The Devourer

Chapter 97

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Ling Tian was staring at the fully armoured woman who proclaimed herself to be Lancer Artoria with his mouth wide open.

' System!!!!!' Ling Tian yelled in his mind.

[ Ding! Analysing....

Name :- Artoria Pendragon(Lancer)/ Yoru.

Affiliation :- Lancer-class Servant / Spirit Sword.

Race :- Sword Celestial

Bloodline :- Sword Celestial.

Bloodline level :- 40

Bloodline Attributes :- Light, Darkness, Fire, Temporal Force.

Bloodline Perks :- Superior Physical Body, Enhanced Destructive Power, Humanoid Weapon.

Sword Celestial Spiritual level :- 10 star Top Grade Spirit Rank.

Body level :- Ascended Mortal lv.10

Numerical Stats.. .

Strength :- 10,320

Agility :- 4,702

Intelligence :- 328

Charm :- 182

Luck :- 191

Constitution :- 12,357,000

Spirituality :- 12,350,345,000

Spirit Energy :- 120,010,160,000

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Special Powers/Skills :-

1. Double Body - lv.max

Talents :-

1. Spirit Energy Resistance - lv.30

2. Riding - lv.15

3. Spear Forte - lv.18

Persona Growth Skills :-

1. Rhongomyniad - lv.25

2. World Destruction Flames - lv.5

3. World Purification Flames - lv.5

Battle Skills :-

1. Energy Burst - lv.10

2. Blessings From The Ends Of The World - lv.15

3. Dragon Spirit Form - lv.5

4. Fire Spirit Form - lv.2

Soul Bound to Rayne Ashbringer.]

" .... " Ling Tian was stunned speechless.

" Master, do you want me to crush this dragon?" Artoria asked Ling Tian.

Ling Tian unconsciously nodded as he was still focused at the status displayed by the system in his mind.

Artoria(Lancer Alter) then turned towards Althea and an earth shattering battle began, but Ling Tian was oblivious to it.

The white-eyed little girl arrived next to Ling Tian in order to avoid get blown away from the shockwaves created by the fight between Artoria and Althea.

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Meanwhile, Ling Tian had full attention on his mindscape.

' You better explain this to me, System!' Ling Tian said.

[The black dragon armoured woman is the other form of host's Soul bound Artifact, Yoru.]

' I can see that, you trouble maker system!! What I meant is, why is Lancer alter, Yoru?! What kind of race is Sword Celestial in the first place?' Ling Tian asked in an irritated tone.

[ ... If System is being honest....., host is really unworthy of Devil God's wisdom.]

' What do you mean by that?'

[ It should be obvious by this point of time that, whatever given to host by the system has 50% chance of being randomly modified by the system. This doesn't apply to the things that host buy from System store.]

' you mean Yoru was Artoria from the very start when you gave it to me, even before I upgraded it? '


' But, No matter how I look at it, this is too good to be random. I mean-'

[Host is forgetting about his luck stat which is at an impossible level.]

' .... '

' What's with that race of her? This is the second race I'm unable to recognize, even with the all knowing knowledge of Devil God! You sure you're not trying to create new races, system?' Ling Tian said as he remembered about the Nine Tails' race, which he has no knowledge about as well.

[ Those races of course existed at one point. But it has been extinct for countless millenniums.]

' I see..'

Ling Tian then proceeded to observe Artoria (Lancer Alter) status and was quite impressed by the stats. She can be considered a sword-human. As when she is technically both sword and human. She has no cultivation level but a spirituality level.

While Ling Tian was having his conversation with the System, oblivious to the situation around him.


A purple-black light pillar broke through the clouds before waves of powerful pressure covered the place. The entire land seemed to have trembled at this moment.

Althea's eyes shrunk slightly as it stared at Artoria's shocking aura. Following which, it's expression involuntarily changed. Although they both had pretty much the same level of strength, it felt an extremely dangerous sensation from the latter.

After Ling Tian had upgraded Artoria while unaware of her existence, her powers had reached the peak of this world. After ascending to become a True Dragon, Althea's power is also at the limit of this world. But what made Althea be wary of Artoria is..... Rhongomyniad, the holy lance!

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Although it felt endangered, Althea was no ordinary pushover either. Given the current circumstances, it knew that it had no choice but to fight. Moreover, it also possessed some confidence in it's own strength.

With arrogance and overconfidence, the eyes of Althea shined with golden light.

" Since you stand in my way, don't blame me for being a bit forceful!"

Althea cried out in a cold voice. It took a stride forward before majestic Scarlet and gold spirit energy spread from its body and a pair of blood wings were formed. It's aura rose and it was clear that it had pushed it's strength to the limit.

