Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (23)

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He Yang asked, “Xiao Lu, why are you sitting on the ground? Aren’t you going to sleep yet?”

Lu Shijin waved his hand. “Nothing, you guys can go to sleep. I need to ask Fan-ge something, so I’m waiting for him to open the door.”

Li Xiao said, “Can’t you wait until tomorrow? And . . . Fan-ge doesn’t seem to have any intention of opening the door.”

Lu Shijin smiled dismissively and deliberately raised his voice to say, “He’ll definitely open it. If he doesn’t, then I’ll wait here until he does!”

After Lu Shijin finished, he listened for any sounds from inside the room. He didn’t hear anything, even after a long time, so he began to get nervous. Surely Xu Yifan didn’t actually leave him to sleep outside?

Would he really be that mean?!

Damn it, let’s see who can last longer then!

“Are you sure you two are okay?” He Xinyi scratched his head, “There aren’t problems between you and Fan-ge, right?”

“No, no, you guys should go to sleep. You don’t need to care about me, I’m just joking with him, he’ll definitely open the door for me soon.”

Zhao Yue looked at Xu Yifan’s tightly closed door in suspicion and shrugged helplessly, “Then be careful, you should rest early. Don’t get sick from the cold floor.”

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Lu Shijin gave them a thumbsup and the four people went back to their own rooms.

Lu Shijin continued sitting there for a bit, and tried knocking on Xu Yifan’s door again, but there was no reaction.

Lu Shijin sneered. Okay, so he’s ignoring me. Well then, let’s see who can hold out!

But no matter how long he waited, there was no noise from the room. Gradually, Lu Shijin began to feel sleepy and cold.

He could only hug himself for warmth, regretting not bringing a blanket.

By morning, Xu Yifan opened his door, preparing to go to the bathroom and wash up.

But when he opened his door, Lu Shijin toppled in. His eyes were tightly shut, and didn’t show any sign of being conscious. It was startling.

Xu Yifan’s emotions were complicated when he thought about how Lu Shijin stayed outside his room for the entire night.

“Wake up.” Xu Yifan knelt down and patted Lu Shijin’s face, “It’s morning, go back to your own room.”

Lu Shijin had sat outside the entire night, and had been in the cold for all of it. Unknowingly, he had caught a fever. His forehead was bruning.

“Open the door . . . Let me in.” Lu Shijin’s face was unnaturally red, his lips were chapped and white from the fever, but he still wanted Xu Yifan to open the door for him. He started cursing, “You bastard, no conscience . . . open the door . . . I’m freezing, but you don’t care at all . . . wahhh . . .”

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Xu Yifan rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Lu Shijin, who wasn’t completely conscious. He wanted to shake him awake and ask him what he was supposed to do.

Clearly, Lu Shijin wanted them to distance themselves, even going as far as to quit the group.

And Xu Yifan had kept their distance, as Lu Shijin had wanted, not holding onto any unrealistic hope, so why would Lu Shijin come back to bother him?

Xu Yifan felt powerless. He didn’t know what to do with Lu Shijin.

Finally, Xu Yifan decided to carry Lu Shijin onto  his bed. He touched his forehead and felt a wave of heat— the fever was severe.

“What should I do with you?” Xu Yifan took his hand off and asked quietly. He wasn’t sure if he was directing the question to Lu Shijin or himself.

Lu Shijin slept deeply through the morning. He sweated heavily and slowly began to wake up around noon.

He felt a cold object on his forehead. Lu Shijin slowly opened his eyes and saw Xu Yifan changing ice packs for him.

He knew he would change his mind. Xu Yifan was acting all cold and ignoring him yesterday, but carried him to bed today.

But the cost of this was a bit large. He had to get sick for Xu Yifan to look at him.

Lu Shijin secretly recorded this action in his heart. I’ll settle accounts with you after I figure out if you’re the one I’m looking for or not.

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“Fan-ge . . .” Lu Shijin’s voice was a bit hoarse from his fever. He blinked weakly and said quietly, “I want water.”

Xu Yifan gazed at him silently. Just as Lu Shijin thought he would turn and leave, he went to get a glass of water.

Looking at Xu Yifan’s back, Lu Shijin secretly let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, Xu Yifan didn’t get angry or annoyed.

When Xu Yifan brought the water over, Lu Shijin didn’t expect him to feed him the water, so he sat up by himself and sipped at it until he had drunk half a glass. His throat finally felt better.

“Do I have a fever?” Lu Shijin gave the glass back to Xu Yifan. “What time is it?”

“Noon.” Xu Yifan replied.

Lu Shijin was shocked, “What? It’s already twelve? Then what about everyone else?”

“They’re at practice. I asked for leave for you.”

“You’re also not at practice . . .” Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan hesitantly, “Did you stay to look after me?”

Xu Yifan didn’t respond, which Lu Shijin took as tacit agreement. All of his unhappiness from the night instantly evaporated.

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Lu Shijin sat on the bed and thanked Xu Yifan. “Thank you, Fan-ge, I know that you’re the best.”

“Lu Shijin, do you think it’s interesting?” Sadly, Xu Yifan didn’t feel the same way and asked Lu Shijin coldly, “Why are you troubling us?”

“It’s nothing . . . No, I do want something!” Lu Shijin judged Xu Yifan’s expression and said hesitantly, “Can I see your tattoo?”

Xu Yifan’s expression turned dark, his lips pursed in anger.

Lu Shijin hurriedly waved his hands. “Don’t misunderstand, I don’t want to do anything, I just want to look . . .” Xu Yifan’s expression became even darker and Lu Shijin trailed off, “I’m sick, can’t you fulfill a patient’s wish?”

After a while, Xu Yifan breathed heavily and asked helplessly, “If I do, will you stop bothering me?”

Lu Shijin looked at him and nodded with sincerity.

“I promise! I won’t bother you afterwards!’

Xu Yifan was a man of action, so he directly took off his jacket and hung it up.

Lu Shijin watched the man strip. First, his mermaid line, then the tight abs and chest, and finally, his entire torso.

Xu Yifan had a yellow phoenix on his shoulder, its wings spread, as if it was rising from the ashes. It instantly drew all of Lu Shijin’s attention.

Xu Yifan sat down on the bed, his back facing Lu Shijin to make it easier to see.

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