The Devourer

Chapter 99

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Ling Tian was having a nosebleed because...

In front of him was a super sexy scarlet long haired beauty. She had a curvaceous body that no women Ling Tian had ever met possessed.

It could be said that the woman ahead was a kingdom-toppling beauty. Whether it was her features or her figure, all were without complaints.

Her figure was outstanding. Ling Tian could still see her towering peaks rising and falling, full and firm. Her breasts could be described as beyond perfect. Her narrow waist could easily be embraced with one's arm — round and slender. Her pretty thighs in combination with her tall and thin figure could only be considered unparalleled.

Ling Tian had many women around him, but regarding such an alluring figure, no one could be a match for her.

She had beautiful, scarlet hair to match her proud and unrivaled figure. It gave off a very exotic appearance, creating an irresistible temptation.

However, these were not her most attractive points. The most seductive aspect about the girl before him was her golden eyes.

She had a very beautiful face with golden eyes and an innocent expression across her face. Her beautiful long scarlet hair reaches up to her knees.

She looked to be around 20-23 years old in appearance and also gave off a slightly innocent feel.

In terms of sexual temptation, even Yan Zuqing who Ling Tian thought to have the most alluring body figure, pales in comparison to this scarlet haired woman.

If anyone could surpass this woman's beauty, then it was..... The white haired woman sealed in the Ice Coffin.

But Ling Tian found it hard to believe that, this insanely beautiful woman is.... Althea!

But what made him have a nosebleed is that.....

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Althea is naked and every part of her body is visible to Ling Tian.

Those towering peaks and pretty alluring thighs were calling for Ling Tian. Ling Tian's lust was at the highest level it has ever been.

No beauty has been able to provoke his lust this much. In his Sea of consciousness, the Original Sin Spirit Root was shining with terrifying brilliance.

Even with his powerful soul, he was having a hard time controlling himself. Right when it seemed like he might just lose control of his lust, he felt a rather bizarre killing intent focused on him.

Turning back, Ling Tian saw the holy lance, Rhongomyniad was clad with multiple colours, as Artoria was staring at him and..... Althea as well, with a murderous glint in her eyes.

This sent shivers down Ling Tian's spine for some reason.

" Ngh..." Althea groaned in pain with a pleasant voice unlike in her Dragon form and fell forward and Ling Tian managed to catch her.

Ling Tian's heart pained when he saw Althea's pained expression. He immediately took out one of the three senzu beans he had left.

" Althea, eat this. Remember to chew it." Ling Tian said as he fed Althea a senzu bean.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

Althea did exactly like Ling Tian said and ate the senzu bean.

In a moment, every broken bones and injured organs of Althea was completely restored and even her stamina was restored.

Althea was shocked, so was Artoria. They couldn't believe that Althea was completely restored to her peak state, just because of a... Bean!!

" Master, what was that bean?!" Artoria asked.

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" Oh? You mean senzu bean? It's a magical bean that can help you restore yourself to your peak condition as long as you're not dead, no matter the injuries. Although it won't restore lost limbs and cure diseases." Ling Tian said.

" What?! How could you give such a precious medicine to this treacherous serpent, Master?!" Artoria asked in an angry tone.

Althea, who was being obedient towards Ling Tian couldn't take Artoria mocking her and snapped. Her innocent and docile expression turned fierce and arrogant.

" Who are you calling serpent, you lowly human?! If you want to address me, you should call me Your Highness Althea!"

" Stop dreaming! It will be the end of the world if I, the King of Storms actually call you as such!"

" You actually call yourself king with such shameless outfit?!"

" At least I have the decency to put on some clothes unlike you, you ignorant serpent!" Artoria said.

Artoria and Althea started a verbal fight which could've turned into a large scale physical fight if not for Ling Tian's presence.

' These two really don't get along, do they?' Ling Tian thought.

" Sigh...."

' Women can be such a pain sometimes. I should probably try to get less involved with more women in the future.' Ling Tian thought as he felt a headache as he spectated Althea and Artoria's verbal fight. But he didn't interfere as he was enjoying the current view in front of him.


