The Devourer

Chapter 102

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After the eight cultivators were slaughtered, their divine souls survived and tried to escape. But, would Ling Tian let them escape?

Ling Tian extended his hand and a suction force was generated from the middle of his palm that sucked in the eight divine souls and Ling Tian destroyed their consciousness and condensed the soul essence.

Ling Tian then retrieved thousands of beast souls that he collected during the massacre of the thousands of Monster beasts and also Lin Chenghong's soul essence that he had kept and condensed it all into an azure orb.

Artoria, who was in the purplish black seal on Ling Tian's hand was startled by the amount of soul essence contained in that azure orb. She wondered what use Ling Tian has for such a thing.

Ling Tian took out a blue crystal like katana from his Soul Storage Space.

This was the Dragon Subduing Blade!

Artoria was surprised when she saw saw the Dragon Subduing Blade. She could sense that, this blue sword was at the same rank and grade as her, albeit 6 levels lower than her. She felt irritated when she saw her Master hold a sword other than her.

But she didn't say anything as she didn't want to make it sound like she is doubting her Master's actions and judgements.

' You finally brought me out of that place.' Said the Dragon Sword Spirit in Ling Tian's mind.

' You speak like it's been years! It's been only a fu*king day, you know?' Ling Tian couldn't help but say. He was kind of attached to this sword since its his very first spirit weapon.

The Dragon Sword Spirit was also his only male companion so far. He is surrounded by many women, but men hardly ever talk to him.

' I got something for you.' Ling Tian said as he infused the azure orb into the Dragon Subduing Blade.

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' This is... What's with this amount of soul essence?! Where did you even get them?!' The Dragon Sword Spirit couldn't help but ask in shock.

' Just consume them and increase your spirituality. If not, you won't amount to much to me.' Ling Tian said in a leisurely tone.

' Fine. I'll probably be in slumber for a few months after consuming all this Soul essence, so I need to remind you something.' The Dragon Sword Spirit said.

' What is it?' Ling Tian asked.

' It's a sheath! Make me a damn sheath!' After saying that, the Dragon Sword Spirit went silent.

" .... I intended to make them though when I get some free time..." Ling Tian muttered under his breath.

Ling Tian then walked up to Virgo and quite surprisingly, she still had her eyes closed just like Ling Tian had told her.

Ling Tian wondered if he should pull a prank on her, but stopped.

" Hey Virgo, you can open your eyes now." Ling Tian said as he tapped Virgo's shoulder.

Virgo opened her eyes and was slightly surprised when she saw how close Ling Tian's face was to her, but that surprise only lasted for a moment before she retained her emotionless expression.

" Are you unhurt, Master?" Virgo asked.

" Did you want me to get hurt?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

" That was not my intention." Virgo answered.

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Ling Tian sighed and patted her head and said, " You could show more reactions, you know?"

" I'll try." Virgo answered.

Ling Tian then felt that the barrier around this place was crumbling apart and dissipating. He sensed that Esdeath was also done with her fight with the monster beasts.

Ling Tian called out to Artoria and said, ' Artoria. Can you come out for a bit and also wear some casual clothes.'

' Yes, Master!' Artoria replied.

Ling Tian's right hand shined and a light rushed out and in front of Ling Tian and Virgo stood.... Artoria!

She was now wearing a knee-length purplish-blue pencil skirt and a white shirt with a light brown overcoat, with a pantyhose and some high heels.

" You got some fashion sense, Artoria." Ling Tian told her. Ling Tian was surprised by her outfit. He thought for sure that she will wear a full on armour and helmet.

" Of course, Master." Artoria said with a hint of pride, " After all, a King knows how to dress for the occasion."

" .... " Ling Tian remembered how she looked like when she first appeared before him and thought, ' I doubt that.'

He didn't say this out loud, since that would only be looking for trouble.

Ling Tian then introduced Artoria to Virgo and said how she is his soul bound Artifact and all that. Virgo simply listened to Ling Tian without asking him anything.

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Artoria didn't talk much and also had a frown on her face, indicating that she is in a bad mood.

During this time, Ling Tian didn't really talk that much to Artoria which made her feel like he was ignoring her. She felt sad and confusion as well. She didn't understand why she wanted her Master's attention so much and this gloomy feeling increased when Ling Tian was talking with Virgo and occasionally teasing her.

Earlier when Ling Tian gave the largely condensed soul essence to the Dragon Sword Spirit, she was feeling irritated. That amount of soul essence could be of use to her as well, but her Master gave it to some lowly Sword that is obviously weaker than her.

She of course wouldn't be able to keep her pride if Ling Tian brings out the Blood Slaughter Sword and that was also why Ling Tian didn't use it, even though the eight cultivators blood was sort of useful to it.

Ling Tian had something else in mind for Artoria, that was way more valuable than mere soul essence.

" Master. Why did you call me out then?" Artoria asked while hiding her displeasure.

" Uhhh....." Ling Tian was of course able to sense this, given his Nature Sense. He didn't understand why Artoria was in a bad mood.

" Well, you see..."

" Cough Cough Cough...!!" Ling Tian suddenly started coughing up blood which startled both Artoria and Virgo.

" Master!!" Artoria and Virgo called out in alarm and worry.

Ling Tian, however didn't pay any attention to it and activated his Copy-Wheel eyes and looked at his chest.

In an instant, millions of scenes were analysed in his mind.

This was the power of Causality Perception. He analysed all the causes and effects with his heart as the focal point and deduced thousands of millions of results in his mind.

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Ling Tian found out the problem instantly.

It was the imbalance between his Evil Core and Nature Core in the dimension within his heart.

Because of all the killing he has done, the power of the Evil Core has increased dramatically and now surpassed that of Nature Core and is now overpowering it. This struggle between two mysterious powers are causing major damage to Ling Tian's body, despite how strong Ling Tian's body is right now.

" *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* "

Ling Tian was breathing very hard while trying his best to restrain his unstable energy.

After concentrating for a bit, he was able to calm down these two forces within him.


A notification from the system appeared in his mind.

[Ding! Quest triggered.

Task:- Save Esdeath from being captured by the First Prince of Ice Phoenix Empire.

Time Limit:- 20 minutes.

Reward:- Hyperbolic Time Chamber(x1), Random System Function(x1).

Penalty:- sealing of Samsara eyes for three hundred years. ]

" Okay! Who the fu*k dares?!"

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