The Devourer

Chapter 104

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[Ding! Congratulations Host for completing the quest. Host has been rewarded - Hyperbolic Time Chamber(x1), System Function - World Travel.]

After the two men went away, Ling Tian turned his attention to Esdeath, since she hasn't spoken a word till now.

When Ling Tian looked at Esdeath, he noticed that she was fidgeting like she was nervous or something, so he decided to speak up.

"Umm…Esdeath... are you ok? Also why are you holding me so tightly?" he asked her, Esdeath stood straight when she heard his voice and then slowly raised her head, Ling Tian was surprised when he saw her face with red tinted cheeks evidence that she was blushing. As Ling Tian looked at her he had to admit that she looked very cute and sexy at the same time, cute because when she blushed she looked so fragile which anyone who had ever fought her knew that wasn't true at all. Esdeath's beauty was highlighted even more because the moonlight made her light up and look like a beautiful blue haired angel. Maybe a slaughter angel with the bloodstains on her.

A few seconds of silence passed as both Esdeath and Ling Tian just stared at each other without saying a word.

Ling Tian was feeling very awkward. He would rather spent the whole day fighting than being in such a situation.

Trying to break the silence Ling Tian was about to say something, but Esdeath beat him to it, " Say Rayne, I have something important to say to you."

" I don't know how to say this, but from the moment I saw you and got to know about you, I keep on thinking about you. There is this strange yet wonderful feeling I feel when I think about you. To me, you feel like everything."

" I love you. I want to be together with you."

" I…" Ling Tian didn't know what to say. This was too sudden that he never thought of such a possibility. He of course wouldn't reject such a beautiful girl. But he didn't understand why she would fall for him , that too at such a short time. He was about say something, only to be halted by the soft press of her finger and the sweet whisper of her voice.

" I know." Esdeath said while hiding a bitter feeling.

" That's not it!" Ling Tian said hastily.

" ?!" Esdeath was surprised.

" It's just.... Why?" Ling Tian asked.

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" Why?" Esdeath repeated.

" We haven't even known each other for even a few days. So why?" Ling Tian asked.

Esdeath smiled when she heard Ling Tian's words.

She reached out for him, touching both sides of his face with her hands. Esdeath closed her eyes and placed a passionate kiss on Ling Tian's lips.

Their lips separated after a few seconds and Esdeath stared at Ling Tian and said, " Do you need a reason to love someone?"

Ling Tian's eyes widened as a memory resurfaced in his mind.


" Sister, why do you love me and the others?" A little boy asked.

A beautiful woman in a nun's clothes looked at the boy with a kind and gentle smile and said, " Who said you need a reason to love someone?"


" .... I guess you don't...?" Ling Tian said.

" There you have it. Now what's your answer?" Being the type of woman she is, Esdeath got straight to the point without wasting time.

" Well... I'm a guy who's ill at ease, and knows only... how to fight. I probably won't be able to always stay next to you.... and would run of to gain more strength... But I do know that I'll give it my all and do whatever it takes to protect my close ones." Ling Tian said then extended his hand to Esdeath.

" If you still want to stay with me, then..... I'll do everything I can to make you happy." Ling Tian said with a gentle expression.

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Esdeath hugged Ling Tian and said, " If you stay by my side, that's all I need."

Ling Tian leaned his face closer to Esdeath and gave her a kiss right on the lips, this caused her to widen her eyes in complete shock, however that only lasted for a few moments before she started kissing him back. After a few seconds they broke the kiss, only a string of saliva connecting their lips, and placed their foreheads together they stared into each others eyes.

" I honestly don't understand love. But.... if what I'm feeling for you right now is love, then.... this feeling is not bad, in fact, I might get addicted to this." Ling Tian said with a smile.

Esdeath's eyes started getting misty and a mysterious feeling enveloped her as her body started heating up.

" Ummm... You really stand up to your reputation as one of the weird women I know of, don't you?" Ling Tian asked wryly.

" ??" Esdeath was confused as she was still in a dazed state.

" This is.... a rather bizarre location to make a love confession, don't you think?" Ling Tian said as he looked around with a wry smile.

Esdeath looked around and saw the countless monster beasts corpses and the place was like it came right out of hell.

" Well, lets return. They'll be worried." Ling Tian said.

Esdeath was kind of disappointed that Ling Tian didn't go through with it.

Ling Tian saw her disappointed expression and said, " You don't want our first time to be in a place like this, do you?"

" Then you mean...?" Esdeath asked.

" Hey, don't tempt me now, or I will rock your body all night." Ling Tian said with a teasing smile which caused Esdeath to blush hard.

Ling Tian then picked her up in princess style and vanished from the spot.

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While Artoria was simply sitting on a stone with a gloomy expression, Virgo was also sitting by another stone when suddenly...


Ling Tian appeared with a blushing Esdeath in his arms. Ling Tian set her down.

" Yo!" Ling Tian said.

" Master. Welcome back." Virgo said.

Artoria walked up to Ling Tian and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

" ... Artoria... Is something wrong?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

" You Cheating King!" Artoria said while slightly pouting.

" ??" Ling Tian tilted his head slightly in confusion.

" .... " Esdeath looked at Artoria in wonder. One has to admit that Artoria, being the alter she is, has a mature aura and disposition. This only makes her more beautiful.

Artoria looked at Esdeath and didn't find her repulsive, still she didn't take the initiative to talk about something.

Ling Tian brought out Althea and Bai Yun'er out of the Azure Gravity Ring's inner world. Esdeath and even Virgo was amazed by Althea's beauty. While Artoria was slightly annoyed by Althea's presence, which was the same for Althea.

Bai Yun'er as usual, didn't say anything and looked at Ling Tian with a curious expression.

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After five minutes,

Ling Tian walked towards the a pool of water and said, " Hey Little Blue, when are you going come out?"

Suddenly, the pool of water trembled and started to rise and condense into a blue clothed, blue haired little girl along with a water bubble that had Yan Zuqing and... Lycka the little white dog inside it.(Little Blue is a Water Elemental. Basically something like water logia fruit eater without the curse.)

Yan Zuqing looked at Ling Tian and subconsciously sighed in relief.

Little Blue immediately ran over to Ling Tian and jumped onto his back, clinging to it.

The bubble that contained Yan Zuqing and Lycka burst, freeing them.

" Woof* Woof*!" Lycka was running around Ling Tian, happily barking.

Artoria turned into a purplish black flash of light and entered the dimension rune on Ling Tian's right hand.

Ling Tian was surprised for a moment, but before he could ponder over it, the struggle between the Evil Core and Nature Core started again.

Ling Tian made Little Blue get off him.

" Hey, I'll be gone for a while, would you guys look after the unconscious people?" Ling Tian said in a rushed tone.

" I'll come too, Rayne!" Althea said.

" No, stay here." Ling Tian said.

" I'm not going for a fight anyway. Althea, protect everyone while I'm gone." Ling Tian said as he disappeared from their sights.

Esdeath sighed under her breath, " And it's not been even an ten minutes since he said he'll stay by my side. Seriously, What a stupidly cute idiot!"

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