The Devourer

Chapter 95

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Everyone were terrified by the aura and energy fluctuations, the Blood Slaughter Sword was releasing.

Ling Tian was now almost no different to what the 'Saiyan Instincts' was back when Ling Tian fought the Seven Mortal Sins. If one look closely at him, they could see Ling Tian's pupils having a hint of blood red colour on it.

Liu Leishen was now completely pushed into a corner. He turned and looked at the thousands of his Sacred land's cultivators, his fellow brothers frozen in fear.

Liu Leishen clenched his fist and remembered that it was because of him that all these cultivators came here.

It was because of him that these people overcame their fear of Ling Tian and put up a trap for dealing with Ling Tian.

These cultivators didn't abandon him while they had the chance and stayed here because they trusted him.

Liu Leishen remembered the promise he made to the previous patriarch of the Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands. His expression became firm.

" I'll defeat you!"

Liu Leishen mustered up all his spirit energy and his cultivation base. A vortex of spirit energy formed above him.

Liu Leishen's momentum rose up like a rainbow as his body was surrounded by five coloured lightning.

Being attracted by his Spirit Energy swirl, drifting Heavenly Tribulation aura on the ruined land surface nearby rolled and poured into his body massively.

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In such a thick, suffocating Heavenly Tribulation aura, a giant Dragon phantom appeared in the middle of the Spirit Energy swirl. Liu Leishen then absorbed it desperately.

The giant Dragon phantom, Lightning Dragon Battle Spirit, had a special ability to gather the surrounding Lightning Spirit Energy. After having fused with some Heavenly Tribulation aura, this ability was enhanced substantially. The amount of Spirit Energy that it absorbed could be compared to the volume of Killing Intent condensed by the Blood Slaughter Sword in a short time.

After having received a big amount of Spirit Energy, Liu Leishen felt overwhelming power. Tens of thousands of strands of Heavenly Lightning seeped into his body, making him look like a God of Lightning.

His Spirit Energy became solid.

At the same time, his damaged body, caused when he had been pummelled by Ling Tian, were being healed under the powerful repairing force of the Lightning Dragon Battle Spirit which was enhanced by more than a thousand times by the Heavenly Tribulation aura. Blood and flesh in his body were reborn, and finally, his body was restored to its former state.

" Bug, you are powerful indeed. Never thought you would have a Lightning Battle Spirit. A Dragon Type at that."

Ling Tian was observing all this silently. Ling Tian looked at Liu Leishen with disdain, holding the Blood Slaughter Sword in his hand, growling, "Unfortunately, you still don't have what it takes to stand up to me."

From the Blood Slaughter Sword, a red devilish light extended hundreds of meters like a galaxy in the ether. The red light weighed more than ten thousand tons, it brought along the power of ten thousand mountains like a mighty dragon leaping up from the sea or like an ancient demon beast. It arrogantly released its full-power strike down, which could shock the entire Heaven and Earth.

Liu Leishen's face changed dramatically.

Under the terrifying intimidation of the Blood Slaughter Sword, his Sea of Consciousness kept shaking nonstop while his soul was crumbling, seemed like it couldn't bear that overwhelming killing intent that Blood Slaughter Sword was releasing.

Liu Leishen understood that he will not be able to stand up against Ling Tian on his own.

"Brothers, there is no need to hide any longer. In this battle we must win no matter the price. We have to work together if we have to survive! Once we leave, glory shall be ours!"

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Liu Leishen shouted out to the other three remaining Divine Emperors behind him.

The Divine Emperors here were rational in their actions. As long as there was life, there was hope. They all revolved their movement techniques and began to re-enact the Immortal Imprisonment Formation and the rest of the thousands of Divine cultivators assisted them.

But at this time, Ling Tian sneered, " Oh please? Do you really think I'm naive enough to fall for that again? When you witnessed the power of my Blood Slaughter Sword, you all should have already understood you would die here!"

As Ling Tian spoke he hummed out loud. From the Blood Slaughter Sword, dozens of blood arrows shot out. These arrows splashed onto the floor. Immediately, a great blood red net appeared at the top of the land.

This net grew like weeds, soon wrapping around the entire land, including the ground, sides, everything was covered in a layer of thick bright red!

" It's an array formation!"

Seeing this blood red net, the Divine cultivators turned waxen.

This was an array formation that surpassed the understanding of the Divine Emperors present. In other words, it was a formation array pattern that is not from this plane.

This was a formation Ling Tian set up instantly by borrowing the blood power of Blood Slaughter Sword.

"Do you really think we are fish that you can slaughter as you want? Everyone, attack together! He is only one man!"

A Divine King Realm Cultivator loudly shouted. Currently, the Ling Tian was occupied with the Divine Emperors, so, this was the perfect time to counterattack against him.

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"Too naive!"

Ling Tian grinned. He rushed out, and from his Blood Slaughter Sword, eight blood red lightning bolts rushed out like lightning dragons with unstoppable momentum. These lightning bolts were hundreds of feet long and could easily pierce through the energy barriers of those present as if they were nothing more than paper!

Two Divine Kings were immediately pierced through the chest by these red lightning bolts. Their organs burst apart. As they wildly struggled, their blood was recklessly devoured by these lightning.

In a second, the two divine kings were nothing but dead bones now. Not even their divine souls were spared.

The Blood Slaughter Sword shined in brilliant light and it's aura increased, which signified that it just got strengthened.

While the Divine Emperors including Liu Leishen were throwing every single attacks they have at Ling Tian, the red lightning bolts killed more than thousand divine cultivators and are still keep on killing them.

No matter what the cultivators try, they couldn't defend against the red lightning.

From the very start of this battle, it was nothing but a one-sided massacre.

Another thousands of divine cultivators were killed. And after they died, all of their blood and energy was completely devoured by the red lightning which is connected to Blood Slaughter Sword.


In the world of cultivation, this sort of behavior was common. Not to mention slaughtering a village, slaughtering a city or even slaughtering all lives living on a country was something that occurred often.

But, slaughtering Divine cultivators in groups, and in particular slaughtering a crowd of divine cultivators from a Sacred Lands level influence, was something that was incredibly rare in the Heaven's Fall World!

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There was a scant number of Sacred Lands level influences in the Heaven's Fall World. Who would dare to provoke them or even have the ability to do so?

This was the same as declaring war with a great influence, the consequences were dire!

But, Ling Tian here was not just declaring war on the Heavenly Lightning Sacred Lands, but literally destroying them by killing thousands of divine cultivators, which was basically taking away 80% of their strength!

In just five minutes, there only remained two people left from the initial thousands.

These were the extremely exhausted Liu Leishen and..... The white-eyed little girl.

It wasn't that Ling Tian couldn't kill them, but rather he spared them for a purpose.

The white-eyed little girl showed no reaction after seeing Ling Tian massacring thousands of Divine cultivators. Which did not suit her child-like figure.

Ling Tian was now feeling a bit more calm headed now.

At the beginning, Ling Tian was resisting the corruptive power of Original Sin Spirit Root.

But Ling Tian came to a solution. The longer he resist his negative side, it will continue to overwrite his own personality. So...

Ling Tian simply decided to accept them. That way, although he will become more cruel and ruthless, he still gets to keep his original personality. In a way, this is better for him.

But, without Ling Tian's knowing, he had completely fused with his Saiyan Instincts and what sort of changes it has brought him is still unknown.

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