The Devourer

Chapter 2

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Divine Water Continent, Country of Emperor Shi Rongtian, to the west side was Black Wind forest which was filled with terrifying monster beasts. Cultivators usually come here look for valuable spiritual herbs or to hunt high level monster beasts for cultivation materials. But there are countless cultivators who had forever slept in the forest because of low strength.

At a certain place inside the Black Wind forest, there was so much blood on the ground that it almost became a pool of blood. At this place , on the ground laid a youth who looked less than 15 years in age and was dressed in ragged clothes with blood on it. At this time the right hand of the youth moved as he slowly opened his eyes. The youth eagerly looked around him.

"Where am I? Is this the world I reincarnated?"

He slowly stood up, look around his surrounding environment and a towering tree covered in black mist appeared in his vision. He was completely confused looking at the huge towering trees.


He suddenly felt an immense pain in his head as he held his head and rolled on the bloody ground, one scene after another flashed in his mind. After a few minutes, he stopped squirming around and forced a smile on his bloodied face.

"Spirit Advent Sect , Spirit Alchemy Peak... Ling Tian, an outer court disciple at Spirit Advent Sect, hehe, So this is my identity in this world."

Ling Tian now confirmed that all he experienced after his death on Earth was real. The world Ling Tian is reborn is called Heavens Fall World and the name of his new body is 'Ling Tian' which was the same name as his, back on Earth. Don't see the peculiar domineering name of this guy, because this guy is a one hundred percent loser.

He was a loser in cultivating. He didn't have any cultivation talent, because he only had a low rank mortal grade spirit root . As for what a spirit root is, It is something that is necessary for a mortal to become a cultivator so he can draw in spirit energy from the surrounding and use it for cultivation. The grade of one's spirit root determines the speed of breakthroughs in one's cultivation.

According to the memories of 'Ling Tian' , there are different realms in cultivation. They are Body Refinement Realm, Spirit Refinement Realm, Foundation Establishment Realm, Mortal Core Realm, Earth Core Realm and Heaven Core Realm. Each cultivation realm has 10 different levels, after a cultivator breakthrough the 10 levels of a realm then the cultivator will be able to advance to the next realm of cultivation.

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As for 'Ling Tian' , he had the lowest grade spirit root and its influence on his cultivation was quite visible. While other disciples of his age have an average cultivation of 7th level Body Refinement Realm, 'Ling Tian' was still stuck at the 2nd level of Body Refinement Realm.

'Ling Tian' had come to the Black wind forest in order to find some spiritual herbs which could help him advance his cultivation realm , so that he wouldn't fall too far behind with other disciples of similar age. But sadly he got caught up in a fight between two high level monster beasts and lost his life within seconds after the fight started.

As Ling Tian saw through the memories in his mind, he felt extreme sympathy for the previous owner of his body because he had truly lived a miserable life without achieving anything .

While Ling Tian was mourning for the previous owner of his body, a metallic, emotionless voice transmitted in his head.

[ding! System initializing...9%...22%...73%...100%]

[ding! Does host want to finalise the setup of the Void Origin System. Y/N?]

Ling Tian was startled, but immediately replied "yes".

[ding! Loading the Void Origin System ]

[ 1% ]


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After about forty minutes.

[ 99%....100%]

[ding! Void Origin System is now launching ]

[Displaying host's data]

Name :- Ling Tian

Race :- Saiyan

Bloodline :- Saiyan

Bloodline level :- 1

Energy Cultivation level :- Body Refinement 2nd level

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Soul level :- Advanced Stage White Soul

Body level :- Initial Mortal lv. 2

Numerical Stats.. .

STR :- 18

AGI :- 21

INT. :- 108

VIT :- 14

Special Powers :- Rinnegan - lv.1, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - lv.1


"This is my stats huh" Ling Tian was quite pleased when he saw his stats shown by the system. After a bit, he realized that nothing about the senzu beans were shown on the display screen.

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"System, what about my senzu beans? How do I get them?"

[Host just need to think about getting the senzu beans and they will be in your palm ]

Ling Tian tried out according to what the system told him. Four small green coloured beans appeared in his right palm. Ling Tian was sure that the small beans are definitely senzu beans. ' I really did reincarnate. With the system I will become supreme in this world. Hahaha!'

[ding! Final test for the host by the system has been initiated ]

[ding! Special Powers will be sealed ]

[ding! System will now be going offline. ]

[ding! System will not be available to host, till host reaches the 1st level of Spirit Refinement Realm.]

[Good luck host]

" Eh?"

Ling stood there dumb before understanding what just happened. Yes, the system had basically abandoned him and he will have to fend for himself in this unfamiliar new world.

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