The Devourer

Chapter 96

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Ling Tian walked towards Liu Leishen with the Blood Slaughter Sword in his hand.

Liu Leishen saw Ling Tian coming towards him, but he didn't have anymore energy to even stand straight, because the red lightning from Blood Slaughter Sword, although did not kill him, it kept on taking away his energy until he was completely drained.

Ling Tian stood before Liu Leishen and placed his hand on Liu Leishen's head. Liu Leishen felt a terrifying soul power invading him and he couldn't even resist it.

Ling Tian read all of Liu Leishen's memories and after he was finished, he destroyed the man's soul, directly killing him and then plunged the Blood Slaughter Sword into the soulless body.

From Liu Leishen's memories, Ling Tian didn't get the origin of the white-eyed little girl. Liu Leishen had only taken care of this girl because of the previous Patriarch of the Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands insisting on it.

The white-eyed little girl's name is Bai Yun'er. This little girl almost never showed any emotions and was rather quiet always. Liu Leishen and the previous patriarch of the Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands tried every single method they knew to enable the eight years old girl to cultivate. But it was as if her body rejected the Spirit Energy itself.

Ling Tian observed the little girl again.

Judging by her face, her appearance and her height, she should be a little girl about eight or nine years old.

This little girl had extremely delicate facial features. She had a tiny nose and a tiny mouth, but a pair of large white eyes. Her eyelashes were very long and raised.

Strangely, even though the girl was very young, she had a head of long snow-white hair.

The white robes that she was wearing was covered with runes and symbols. Those were spirit rune symbols. However, Ling Tian's expression changed when he caught sight of these rune symbols.

Ling Tian deactivated his 'Dimension Ruler' divine power along with his Copy-Wheel eyes. The surrounding returned to it's colourful state; albeit, the lands are already destroyed by the heavenly lightning.

Ling Tian was staring at the white-eyed little girl with a complicated expression. The Eye-bloodline of this little girl is not something Ling Tian can just ignore. But he cannot simply pluck out those eyes. He is not cruel enough to actually do such a thing to a little girl, much less an innocent.

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If he actually do such a thing, he will be no different from Gran Ashbringer who did the same thing to Ling Tian.

While Ling Tian was contemplating about things,

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense and the sky started to darken and the ground started to split open.

There were multi-colored beams of light emerging from underground and moving to attack the white-eyed little girl from all directions.

The pillars of light were very gorgeous. They resembled rainbows. However, if one were to observe them carefully, one would notice that at the tips of the pillars were large mouths with sharp teeth and a horrifying appearance.

Those were monsters. Countless such monsters were attacking the white-eyed little girl. Furthermore, those monsters were very powerful.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Suddenly, the ground around Ling Tian started to split open. Countless multi-colored monsters rushed forth to attack the little girl near Ling Tian.

How could those monsters with the cultivation of rank five Divine King Realm, be a match for Ling Tian? Without even moving, Ling Tian merely sent his intent to the Blood Slaughter Sword that had completely devoured all the blood and energy of Liu Leishen, and it in turn released a frightening killing intent and all those monsters exploded around him.

After devouring the blood and energy of more than four thousand divine cultivators including Liu Leishen and the four other Divine Emperors, the Blood Slaughter Sword's powers have transcended to an entire different level. This includes the terrifying amount of killing intent condensed within it.

"Little girl, are you alright?" Ling Tian arrived beside the little girl and asked.

The white-eyed little girl didn't show any emotions on her face at all as she looked at Ling Tian with a blank expression.

" Sigh.." Ling Tian couldn't help but sigh. The only time the girl showed a serious expression was when Ling Tian activated his Copy-Wheel eyes Eye-bloodline.

The girl must have felt bloodline suppression, since Ling Tian's eye bloodline is one of the thirteen original eye bloodlines.

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Ling Tian saw that from underground, a multi coloured cube came out and fled towards the South direction.

" A Spirit Rank Artifact, huh?" Ling Tian mused when he saw this. This clearly belonged to the now deceased Liu Leishen. From the memories, Ling Tian read, Ling Tian obviously knew that he was planning on killing the girl because of his previous patriarch's order, in order to prevent the girl from falling into others hands.

