu Shijin freeze. “You can find someone else and go with them.”

Lu Shijin made a face. “Everyone else shares rooms, and their beds are all so small, how would I be able to squish in! Plus, both of the other rooms are full of snoring, so I won’t be able to sleep!”

“Then you can just not sleep.”

It seemed like Xu Yifan had decided to draw a hard line between them. Lu Shijin made a plan.

He tried to wedge his foot in between the door, but Xu Yifan was a step faster and slammed the door shut, right in front of his nose!

“Xu Yifan! You heartless and unreasonable person!” Lu Shijin angrily slammed on the door, complaining in tears. “You have no empathy! How could you treat your teammate like this? Are you really willing to stand by and do nothing as your teammate lacks a bed to sleep on?!”

Xu Yifan’s voice sounded from behind the door. “Once you finish whining, you can go back to your room.”

“Guess what, I’m not leaving, I’m going to sleep outside your room!” Lu Shijin stubbornly decided to sit against the door. “If you don’t care that I’ll be freezing for the entire night, then ignore me!”

With Lu Shijin making such a disturbance in front of Xu Yifan’s room, their other four teammates noticed and came out to see what was happening.

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