The Devourer

Chapter 100

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Back at the Thunder ruined Lands.

Although Ling Tian was kind of bothered by the fact that Althea and Artoria don't get along and fight the instant he takes his eyes off them, he was still feeling that he was very lucky(again forgetting his abnormally high luck) to have these two very beautiful women by his side and probably, they'll be with him for a very long time.

Althea had changed into set of dark blue clothes which was extremely similar to a kimono reaching to her feet with a red armour on her upper body. With the combination of her Scarlet hair, she looked very beautiful, but as a Dragon, she seemed unaware of her own overwhelming beauty.

Ling Tian had then said that, after he does a few things, he will go to Althea's tribe and help them. With that, it was as if a huge weight was lifted off Althea's shoulders. She had the confidence that Ling Tian could defeat anyone, although she has no idea of the limits of Ling Tian's strength.

During this time, Ling Tian brought out the white-eyed little girl from his Azure Gravity Ring and introduced her to Artoria and Althea.

Althea didn't seem much interested in the little girl, but Artoria kept petting the white eyed little girl, which made Ling Tian remember that, alter or not, all versions of Artoria Pendragon loved cute and adorable things.

During this time, Artoria also got to know a lot about Ling Tian and got to know how many women he is 'acquainted' with and she didn't feel good about it.

The thought of her Master having women other than her, leaves an inexplicable sour taste in her mouth. She would prefer he stay by her side.

She finds herself wishing her Master would stay, and is disappointed that she can't express this to her Master.

Learning that her Master was adored in a romantic way by other women infuriated her. That any living being is foolish enough to steal what belongs to the King of Storms is a baffling concept. She will take pleasure in ending their life.

But after getting to know of Ling Tian's naive and stupid side which was previously covered by his cold and ruthless facade, she felt helpless and had no choice but to accept with Ling Tian having other women. After all, Ling Tian is by no means a weak willed individual. Forcing him to do something he doesn't want to is pretty much impossible.

She decided that she'll take the initiative to become his first woman so that she'll be his true Queen.

Ah... What a prideful King of storms.

Ling Tian was looking at the thunder ruined land behind him and thousands of lightning essence pools.

Artoria looked at Ling Tian, then she made a decision.

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She walked towards Ling Tian and held his right wrist, which surprised him.

A purplish black light shined on Ling Tian's back wrist and a purplish black tattoo that resembles Yoru appeared on his right hand Unable to contain the excitement, Artoria hugged Ling Tian so hard and tumbled together on the ground, where his face got smothered by Artoria's big breasts.

" Umpf..."

Ling Tian was confused by this action of Artoria, but didn't think too much of it and simply continued to rub his face on her heavenly breasts, not wasting the chance he got.

Artoria of course noticed Ling Tian's actions, but didn't really reprimand him and only pushed him away as she got up.

" Cough.." Ling Tian coughed and got up as well.

' I first have to clear this place of all the Lightning essences.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian extended his right hand and violet lightning arcs swirled on his hand as it glowed with violet glow.

Artoria and Althea were startled by the aura of the violet lightning. They were sure that, this violet lightning can easily wipe them off existence.

" Hah!" Ling Tian made a shout and a sort of suction force erupted from Ling Tian's hand.

But it didn't affect anything, only Lightning. All the Lightning essence pools were attracted towards Ling Tian's hand by a terrifying suction force.

Ling Tian stored all the lightning essence in the inner world of the Azure Gravity Ring. The entirety of the Lightning essence made a very big lake in the inner world.

Ling Tian didn't store them in his Genesis World, since there is a chance of the lightning essence being refined by his Genesis World.

" Master, what was that?" Artoria asked. She felt fear because of the violet lightning that Ling Tian used, even with the Rhongomyniad, she couldn't completely disregard the fear she felt.

This was the first time, anything has ever managed to make her feel this way.

" My Lightning Source or the lightning essences?" Ling Tian asked.

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" Both..." Artoria said.

" Well, My Lightning Source is.... well, explaining it is too complicated. As for lightning essences, they are pretty useful. At least for others." Ling Tian said.

Artoria didn't demand for more answers since Ling Tian didn't wish to say it. Althea was simply looking at Ling Tian with a docile expression.