While Ling Tian was having a 'good' view of two sexy women arguing with each other.

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Near the deadly forest in the outskirts of Ice Phoenix Empire.

Xin Qinyue's group were facing trouble now. A large group of rank 3 monster beasts had attacked them along with the other groups as well, when they stopped to rest for a while.

Esdeath was busy smashing apart monster beasts with a rapier lent to her by Yan Zuqing. While Virgo hadn't been paying attention, a dark-red object had coiled around her waist. Since she hadn't been expecting to be attacked, Virgo let out a muffled groan when she realized what was going.

It was however a good thing Esdeath was there and took care of the issue before anything could happen.

Esdeath and Virgo, although don't have a strong cultivation base, because of Ling Tian's 'miracle' food made with the rank 6 monster beast meat and his Nature Energy, their body was strong enough to rival an Earth Core Realm cultivator.

And with Esdeath's extensive experience with dealing with danger beasts from her previous world, she had advantage over these mindless beasts since only rank 5 monster beast and above have high intelligence and the ability to talk.

By the side, Yan Zuqing had used her black spear to cut apart at the two tendrils coming at her and Xin Qinyue with a burst of attacks.


While Esdeath was rushing into the horde of monster beasts with a battle crazed smile which was in a way similar to Ling Tian's when he feels excited in a battle, Lin Ke'er let loose a frightened scream.

Shining brightly with light, Esdeath unleashed a wave of wind blades towards the right and tore apart at the monster beasts there which dripped dark-red liquid from them.

Su Xumei was getting ready for battle too. She cut a few monster beasts with her thin long sword with her graceful sword skills.

As quick as they came, the monster beasts that came were quickly smashed apart and left to shrink back on the ground.

Suddenly, some tendrils emerged from the ground and attacked the group.

"What….what is this?!" Du Lingyun cried out in bewilderment. Eyeing what it was in front of him closely, he saw something as thick as his own arm and several meters long. It was shaped like the tail of a snake and was dripping red with something. Bewildered, Du Lingyun managed to find his voice a little later, "Am I seeing things right?! An octopus?!"

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He was right! The thing that had attacked everyone just now had been the tentacles of an octopus!!

There over a dozen of these tentacles with suction pads stuck all over them that looked like mouths almost. Even now, the suctions were still opening and closing!

"An octopus that….that can hide in the ground?!" A cultivator who seemed to be from a different group said, "If the tentacles are this big, just how big is the octopus itself?! did we not notice the octopus earlier?!"

Now that everyone was back together, a beautiful lady peered down towards the ground. "I didn't even sense it until it attacked. This only means its a rank 5 monster beast…."

Yan Zuqing nodded her head and said, " If it really is a rank five monster beast, then we'll have a hard time getting out of here."

The beautiful woman from earlier frowned. " You talk as if this monster beast doesn't threaten your life. When did you start to become cocky, Zuqing?"

" There's no such thing, sister Yuwei. I just have a bit more self confidence now." Yan Zuqing said with a beautiful smile as she thought about a certain black clothed Saiyan youth killing a rank 6 monster beast by simply flicking a pebble with his finger.

' If he was here, he would have made a quick work of this octopus.' Yan Zuqing thought.

The men beside the woman named Yuwei were dazed by Yan Zuqing's smile.

On the other side, Esdeath unleashed a fury of slashes at the tentacles, but it was barely putting any scratches on the shin of the tentacles. It's a pity that she doesn't have her Imperial arms anymore.

Xin Qinyue was using her sword to attack the tentacles along with the other disciples, Virgo was unable to help them with anything as she doesn't have the battle prowess and experiences like Esdeath since she used to be a support type celestial spirit.

Su Xumei took out a tri pronged adamant kunai with many markings on it.

' I'll prove that I can do things myself and not always rely on him like a useless girl.' Su Xumei had a determined expression and she kept back the adamant kunai back into her spatial ring.

Su Xumei also joined the fray and started to unleash attacks on the octopus's tentacles.

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