The Devourer

Chapter 98

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Artoria looked at Ling Tian. Ling Tian didn't know why, but he felt like going up to Artoria and tearing apart her armour that's covering every part of her body.

" So.... What should I call you?" Ling Tian asked Artoria.

" You can refer to me as Artoria, Master." Artoria said.

" I see, Artoria, huh.." Ling Tian muttered.

"Master, are you alright?" Artoria asked in a worried tone.

" Oh... I'm alright! By the way, we haven't properly introduced ourselves have we?" Ling Tian said.

" Yes." Artoria said.

"You know, I wonder if you'll ever willingly take that helmet off." Ling Tian told her, "You know, it's not very nice talking to others while covering your face, even if you're always prepared for battle."

" Does it make you uncomfortable, Master?" Artoria asked.

"Uh, just maybe. You'll scare of quite a few people if you keep that scary armoured appearance, and, your lance like you'll impale them on the spot..." Ling Tian said before stopping his speech upon feeling an dominant aura emanate from Artoria.

"Are you questioning my appearance, master?" Artoria said.

"Am I not supposed to?" Ling Tian asked in an awkward tone.

" If you insist..." Artoria muttered.

She gracefully hopped off her beloved steed, Llamrei!

Llamrei was a ferocious looking horse with black skin, red eyes and white mane.

The armour on Artoria shined and then vanished leaving behind a beautiful woman in body tight black body suit. She had pale white skin and pale blonde hair and light gold pupils, she was definitely an exceptionally gorgeous woman. She had a purplish black dragon-horn like crown on her head and she had a mantle on her shoulder with purplish black shoulder pads. Her forearms and forelegs still had the purplish black gauntlets and boots.

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Although Ling Tian wasn't really shocked by her beauty since by this point of time, he has already met a lot of beauties.... Ling Tian was still amazed by something.

But of course, Ling Tian's eyes were glued onto one part of her body. That was....

Her breasts!

' Fu*k that's huge!' Ling Tian thought.

She was very curvaceous and had a very alluring body, which was meant to provoke Ling Tian's 'Lust'.

Ling Tian's thoughts were interrupted by Artoria's voice.

" I am the king of storms! I am the remnant of the hero who wields the holy lance, Rhongomyniad!" Artoria paused then continued, " Artoria Pendragon, Lancer, at your service, master."

A kingly aura was emanating from her. Ling Tian was momentarily entranced by her peculiar charm.

Ling Tian snapped out of his daze and thought, ' Since she gave a grand introduction of herself, I should also do the same.'

' Okay, here goes nothing.'

" I am the being closest to the origin of all life, I alone possess the potential to rule over every existence! I am the sole Legendary Super Saiyan! My talents are undisputed throughout all realms!" Ling Tian said in a majestic tone and continued, " I am Rayne Ashbringer, the Prince of all Saiyans! We've met , Artoria."

' How's that?' Ling Tian thought with a cheeky smirk.

" .... "

" .... "

Althea who was a bit distance away was speechless hearing Ling Tian's words.

But, Artoria was looking at Ling Tian with a thoughtful expression.

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' Did I mess up something?' Ling Tian thought.

" Rayne Ashbringer...." Artoria murmured.

" You said something?" Ling Tian asked.

" ... It's a good name, worthy of a King's name." Artoria said as she looked at Ling Tian was a serious expression.

" King?" Ling Tian muttered in a confused tone.

" Yes. As my Master, you should have the qualities to be a magnificent king! So Master, what sort of king do you aspire to be?" Artoria asked.

" King, huh... I never had any intention of becoming a king. If there is any type of king I aspire to be, then its..." Ling Tian said with a thoughtful expression.

" it's?" Artoria asked with a bit of anticipation in her voice.

" It's... A Harem King!!" Ling Tian exclaimed with a confident smile.

The holy lance, Rhongomyniad almost fell of her hand when she heard Ling Tian's words.

" Please change your mind, master." Artoria said in a threatening tone.

Ling Tian was startled by the change in her tone.

" And..... what if I say no?" Ling Tian asked.

Artoria raised her Rhongomyniad and pointed it at Ling Tian and said, " Then I have no choice but to kill you. I don't want a 'cheating' king!"

' You already have me. That's enough!' Artoria said in her mind.

" Cheating? Well, I do admit that I have quite a few cheats. But I can't possibly throw them away? I mean, they are the core of my strength." Ling Tian said in a flabbergasted yet confused tone.

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' I don't think that's what she meant...' Althea thought in its mind at the same time its strength gave away as it slumped on the ground with a thudding sound.


The ground slightly trembled, which caught Ling Tian's attention and he turned to Althea and moved to it's side in a flash.

Ling Tian observed it's body and found that most of its bones have shattered and it's scales are cracked as well. Ling Tian felt that he was rather lucky to have the Nature Immortal Body, all of his injuries have completely healed by this point, only leaving some bloodstains on his torn clothes.

Althea only took on normal attacks of Rhongomyniad and still ended up in this condition. If Ling Tian had the same level of physical strength like Althea and took on the Noble Phantasm from Artoria, it's easy to imagine that he would be dead, unless he uses his Susanoo(Itachi's Susanoo) to defend himself.

" Why did you two fight in the first place?" Ling Tian asked.

" Because you agreed to me teaching this Dragon a lesson." Artoria said.

" Neigh!" Llamrei, the horse steed neighed in response as well.

" I what?! Why would I agree to something like beating up my own servant?!" Ling Tian asked in exasperation.

" Sigh.... Forget it." Ling Tian sighed in a tired voice and then turned to Althea, who was trying it's best not to groan in pain.

Ling Tian had to admit, Dragons are abnormally prideful. Though, Saiyans couldn't be considered any lower Dragons when it comes to pride.

" You really are a novice at battle, aren't you? I really wonder how you survived all this time." Ling Tian asked.

" .... "

" Can't you change your size? You could have decreased your mass in order to increase your speed, since your strength doesn't really decrease just because your body size is smaller." Ling Tian said.

" This all wouldn't have happened if you hadn't acted in an ungrateful manner." Ling Tian said.

" .... I'm sorry... I just wanted to go and save my tribe as soon as possible, now that I have the power..." Althea said in a pained yet sad tone.

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Ling Tian became silent for a moment then started to heal Althea using his Nature Energy.

" ....Why....?" Althea asked in confusion.

" Did you forget? You're my battle beast, my partner and of course, my servant. I don't want an injured servant. So I'm simply healing you." Ling Tian said.

" .... " Althea didn't say anything as it knew that Ling Tian was only making up a reason to heal it.

" ..... You could have told me the reason you wanted to go for and you wouldn't have got all this unnecessary beating from Artoria." Ling Tian said in an empathizing tone.

" .... Sorry.." Althea muttered.

Ling Tian raised his eyes in surprise as he felt that Althea was being submissive to him now.

" By the way, don't you have a humanoid form, now that you're a True Dragon?" Ling Tian asked.

" Yes.." Althea said in affirmation.

" Then why are you still in your Dragon form? You think I'm comfortable with carrying around a giant ass Dragon everywhere?! Transform into your human form!! Right now!!" Ling Tian yelled.

" Yes!..." Althea said a bit startled.


A bright golden light glowed on Althea's body as its 1300 meters length body started to shrink, while the light blinded the sight of Ling Tian and Artoria.

After a few seconds, the light faded, a scarlet haired humanoid feminine figure was standing there in place of Althea.

*Drip* *Drip*

The moment Ling Tian laid eyes on this female, blood started dripping from his nose, despite his adaptability to extremely beautiful women.

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