The Devourer

Chapter 101

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Ling Tian was very angry right now. But he controlled himself and analysed the entire situation.

From his observations, Ling Tian found out that there was a barrier around this entire forest that made it impossible for the experts of the Ice Phoenix Empire to sense what was going on here.

From the looks of it, the opposition aren't targeting anyone, but rather they were doing something in secrecy in this place and the group of disciples had somehow managed to bypass the barrier.

This made the opposition wanting to kill any and all witnesses even if they don't know what is going on here.

Ling Tian used his soul sense and found what the opposition were after.

It was... a lightning soul.

A blood attribute Lightning Soul! And a very high ranked one!

A Lightning Soul is born only once in 10,000 years and in order for it to mature to the level of this blood attribute lightning soul, it must have took at least a million years at the minimum, absorbing blood energy from the world.

Ling Tian has no use for this lightning soul since he already has a Lightning Source. But that doesn't mean it isn't useful for others. This is considered a heavenly natural treasure, even in God's Realm. A lightning soul has unlimited potential for growth and if left alone, it can turn into an Elemental, just like little blue.

' These fu*kers must have used their cultivation base to knock out all the disciples. Since Virgo and Esdeath have high-level bloodlines with 100% purity, these fu*ker's pressure didn't really mean anything to them.' Ling Tian thought.

" More pests! They just keep popping up one after another! Seriously! If you had properly watched over the barrier, this wouldn't have happened!" A rather beautiful mature woman said to the man beside her in an irritated tone.

" It doesn't matter. We'll just kill them all and feed their blood to the lightning soul." Said the man with an indifferent tone.

The others also agreed with what the man said. Ling Tian frowned when he saw how these people didn't seem to care about the life of these innocent disciples who were simply on their way to their destination.


Ling Tian's right hand shined flashed with purplish black lightning for an instant.

' How dare these insignificant ants look down on my master?! Master, let me bestow judgement on them!' Artoria transmitted in Ling Tian's mind.

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' Don't bother with dead people, my dear Artoria.' Ling Tian said to Artoria.

Ling Tian felt that he made the right decision of making Althea stay inside the Azure Gravity Ring. If not, who knows what she would've done, considering her natural arrogance.

" You people seem to think you can kill me. So where are you people from?" Ling Tian asked with a smile as he walked next to Virgo.

"Nobility is not preordained by the heavens! No matter how powerful you are, you are only a little mortal cultivator before us!" one of the men spoke with a fierce look, " Accept your fate. If you want to blame anyone, blame your own bad luck!"

" Bad luck huh.... I've always had impossibly good luck, so I don't really understand what bad luck means. Would you guys mind elaborating it for me?" Ling Tian said with a leisurely smile.

" You're a very talkative junior aren't you? Since you're about to die, it doesn't matter if you know some things." The man who seemed like he is the leader of the group said with an indifferent expression.

" We're from the Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands and are here for-"

" It's that sacred lands again?!" Ling Tian exclaimed.

" I really need to pay that place a VISIT in the future." Ling Tian said with a smile that looked like a crazed smirk.

" Although you won't survive past today, do tell me why you want to pay our Sacred Lands a visit. I'm curious, little handsome junior." A woman asked with a flirtatious smile on her face.

Ling Tian didn't pay attention to the women on the opposition despite their beauty since they are already in his kill list.

Ling Tian looked at the woman who asked him the question and said with a smile, " Nothing serious really. I'll meet a few people, interact with them, sight see the place and BLOW IT THE FU*K UP!!!"

" .... " The people from Heavenly Lightning Sacred lands were shocked beyond words at hearing Ling Tian. No one could ever dare to say that they could destroy even a part of the Heavenly Sacred lands, much less destroy it.

" Cough... Sorry. I lost my composure for a second.... It's just that, right now, I'm feeling..."

" Angry." Virgo said.

" No No No! The term 'Angry' doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now!" Ling Tian said.

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Suddenly, an octopus tentacle came from underground and struck at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian easily managed to grab the tentacle.

" An Earth Kraken huh.. Not a bad beast.... For dinner that is."

Ling Tian used blue lightning and electrocuted the Earth Kraken, instantly killing it, and pulled it out of the underground with ease, much to the shock of the eight individuals from Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands.

Ling Tian's eyes flashed with a large killing intent as he stared at the eight individuals.


The eight suffered considerable damage from the killing intent Ling Tian released and couldn't stand it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ling Tian then turned towards Virgo and pat her head and said, " Close your eyes. It will be over very soon."

" Why? Why the need to kill them?" Virgo asked in a confused tone.

" They hurt you all. I don't want to lose anyone precious to me." Ling Tian said.