The white-eyed little girl, Bai Yun'er didn't show any reaction to all this and simply looked at Ling Tian. Even while being pet by Artoria, Bai Yun'er didn't take her eyes of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was perplexed by this little girl's character. He understood that he had somehow managed to grab this girl's interest. He had considered putting a life binding blood slave seal on the girl, but his conscience didn't allow him to do such a thing to a little girl, so he only put a soul brand on her.

Ling Tian then looked at the purplish black tattoo on his right hand and found out that it was actually a dimension rune.

" So Artoria. Where exactly did you learn how to make runes? And a dimensional rune at that." Ling Tian asked.

" Dimension rune? The seal is a one time use ability I have. From now on, Master's right hand is my home." Artoria said.

" I see... So its only a one-time use ability. And... Home?" Ling Tian asked in confusion.

Artoria didn't answer and slightly smiled. But if one looked clearly, one could see a clever glint in Artoria's light golden eyes.

Ling Tian went forward and.... groped Artoria's breasts.

Artoria was startled.

" ... Master...why...are you fondling my....breasts....?" Artoria asked in a trembling voice.

" Hmmm....that's strange. Why aren't you transforming into your sword form? Maybe a kiss is the password?" Ling Tian said in an intrigued tone.

" No master! I can transform back if you just want me to." Artoria said in a flustered manner.

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" No password?" Ling Tian asked in a disappointed tone.

" ........ " Artoria looked at her master who looked very disappointed and felt bad.

" bre-breasts....are the password...." Artoria said while gritting her teeth.

" So cool!!" Ling Tian said 'excitedly' as he continued to fondle Artoria's breasts.

Artoria couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being played.

" Why do you want me to change into the sword form, master?" Artoria asked.

" We're going to a place to loot- cough, I mean to retrieve something that belongs to me. I can't let those bastards be lucky enough to look at my beautiful Artoria, now can I?" Ling Tian asked with a smile.

" Which place is it master? We'll raze that place!! They dare to steal from you?!" Artoria said in an angry tone while feeling pleased at being called beautiful.

" Oh! It's this place called Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands!" Ling Tian said.

Artoria suddenly turned into a ray of purplish black light and went into the seal on Ling Tian's hand.

Ling Tian looked at the seal then said, " This is fine as well."

Ling Tian turned to Althea and before he could say anything, Althea glowed with a gold light and turned into a small dragon and coiled around Ling Tian's neck.

" Uhhhh...."

Ling Tian was looking at Althea who was in her dragon form in a dazed manner and said, " Althea. We need to make a password."

" Why..." Althea asked confusedly. She thought Ling Tian would praise her for doing things he wanted without him asking.


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Meanwhile, on the other side with the group of Xin Qinyue.

Almost every one were unconscious and lying on the ground. Among Xin Qinyue's group, only Virgo and Esdeath and Su Xumei were still conscious. Esdeath was still fighting with monster beasts a few distance away from where the others were, making it obvious that she had lead the horde of weaker monster beasts away from others.

The tentacles didn't move too much and now there were eight white robed people, five men and three women standing next to the tentacles while looking at the fallen disciples of various sects.

Su Xumei took out the tri pronged adamant Kunai and put the last of her spirit energy and said, " Sorry.... Please help them..."

As soon as she said it, she lost consciousness.


" Sorry.... Please help them..."

These words were transmitted in Ling Tian's mind suddenly and his expression turned very grim. He grabbed Bai Yun'er and put her in the inner world of Azure Gravity Ring.


Ling Tian vanished from the place without a trace.


The next second, Ling Tian was next to the unconscious Su Xumei.

Ling Tian checked Su Xumei and found that she was only unconscious, then he looked around and saw that the girls except for Virgo were unconscious and when he saw the pained expression on Xin Qinyue's unconscious face, he was having a hard time controlling his anger.

He sensed Esdeath fighting against a lot of monster beasts, but it seems she is not in any danger.

Ling Tian got up and walked towards Virgo, who was barely standing and he saw eight people with a decent power level (according to Ling Tian) looking at him in surprise.

" Oh please don't mind me. I'm just a passer-by. Just..." Ling Tian said with a smile while veins were bulging on his forehead like roots.

" ..... Give me some ideas on... HOW THE FU*K I SHOULD KILL YOU MOTHERFU*KERS??!!"

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