Actual Fairytale – Picking up a Mermaid! (3)

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“Mr. Shen knows that I like water, so he got a swimming pool so that I can swim everyday. Also, he knows that I like ice cream, so he bought a bunch of different flavors for me. He even reads to me everyday, he’s really so gentle, I’m so happy to be with him~” The merperson seemed like a different person when they were talking about Shen Shao, chattering non-stop.

Lu Shijin didn’t really care about that and suddenly interrupted them. “Jun Li, you don’t seem very old, is there anyone in your family?”

Jun Li paused and seemed to have thought of something scary, their face becoming pale.

“Yeah,.” The merperson said quietly, “I have an older brother.”

“Then does he know that you came out here?”

Jun Li shook his head and said anxiously, “He doesn’t. If he does, he definitely wouldn’t allow me to be with Mr. Shen. Also, my brother’s really overbearing and strong, if he knows that I’m here, he’s definitely going to get people to bring me back!”

Lu Shijin sighed. “You’ve only known Shen Shao for such a short time, but you’re willing to face your brother’s anger for him? Will you abandon your family for love?”

“Why can’t I have both?”

Jun Li’s eyes reddened. Their hormones made them very sensitive. It’s not that they didn’t care about their brother, but rather that they cared about Shen Shao more.

There was nothing wrong with love, but their brother just had to prevent marriage between merpeople and humans.

If they chose to return to the ocean, then they would lose their love.

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If they chose to stay with Shen Shao, then they would be a traitor to their nation and lose the right to return to the ocean.

Jun Li stood up and bowed towards Lu Shijin, apologizing, “Sorry, Mr. Lu, I feel really complicated right now, so I want to go back for now.”

Lu Shijin didn’t expect that he would make the merperson so emotional and asked with care, “Do you need me to take you back?”

“No need, I can go by myself.”

Jun Li seemed very unstable, but they repeated that Lu Shijin didn’t need to go with them, so Lu Shijin could only watch him leave with worry.

After meeting with the merperson, Lu Shijin decided to go to a nearby jewelry exhibition to pass some time.

There were many naturally formed gems there, as well as other treasures, so much that it could make people dizzy.

There were videos of each gem projected onto walls. Lu Shijin walked around for a while and noticed a video of a deep-sea pearl as large as an egg.

This pearl was sold by a mysterious person from not too long ago and bought by a famous international company at a sky-high price.

The pearl in the video was round and glittery, emitting a soft yet dazzling light. It was Lu Shijin’s first time seeing such a large pearl, so he paid more attention to it.

“Is it good?” A man’s voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Lu Shijin immediately replied, “Yup.” When he remembered to look at who spoke, he found that it was Yu Jun.

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Although, different from the embarrassing sight of being in fishing nets, Yu Jun was dressed elegantly in a suit, seeming just like someone of the upper class.

“You again?” Lu Shijin paused, feeling like saying that was quite rude, and added, “I mean, what a coincidence, we meet again?”

Yu Jun didn’t look at him and kept his eyes on the pearl being projected.

“Do you like it?”

“Huh? You’re asking me?” Lu Shijin thought about it, “It’s okay. I just feel that it’s very unique, pearls usually aren’t this big.”

Yu Jun remarked, “Is it? I have a bunch of these at home, if you like it, then I can give you one next time.”

Lu Shijin raised an eyebrow, not quite believing in what he just heard.

What audacity! Daring to say anything! Not thinking about the consequences when bragging! Is he not afraid of his tongue being in danger?

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, agreeing half heartedly, “Sure, then I’ll wait for your pearl. Remember, it needs to be the same size as an egg.”

Yu Jun actually nodded. Lu Shijin was momentarily worried that this man had lost his intelligence.

“Other than a pile of pearls the size of eggs, do you have any other things at home? Ones you can give me?”

Lu Shijin decided to trick Yu Jun.

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Yu Jun stood with his back straight, arms clasped behind his back as he said proudly, “Yes, a red coral as tall as a person, a diamond as big as a fist, and many antique jewelry and other valuables. What do you want?”

Lu Shijin found this hilarious and laughed without caring about his image, “Xiao Yu, if you’re telling a joke, then congratulations, you’ve made me laugh, hahaha. A diamond as big as a fist, why not just say that your home is a diamond mine, hahaha. You’re too funny!”

Yu Jun looked at Lu Shijin coldly, “You don’t believe me? Then you can come to my home and see for yourself.”

“Sure, where do you live?” Lu Shijin stopped laughing and asked through the tears that came from laughing too hard.

Yu Jun frowned, then suddenly turned to look at Lu Shijin, silently mouthing the words, “The sea bottom.”

Lu Shijin didn’t understand, “What did you say?”

Yu Jun smiled, “Nothing, I can’t bring you home yet.”


“Because we have a rule to only take home people we love.”

Lu Shijin was stunned, then became angry. Shit, is this kid trying to flirt with me?

“Speaking of which, Xiao Yu, why are you here? Aren’t you not going to the sea to look at your merpeople?” Lu Shijin controlled his expression and asked.

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Yu Jun calmly said, “No, it’s their mating season, so they’re especially sensitive and irritable. If I meet one, I’ll probably be attacked.”

“I see.” Lu Shijin secretly celebrated the fact that he didn’t continue searching for the merpeople’s king. If he accidentally went into their territory,  wouldn’t he be captured to be a birthing machine? It was scary to even think about.

“Are you still looking for the merpeople’s king?” Yu Jun asked.

Lu Shijin answered truthfully. “No, I can’t even find a single scale of his. Hey, do you think that the merpeople’s king knows how ugly he is, so he stays at the bottom of the sea to not scary anyone?”

Yu Jun’s expression became dark, but quickly returned to normal.

“You’re very interesting. If the merpeople’s king saw you, I think he would like you a lot.” Yu Jun’s tone seemed a bit dark.

Lu Shijin said happily, “Really? Then the merpeople’s king must have taste. If I ever see him, I’ll definitely invite him out for a meal and worship him.”

Heh, who doesn’t know how to brag. Since you bragged about your house being a diamond mine, then it shouldn’t be anything if I say that I’m friends with the merpeople’s king.

“I hope you don’t change your mind in front of the merpeople’s king.” Yu Jun said with a smile.

Lu Shijin shrugged, not nervous at all.

Even if the merpeople king came ashore, it would be to find his sibling, not him. It would be even less likely for him to look for him to give birth to offspring, so what was there to be scared off?

Heh, being a braggart once feels good once, always being a braggart means always feeling good.

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