The Devourer

Chapter 105

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In the Ice Phoenix Empire, Imperial city.

Ice Phoenix Palace, Ximen Royal Family.

The surrounding of the palace was covered snow and was radiated chilling energy.

Inside the palace, before and very handsome middle aged man appeared the First Prince and his consultant, the coolheaded middle aged man.

The First Prince looked at the Handsome middle aged man in a grandeur attire in frustration and said, " Respected father, There is this wom-?!"

The First Prince was about to ask his father's help in getting Esdeath, but unfortunately, before he say anything about Esdeath and her Azure Dragon bloodline, a spark of violet lightning arc flashed around him and his consultant and before they could even realize what happened,

They had been turned into nothingness, even their soul was not spared.

The handsome middle aged man looked at this in horror.

The aura radiated from the violet lightning frightened him to the core.


' Idiots! They couldn't keep their mouth shut after all, huh...' Ling Tian thought as he sensed that the soul seals he had secretly placed on the First Prince and his consultant had done their tasks.

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Ling Tian had placed the soul seals with a bit of his violet lightning as a safe measure as a way to ensure that no one other than the First Prince and his consultant would know of Esdeath's bloodline lineage as he didn't want more pursuers for Esdeath.

If they had kept their mouths shut, then they could have kept their lives.

Ling Tian flew of to an peaceful mountain and sat cross-legged near a cliff where the there was a slightly higher concentration of Nature Energy and started to meditating.

Ling Tian didn't worry about the girls' safety, since Althea is with them.

Ling Tian had no other choice but to put effort to attain a synchronization between Evil Core and Nature Core.

He couldn't afford to fail as the end result is that, he will become a 'Super Saiyan Purple'.

It's basically a Super Saiyan form corrupted with the energy of the Evil Core. It will force him to follow his instincts.

Being a Legendary Super Saiyan, there is one instinct that Ling Tian always suppresses and is also his highest instinct.

It is... Destruction!

In such a form, with endless power and his already invincible power within the lower realms, he could completely destroy this world, which is not something he wants.

Meanwhile, Artoria came out of the dimension rune and sat next to Ling Tian, observing his face.

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Unknowingly, it's been four days since Ling Tian started his meditation and by now, everything had turned back to normal.

Ling Tian opened his eyes and they had regained their peaceful inky glow.

Ling Tian then saw Artoria siting next to him while looking into the distance with a thoughtful expression.

Ling Tian could sense that Artoria was feeling many complex emotions now she originally shouldn't be able to feel as an alter because of System's doing.

" Artoria, what is it that's troubling your mind?" Ling Tian asked with a kind and gentle smile.

Artoria shook her head, prompting Ling Tian to furrow his brow.

Without looking at him, she slightly lowered her head saying, " Master, you are like a Supreme God yet a common living being that can exist with everything. Your aura is so superior that I had had difficulty controlling my heartbeat the first time I met you, yet, your aura is also kind, innocent, gentle that seemed like it will accept everything. My admiration for you was born at that time."

Her head bowed lower and lower, her voice shaking, " Although I knew I shouldn't, I started to develop feelings for Master, even though it's only been a few days since we met. I don't know why, but I keep feeling some sour feeling and my chest feels suffocated when Master ignores me."

The starry sky and distant lights shed a faint sheen on her graceful and voluptuous curves and on her pale blonde hair. This made Ling Tian's mouth turn dry. Unconsciously, Ling Tian diverted his gaze.

Only an instant later, however, he was turning his head to watch her, his eyes contained guilt.

" I already know these things," Ling Tian said.

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" I am ashamed."

He slowly approached her. Coming to stand before her, he lowered his head and watched the beautiful woman under the moonlight. Very slowly, he outstretched his hand to stroke her hair.

" Artoria."

His touch was extremely gentle.

" Yes." Artoria said.

" Why have you said everything to me? You could have hid all this from me." Ling Tian asked in a soft tone.

Words were caught in Artoria's throat before she could murmur, " I didn't want to lie to Master. Also, I felt like Master will leave me if I didn't speak out my mind now."

" Is that so?" Ling Tian asked.

" I would not lie to Master." Artoria said.

Ling Tian suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him.

His movement took Artoria by surprise. Caught off guard, she fell forward into a warm embrace.

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Ling Tian's embrace.

Artoria snapped out of her daze and various emotions clouded her mind.

Smooth arms wrapped around Ling Tian's back and neck. Artoria seemed to use all of her strength as she hugged Ling Tian without reservation, as if she wanted to meld her body into his.

Ling Tian could even feel a slight ache from his back from the force of those two arms.

From when she had become the king of Camelot until now, she had never felt as fragile as she is now. She felt like she could share all her burdens with the youth who is embracing her right now.

His head slightly tilting, leaned his mouth against her ear, tickling Artoria with his breath. While she trembled involuntarily, he whispered, " Although I don't know why you would fall for someone like me within such a short time, I wasn't really neglecting you. I just thought that you'll always be with me that we'd have plenty of time to talk and know about each other. But I didn't think I would unintentionally hurt your feelings."

" We'll be together?" Artoria whispered.

Ling Tian slowly turned to face her, his hands cupping her cheeks. His inky eyes were slightly squinted, but he did not smile, " My dear Artoria, You don't know anything about Saiyans. You see, we Saiyans are rather possessive. And I'm a one-of-a-kind Legendary Super Saiyan, the pinnacle of Saiyans. Do you think I'll leave you?"

" I won't let you go, even if you want to leave me. Because....."

" I'm a greedy and possessive Saiyan." Ling Tian said with a firm voice.

Ling Tian's hands suddenly stilled on her cheeks. He kept them firmly there and lowered his head to catch her lips.

Their lips met.

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