' Didn't think I would get the chance to use this power so fast.' Ling Tian thought as his eyes turned purple and rings with six tomoe in each eye.

This was the Samsara eyes!

Ling Tian stretched out his hand while piercingly glaring at the fleeing multicoloured cube and...

" Destruction!"

A black light enveloped the fleeing cube; which halted it's movement and then the cube burst into countless black light which soon disappeared into nothingness.

Ling Tian deactivated his Samsara eyes and turned towards the little girl and saw that she was looking at him with shock and disbelief.

Ling Tian was about to say something when he felt a massive energy fluctuation from his Azure Gravity Ring.

A vortex opened in front of Ling Tian and a massive scarlet Dragon came out of the vortex.

This Dragon was Althea. It was now a Blood Flame Dragon, A True Dragon!

It now had hind limbs as well. It's body was scarlet with gold shine on it.

" Rooaarrrrr!!!!!"

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Before Ling Tian could properly examine Althea, a Dragon roar resounded throughout the continent! The entire Divine Water Continent trembled.

Ling Tian was impressed by Althea's power. It could call itself the strongest in the Heaven's Fall World, if it weren't for abnormal existences like Ling Tian and Apocalypse Evil Dragon!

Althea looked towards Ling Tian and said, " Rayne, I'm going to my tribe for a bit. I'll be back after some time."

Althea's tone contained arrogance and decisiveness. It prepared to fly away, but found itself unable to move.

" Oh ho~ . Althea, you sure have become more arrogant that you seem to have forgotten just who I am. Looks like I have to use force to teach you who the superior one is." Ling Tian said in a dark tone. Clearly, he was very pissed.

If this was Ling Tian before he fused with his Saiyan Instincts, he might have simply ignored the disrespect it showed to him. But not now, it's already a miracle that Ling Tian hasn't decided to simply make it his dinner.

"Divine Dragon Spitting Pearls!" Althea's two golden glowed and two golden balls of fire was thrown at Ling Tian.

This fire was not just any fire, it was True Dragon Fire! A very potent and corrosive fire. In addition, the particular skill contains terrifying piercing power.


Ling Tian simply stretched out his hand and the Blood Slaughter Sword flew to his hand.

*Prak* *Prak*

Two bolts of red lightning dragons erupted from the Blood Slaughter Sword and directly swallowed the True Dragon Fire balls and returned to the Blood Slaughter Sword.

Althea was shocked and slightly afraid. The white-eyed little girl was simply spectating at all this with an emotionless expression.

" So you even had the nerve to attack me, huh? You're becoming too arrogant for your own good. Trust me, after I'm done with you, you'll never ever stand up to me again." Ling Tian said as he looked at his Blood Slaughter Sword.

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He kept the Blood Slaughter Sword in the Soul Storage Space and took out Yoru. Because the Blood Slaughter Sword's power is so great that, one weak powered attack from it can completely destroy Althea. This is especially true, now that it has devoured the blood of so many divine cultivators.

Ling Tian didn't want to kill Althea, since he already invested a True Dragon Bloodline on it. Unlike with Madara, Ling Tian has no chance to get back the bloodline, since Althea has completely assimilated with the bloodline.

He could use the blood contract to suppress it, but the dragon will still remain defiant. So instilling fear is the solution that Ling Tian came up with.

So Ling Tian took out Yoru.


Something unexpected happened.

The black blade Yoru that he just took out suddenly shined with a brilliant light and escaped his grasp.

After the light vanished, there stood a black indigo draconic armoured figure with a spear in his/her hand, just ten feet away from Ling Tian. Ling Tian couldn't see the face since it was covered with a dragon like helmet.

Ling Tian was startled by this, yet he felt a déjà vu feeling, as if he has seen this view somewhere, sometime.

Suddenly, the black indigo armoured person kneeled on one knee and exclaimed in a female voice.

" Lancer, Artoria. I have finally met with Master. Just as my beloved horse swallows the thunder clouds, my spear will break through every rampart. I will crush everything that stands in your path."

" Orders, Master. What should I crush?"

" What the Fu*k??!!" This was the only response that came from Ling Tian.

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