Actual Fairytale – Picking up a Mermaid! (2)

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“Here, here, here, eat them while they’re hot. They were just brought up, so they’re really fresh!”

Lu Shijin opened a pair of disposable chopsticks for Yu Jun, but Yu Jun didn’t take them and instead used his hands to tip the oyster in his mouth.

“Xiao Yu eats them very boldly.” Lu Shijin saw how Yu Jun ate. He was clearly a human, but his eating manners seemed very uncivilized.

Yu Jun ate five oysters in a row before stopping, his hands covered in juices.

The man’s fingers were long and had distinct joints. Such a pretty hand was stained, so Lu Shijin eagerly handed him a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

“You said that he doesn’t have any specific likes, right?” Lu Shijin continued asking.

“Roasted oysters aren’t bad.” Yu Jun suddenly said.

Lu Shijin laughed. “You like it? Then I’ll let them pack up all the oysters we got for you.”

Yu Jun calmly rejected him. “No need, I have a lot of them.”

Lu Shijin raised an eyebrow, it seemed like he didn’t understand the concept of accepting others’ hospitality, responding in such a rude manner.

But he didn’t press the issue. He was asking him for help after all.

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“Then let’s continue, do you know where the merpeople’s king normally goes?”

“That depends. The entire ocean is his territory, he can go wherever he wants. His trail is uncertain.” Yu Jun replied.

Lu Shijin didn’t give up, “Are there any places he’s sure to visit?”

Yu Jun thought about it and replied, “Yes.”

Lu Shijin’s eyes brightened and he clapped his hands excitedly. “Where?!”

“April is the time when merpeople search for mates, so all merpeople would go to a reef to mate. The merpeople’s king is no exception.”

“Huh, the merpeople king also uses this method for a mate? Does he not have one yet?” Lu Shijin stroked his chin in thought, “I thought that he’d be like the emperors, having three thousand beauties in his back palace.”

Yu Jun snorted. “Merpeople have strove for equality far longer than humans. Every merperson can choose their partner. King wouldn’t force a female to marry him.”

“I know!” Lu Shijin lowered his hand, laughing gleefully. “It’s definitely because he’s too ugly, so no one wants to be pregnant with his child! Haha, it turns out the merpeople’s king is a single dog!”

“Have you forgotten what I said? Right now, all sexes of humans can bear merpeople children.” Yu Jun sneered and looked at Lu Shijin. “If the merpeople’s king heard you, wouldn’t he drag you to the bottom of the sea and make you bear his child?”

Lu Shijin shrugged, showing how he didn’t care, “I’m not scared of him, let him come if he dares. I’m even afraid that he won’t come. Just look at all the equipment I have, if he dares come, I’ll definitely make sure he won’t be able to go back.”

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When Lu Shijin finished speaking, he noticed that Yu Jun’s expression became dark and felt a bit confused.

Afterwards, Yu Jun wouldn’t respond no matter what Lu Shijin said to him, making Lu Shijin very confused.

Lu Shijin thought about it, but he didn’t say anything about him, so why was Yu Jun’s attitude so bad?

Clearly, everyone who did research was weird!

After being on sea from morning to night with no results again, Lu Shijin ordered the crew to go back to land.

When they landed, Yu Jun naturally left them.

Lu Shijin prepared a bunch of seafood for Yu Jun, but was refused.

Yu Jun alienated him, and Lu Shijin wasn’t the kind of person to stick to others, so he didn’t bring up asking Yu Jun for help.

He actually had a good impression of the man he fished up from the sea.

For no other reason than those blue eyes.


Lu Shijin had been going out to sea for over half a month. He hadn’t even seen the tip of a merperson’s tail, much less the king himself.

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He gave up on looking aimlessly for the merpeople’s king and changed his plan, targeting the little merperson Jun Li instead.

After all, if he convinced them to go back to sea, wouldn’t the merpeople’s king naturally come on land?

And as for what would happen to Shen Shao?

The main characters could date whenever, but Lu Shijin needed to keep his life now.

He didn’t want to be killed when the merpeople’s king finally found Jun Li.

Lu Shijin finally got the merperson to go out for coffee.

Jun Li was close to puberty, so their mind would be especially sensitive and frail. Anything remotely harsh would make them anxious.

So Lu Shijin had to cajole them out.

Lu Shijin put the latte that the waiter brought over in front of Jun Li, “The coffee here isn’t bad, have a taste.”

Jun Li first sniffed the coffee, and after smelling the bitter scent of the coffee, they put the cup down with a frown.

Jun Li shook his head. “I don’t like it, it’s too bitter. Why do you like drinking such bitter drinks?”

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“But Shen Shao really likes coffee, he drinks at least three cups a day when he’s working.” Lu Shijin sighed. “See, he likes coffee and you don’t. There are so many differences between the two of you, how can you be sure that Shen Shao’s the best suited for you?”

“Really? Mr. Shen likes this drink?”

Jun Li frowned and stared at the coffee in front of them. Finally, they stopped frowning and seemed to have made up their mind, gulping down the drink to experience it.

Although they weren’t used to the bitterness, they forced themself to try it and get used to it because Shen Shao liked it.

After swallowing, the merperson said seriously, “I’ll try to like everything that Mr. Shen likes.”

“. . .” Lu Shijin felt his eye twitch and laughed dryly, quietly grumbling, “Love really makes people blind.”

Jun Li sat very properly, their hands flat on their thighs. They seemed like a student who was obediently listening to the teacher.

“Mr. Lu, is there a reason you called me out?”

“I just wanted to ask you how it’s going with Shen Shao.” Lu Shijin took a sip of coffee, his mind turning.

Since the merperson was so in love with Shen Shao, he couldn’t get the two of them apart easily, so he should probably try from Shen Shao’s side.

Jun Li’s smile seemed as sweet as honey. “Great, Mr. Shen treats me really well. He doesn’t mind that I went to him so suddenly, and is even willing to let me live with him.”

Lu Shijin sneered. Of course, he knows that you’re a merperson, and he’s just waiting for you to suggest being his lab rat. How could he treat you badly?

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