The Devourer

Chapter 1

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A young man about 18-20 years old slowly opened his eyes and what he saw was nothing but white space. Then he slowly sat up and looked around him only to realise everything around him was white with no living beings.

[you are finally awake, host] the young man was startled because he felt the voice he heard was directly transmitted into his mind. He tried his best to calm down, then he tried to feel his body only to realise that he no longer had one. He realised that he was in a transparent and almost completely invisible state.

[Host died in an accident while you tried to save a middle school girl] once again the voice was heard in his mind. He looked around to see if there is anyone, but sadly he couldn't find anyone.

"I see , So I really did die after all. So who are you and where am I ?"

. . . . . . .

This young man's name is Ling Tian. Although his name sounds domineering, Ling Tian was an average person who was slightly handsome , who lived an average life. He was an orphan and was raised by an orphanage till he was 15 years old. Ling Tian had dreamed of university life and having a girlfriend, so he put a lot of effort into studying so that he could get into a good university. All for the sake of living a beautiful university life and get a girlfriend, at least that was the plan.

But of course, things don't always go according to plan. Ling Tian had just completed his admission process at a good university and was returning to his apartment to prepare for the freshman's welcoming ceremony the day after tomorrow. But Ling Tian was met with an accident while he saved a middle school student. Ling Tian died before he could even attend a class of the university he joined, denying him the university life he dreamed of.

. . . . . . .

[Answering the host, I am a fragment of the previous consciousness of the Void Origin System. As for where the host is, it is a special dimension created by the system to select a new candidate that fits requirements for becoming the host of the Void Origin System ] Ling Tian was confused, at the same time understanding his current situation. Ling Tian became excited at the thought of reincarnating into a world, where he can wield super powers and fly in the skies like the Immortals in legends.

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Ling Tian suddenly realized what the entity said about itself, pulling him out of his imaginations. So Ling Tian asked "Hey , what did you mean by 'Previous Consciousness' , are you telling me you are not the system."

[What host said is right and wrong at same time. I am only a fragment of the previous consciousness of the system that has remained to direct the host to reincarnate successfully. I will disappear after the task I have is completed.]

"Then what about the system now, does it not have a consciousness ? "

[Void Origin System now has a new consciousness that is at its developing stage.]

"I understand, so when am I going to reincarnate into a different world ? " When Ling Tian asked this, he had a bit of yearning in his voice.

[Host don't have to be in such a hurry. But before reincarnating, host has three wishes that can be granted , so it can help you in the world you will be reincarnating into.]

Ling Tian was shocked to hear this , then he realized something and asked "Is this the task of yours, you talked about."

[Yes host. Now you can state any three wishes, may it be talent, skills, bloodlines and such. Of course there are limitations as well.]

'I see, so any three wishes huh.' Ling Tian pondered about what he should use the three wishes for, as it might decide how he will live in the world he will be reincarnating. Ling Tian suddenly thought of something that even he found it ridiculous. Ling Tian couldn't suppress his curiosity as he asked the consciousness fragment with not much hope.

"Then ..... Can I have.... The abilities and bloodlines in anime ? "

[Yes host , that is possible.]

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When Ling Tian heard the reply of the consciousness fragment, Ling Tian was stunned for a moment before laughing wildly with joy that couldn't be contained. "Then for my first wish, make my left eye the Rinnegan and my right eye the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, just like Sasuke's."

[Your first wish can be granted. But, since the potential of the two eye powers host has wished for is almost unlimited, host will only get the basic ability of the two eye powers. Host will have to upgrade the eye powers with void points in the future. Does host still want the wish to be granted ?]

"Yes" Ling Tian answered almost instantly without hesitation.

[Your first wish has been granted, host.]

"So, what is void point and how do I get it ? Do I have to do some quests or something." Although Ling Tian was a bit disappointed, he was still happy about the fact that he is able to possess the eye powers he always dreamed of.

[Host, a void point is a form of currency that host can use to exchange for items, skills etc., with the Void Origin System.] the consciousness fragment stopped for a moment before continuing [Host can obtain void points by completing quests. Host can also obtain void points by killing powerful foes.]

'In the end, I have to kill in the other world after all.' Ling Tian just sighed with distress.

"As for my second wish, give me Saiyan bloodline." As Ling Tian said his second wish, the distress he felt completely disappeared . Instead, he was filled with extreme excitement. After all in animes , Saiyans are known to have unlimited potential and very fast growing in strength.

[Your second wish has been granted. Now host may state his third and final wish.]

"You said before that there was no need to hurry, now you are rushing me to make my wish."

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[There was no such intention, host.]

"Is that so ? "

[Yes it is.]

"By the way, will I be able to transform into a super Saiyan ? "

[Yes, if host can fulfil the requirements.]

"Will I turn into a great ape Saiyan?"

[It will depend on the what kind of situation the host is in , on a full moon night.]

"Does that mean I will not become a great ape Saiyan if I'm not in a tight situation."

[Yes. Host is correct.]

" Now then, as for my third wish" Ling Tian stopped here and thought for a bit about what would be a good thing to wish.

'Hmm, what should I wish for, I already have an overwhelming advantage. Now that I think about it, usually in novels most of the protagonists reincarnate in a dead body or a fatally injured body. That's it!'

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" give me immortality with highest talent in everything."

[sorry host , that wish cannot be granted. it is advised that host ask for a wish not too high in standard.]

"okay then , My third wish is, give me as many senzu beans as possible."

[Host, the senzu bean is a heaven defying healing object. At my current circumstances I can give host four senzu beans at maximum.]

"Only four?"

[Yes, only four.] when Ling Tian heard that, he was a bit disappointed . But Ling Tian knew that he shouldn't be too greedy, as having four senzu beans is equal to having four extra lives.

"Ok then, four it is." Ling Tian repied

[Host's final wish has been granted and now host shall be reincarnated into a different world. Please be prepared and a happy new life.]

"Ah, wait I still ha-" Before Ling Tian could finish what he was going to ask, a white flash blinded him and Ling Tian disappeared from the place with only the consciousness fragment remaining.

[Ling Tian is it, I hope you can make the previous host's last wish a reality.] the consciousness fragment muttered. The space started to crumble as the consciousness fragment slowly dissipated into nothingness.

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