Artoria lifted her head. In the next moment, a war horse appeared next to her as she jumped on it's back. Her figure also disappeared instantly.

The blood wings on the back of Althea also began to flap the moment Artoria disappeared. It's body flashed and Althea retreated tens of thousands of feet. It's frightening speed caused one to be stunned.


However, the space behind Althea suddenly split apart after his body appeared tens of thousands of feet away. A spear that was filled with black light erupted. There was also a potent spirit energy spreading from under his palm!

A spear strike pierced forward and one could see that the space itself had suddenly collapsed.

Althea suddenly turned around. Artoria's warhorse's speed had caught it by surprise. Clearly, Althea was unable to dodge at this juncture. A ruthless expression quickly flashed across its golden eyes before densely packed blood scales grew over it's claws. Subsequently, Althea threw an energy fist forward.


Both attacks clashed head on and a frightening energy ripple swept apart like a storm. The space within a hundred thousand feet radius of the both of them, scattered under the spreading force forming a vacuum region.

"Get lost!"

The space collapsed and a prideful cold cry was suddenly emitted. Immediately, the expression of Althea changed drastically. The blood scales on its arm were cracked while Althea's entire body flew backwards in a miserable fashion.

"Is that all you got?"

Artoria appeared in a flash with her beloved horse. There was some ridicule and contempt in her voice. This was different from the murderous intent hidden under Ling Tian's warm face. Instead, Artoria constantly revealed her overbearing haughtiness and pride as she looked at her opponent. However, that overbearing manner also hid a meticulousness that belonged exclusively to her.

"It is too early for you to be celebrating!"

Suddenly, Althea stomped it's foot in the sky, before the space beneath it's foot collapsed. Scarlet and gold spirit energy formed around it in a swirl like fashion. It's dragon roar, which was filled with wild violence, resounded in the sky.

"Domineering Dragon Heaven Shattering Fist!"

After Althea released a furious roar, one could see two ten thousand feet large wings forming behind it. A flying dragon roared before a fist was thrown forward.

A ten thousand feet large fist was thrown forward and a tornado seemed to follow. Wild winds swept across the sky.

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"You actually dare to call yourself a domineering dragon with your puny abilities? You are disgracing the dragons I know of!" Artoria said in a stoic tone. She simply stared at the huge, ten thousand feet fist whistling forward, before she extended her holy lance, while purple-black lightning arcs danced over her spear.

She thrust forward her Rhongomyniad at the incoming attack.


A massive shockwave was spread throughout the landscape and this caused Ling Tian to snap out of his conversation with the system.

Ling Tian looked up at the sky and was startled by what was happening. The level of power contained in those attacks could completely destroy the whole continent without a doubt.

" Pierce, devour! The thirteen fangs! Rhongomyniad!!!"

Artoria cried out in a dominant tone as she thrust her spear towards Althea.

" Holy Sh*t!!" Ling Tian exclaimed in a dumbfounded expression. Ling Tian immediately took the white-eyed little girl into the inner world of Azure Gravity Ring and disappeared from the spot.

The next instant, he was in the middle of both the attacks before they met and received both the attacks with each of his hands.


Ling Tian easily stopped Althea's attack with his left hand but,

The moment Artoria's Noble Phantasm attack came in contact with Ling Tian's right hand, the natural Ki barrier on Ling Tian's right hand instantly shattered.

Ling Tian was shocked but left with no choice, Ling Tian caught Rhongomyniad along with its devastating power with his bare hand.

The power of Rhongomyniad caused quite a bit of injuries to Ling Tian's right side of his body. But Ling Tian managed to stop it, at the same time he activated his Samsara eyes and absorbed all the energy from both Althea and Artoria's attacks.

Althea and Artoria flew down to the ground and Ling Tian also did the same.

" .... Why... Master...?" Artoria asked Ling Tian.

" .... " Ling Tian didn't answer, but only looked at his right hand with a serious expression.

There was some sort of power that was trying to restrict his regeneration ability, but it was useless against the might of his Nature Immortal Body. But it was still able to slow down his regeneration speed.

Ling Tian then remembered that, from the world Artoria comes from, the holy spear is capable of destroying anything in its path. But this is of course not going to work in this world.

No matter what, the Type moon multiverse is still only a lower level world. The world / dimension, Ling Tian resides in is one of the highest level dimensions, according to the system.

So obviously, a weapon from a lower level world should be unable to even put a scratch on Ling Tian, considering his power level.

The only explanation is that, the trouble maker system had went ahead and even modified the holy spear, which caused quite the damage to Ling Tian.

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