Then he smiled to Virgo and said.

" You know Virgo, to me, you are like a family that I never had. Well, I guess you literally are, since you're my personal maid and all. So I'll protect you forever with the best of my abilities. So.... Just trust me."

Virgo looked at Ling Tian with a serious expression while there was a hint of concern in her eyes.

Towards Virgo, it was enough for Ling Tian to have seen this gaze with a hint concern. Thus, he looked towards Virgo and smiled, preparing to move forward.

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"Master!" Just then, Virgo called out softly.

Ling Tian gradually turned, only to discover that Virgo had walked up to him. Amidst his astonished gaze, Virgo hugged Ling Tian without saying a word.

At that moment, Ling Tian felt a very mysterious feeling. It was very warming, and his heart felt very calmed. Ling Tian initially felt uneasy over the decision to kill these people as he was still feeling unwell after killing thousands of cultivators before, but now he felt at ease. He had to kill and be decisive if he wants to protect the ones he cares about.

After five seconds of time, Virgo let go of Ling Tian. Her lips curled up slightly, curving only a little bit. There was a hint of smile, but it seemed as if it was not there in the first place.

It was a smile, and while it was almost nonexistent, Ling Tian was sure that it was Virgo's happy expression!

She was very happy. That extremely faint smile would forever stay in Ling Tian's heart, hiding all the winter sunlight completely.

This smile only hardened Ling Tian's resolve to do whatever it takes to protect those close to him.

The eight people from the Heavenly Lightning Sacred lands got on their feet and now they looked at Ling Tian seriously.

Ling Tian gave it some thought before smiling at the leader of the opposition and said, "Are we having a 1-on-1 battle?"

The leader smiled, shaking his head, "Although I have the confidence to win against you, I can't afford to lose. There're many people who're still relying on me. That's why, my goal is to kill you. As for the method, I'll use whatever's the safest."

Ling Tian was stunned. 'This guy is realistic, or rather, very cunning. These kind of people who goes after results is the most terrifying of them all. It's because they can they can disregard the means and look only for their goals. As long as they can achieve their goals, they don't care about anything else.'

"Do you think that what I've said is right?" The leader chuckled and said.

"Right, very right!" Ling Tian nodded, smiled and said.

" You're the smartest and most realistic guy I've ever met in this world." Ling Tian said with a smile.

But that smile changed into a disdainful smile as he said, " But unfortunately, you're not dealing with some average guy here. In terms of strength, there is no comparison between us."

" They say 'Ants can bite an elephant to death.' So who knows." The leader said not perturbed by Ling Tian's disdain for them.

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" Indeed. But I'm no elephant..." Ling Tian said.

When the opposition heard this, a smile crept up on their face, but their faces turned ugly when they heard Ling Tian's later words.

" If anything, I am like a burning hot Sun in this world. So tell me, do ants have the hope of ever reaching upto the Sun?" Ling Tian asked.

" Don't get cocky! You're nothing but a worm that will be torn to pieces by us!" A woman said in an angry voice.

Ling Tian leisurely smiled in response, "Wow, it sounds like you are saying that I will really be torn to pieces here. Come, all at once so that I don't have to waste time cleaning up."

"Go, tear him to pieces!" The leader shouted. With that, he was the first to lunge towards Ling Tian. He wanted this merit. He refused to believe that someone so young like Ling Tian could be stronger than him. He was sure that Ling Tian must be in possession of some heaven defying treasure.

"Tear this little prick apart!" The other cultivators were not willing to fall behind. In the blink of an eye, all eight cultivators rushed towards Ling Tian!

'Watch out!' Artoria's heart was hanging on a thread. She was nervous for Ling Tian and quickly warned him.

Ling Tian didn't bat an eye in the face of this assault. He stood still in place, giving the feeling that he was too scared to move.

' Have some confidence in me, will you my dear Artoria? I may not look like it, but currently, I'm the strongest being in the Heaven's Fall World.' Ling Tian said to Artoria in order to relieve her worry.

As a blade was inches from slitting his neck, Ling Tian suddenly lifted his hand.


In a split second, time seemed to have stopped and space was frozen. All the murderous cultivators became motionless.

But it didn't end there. While time was halted, one could hear sounds of metal being smashed and shattered. Both the cultivators and their weapons were decimated in the blink of an eye.

Silence quickly ensued. Even Artoria who is in Ling Tian's hand didn't see how Ling Tian did it. She only saw him raise his hand, then all eight cultivators were slaughtered.

"Too weak, I thought you all could have struggled a bit more." Ling Tian slightly shook his head while looking at the bloody carnage with a regretful expression.

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