Actual Fairytale – Picking up a Mermaid! (4)

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It was soon time for the exhibition to close. People slowly trickled out and Lu Shijin also prepared to leave, saying goodbye to Yu Jun.

“I’m done looking around, do you want to keep looking?”

“No, there’s nothing impressive here.”

This man always spoke so arrogantly, but his noble temperament made it seem like a given.

If someone else were to speak like this toward Lu Shijin, he would probably beat them to the ground to teach them how to be polite.

But for some reason, he didn’t feel dislike towards Yu Jun, and instead felt like he was interesting.

Lu Shijin smiled kindly. “It can be considered fate for us to meet today, why don’t we exchange contacts?”

Although Yu Jun spoke a bit rudely, he was still researching merpeople, so he might be useful in the future, which is why Lu Shijin decided to get his contacts.

“Sure.” Surprisingly, Yu Jun agreed straightforwardly.

Yu Jun raised his wrist and tapped on it to open his personal terminal.

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But he was clearly unused to it and spent a long time figuring out how to get to the page for adding contacts.

“Here, let me.” Lu Shijin opened his own terminal. “What’s your number?”

Yu Jun looked down, like he was trying to think of something. Lu Shijin didn’t hear Yu Jun say anything and looked at him strangely. “No way, can you not even remember your number?”

Yu Jun’s expression was a bit off. “Can I not?”

“. . . Are you human?”

The personal terminal number was the most basic personal identification. All numbers were unique.

It would be okay to not remember his phone number, but to not remember an identification number was very unexpected.

Yu Jun kept his head down, saying nothing. It was like he had something against his terminal, needing to find his number.

Lu Shijin really couldn’t take it anymore and stopped Yu Jun, pointing at the bottom right corner.

“Do you see this? This is your personal terminal number, where were you clicking?”

Yu Jun immediately withdrew his hand, like he had been burnt, his expression appearing offended.

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“Don’t touch me.”

Lu Shijin was rendered speechless. He was clearly trying to help, but was instead spurned, “Do you think I wanted to touch you? Isn’t it all because you couldn’t find your number? Wait.” Lu Shijin frowned, seeming to have realized something, and laughed angrily. “You don’t even want to give me your contacts, right? Are you playing with me?”

“No, I’m just not very familiar with this thing.” Yu Jun calmly responded.

Lu Shijin naturally didn’t believe him. Personal terminals were like phones, and even toddlers knew how to use them. How could an adult not be familiar with them?

Wasn’t this clearly a bluff? Lu Shijin couldn’t believe that he wholeheartedly accompanied Yu Jun for so long.

Lu Shijin didn’t want to deal with Yu Jun anymore and left after sneering.

“Wait.” Yu Jun followed him, “Are we not exchanging contacts?”

Lu Shijin responded angrily, “Fuck you, do you think it was fun to fool me?”

Yu Jun frowned, seeming to be unable to accept Lu Shijin’s worlds, “Why are your words so coarse?”

“I have even worse ones, do you want to hear?” Lu Shijin glared at Yu Jun, then called him crazy and left.

Lu Shijin was just about to go to the parking lot when someone grabbed him again.

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It was Yu Jun again.

“What are you doing? Let go. Are you crazy?” Lu Shijin shook but couldn’t get rid of Yu Jun’s grasp and got angrier and angrier. “I don’t have time to deal with you, if you don’t let go, I’m calling security!”

Yu Jun didn’t let go and put his wrist in front of Lu Shijin, urging, “Add me.”

Lu Shijin felt his eye twitch: …

Does this person actually have problems? Immense ones at that?

Not only delusional and narcissistic, but also paranoid?

Could he be an escapee from an asylum?

I can’t deal with that, what should I do if he really is crazy?!

“Here, how about this?” Lu Shijin put on a very serious expression, “Why don’t you find someone else to bother? Just treat it as me being scared of you.”

Yu Jun waved his wrist in front of Lu Shijin and repeated with more emphasis. “Add me.”

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Lu Shijin wiped at the cold sweat on his head and conceded, “Fine, I’ll add you, I’ll add you, okay? Just let go of me first!”

Yu Jun let go of him and Lu Shijin quickly tapped a couple times on his wrist, extending a friend request to Yu Jun.

“It’s done, can I go now?” Lu Shijin was regretting not checking his horoscope today and met with such a crazy person.

“Now that we’re added, how do I talk to you?” Yu Jun still couldn’t understand it after looking at what Lu Shijin did.

Lu Shijin slowly modeled for him the actions required. “You click this, then this, and then you can call me. This one here is for video calling, understand?”

Yu Jun nodded with satisfaction. “Yes, I understand.”

Lu Shijin shook his head, not having the energy to even sigh, “That’s good, then, ‘bye.”

Yu Jun smiled. “See you.”

Lu Shijin turned to leave. See you never, I’m deleting you as soon as I get home!

But before Lu Shijin could do so, he received a call from Shen Shao and forgot about deleting the contact.

It was the first time Shen Shao had first contacted his friend.

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