The Devourer

Chapter 108

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Apocalypse Evil Dragon stared at Ling Tian with a wary expression in its eyes.

" Ancient Super Saiyan! Who is this guy?! Didn't the Ancient Super Saiyans go extinct a few billion years ago in the hands of that 'Purple Saiyan God', or did my ancestor have the wrong information?!" The Apocalypse Evil Dragon uttered in slight frustration.

Ling Tian was looking at the Apocalypse Evil Dragon as if he was looking at a toy to play. The Apocalypse Evil Dragon also noticed this and was infuriated.

" You!! Very well! Do you really think that I, the Apocalypse Evil Dragon, am afraid?"

" You..." Ling Tian pointed at the Apocalypse Evil Dragon with his finger and said, " Fight me."

" You!! You think you can fight this king just because of a transformation?! Very well, I will see just what can you do to me!" The Apocalypse Evil Dragon cried out in a cold voice.

" It's funny how an overgrown lizard like you is calling yourself a king. You really have a lot of ego for a mere lizard, don't you think?"

Ling Tian stared at the Apocalypse Evil Dragon with a teasing expression. Monstrous brutality slowly gathered within those pitch-black eyes.


Overbearing dark green Ki shot towards the clouds like a bright light pillar. A frightening pressure enveloped the land.

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon's eyes shrunk slightly as it stared at Ling Tian's shocking Ki. Following which, it's expression involuntarily changed. Although, in terms of strength, they both surpassed the limit of the Heaven's Fall World, it still felt an extremely dangerous sensation from the Ling Tian.

This rankings of races was just like the food pyramid and the Saiyan race was ranked eighth among all the myriad races, the highest level of this pyramid. Although the True Dragon Race was also at a fairly high level, it was still only ranked forty third, which was still quite a few levels below the Saiyans.

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Although it felt endangered, the Apocalypse Evil Dragon had extreme confidence in its own strength. This was the arrogance of a Dragon!

" You will pay for calling this king as a lizard!"

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon cried out in a cold voice. It took a stride forward before majestic draconic energy spread from the wings on its back. It's aura rose and it was clear that it was taking Ling Tian seriously.

Ling Tian lifted his head. There was a ferocious smile on his handsome face.

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon clenched it's claws into a fist. A fist that was filled with black light erupted.

A punch was thrown forward and the space itself had suddenly collapsed.

Ling Tian had a ferocious smirk on his face as he also threw a punch forward.


Both fists, one big and one small, clashed head on and a frightening energy fluctuation swept apart like a storm. The lands within a hundred thousand meters radius of the both of them, scattered under the spreading force turning everything, living or non-living into a devastated state.

The entire lands were turned into ruins.

" How pitifully weak!"

A prideful cold voice was suddenly heard. Immediately, the expression of the Apocalypse Evil Dragon changed drastically. The black scales on it's arm were cracked while it's massive body flew backwards in a miserable fashion.


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The Apocalypse Evil Dragon rose up into the sky while glaringly looking at Ling Tian with anger.

" How dare you mock me?!"

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon opened it's jaws wide open and a ball of black energy started to condense. There was the power of death and destruction was present in the ball of energy.

A massive amount of energy was condensed into the black ball. The entire world seemed to have become much dimmer at this moment.

" Take this!! Apocalypse Death Orb!!!"

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon cried out and threw the black ball at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at the Apocalypse Evil Dragon. There was ridicule and contempt on his handsome face. Ling Tian simply opened his mouth when the black ball reached him.

What happened next was something that made the Apocalypse Evil Dragon almost pass out from utter shock.


Ling Tian had directly caught the black ball and swallowed it like it was just a piece of candy.

This was the power of the Sin, Gluttony!

Right now, this version of Ling Tian not only possesses the overwhelming abilities of the original Ling Tian, but also the powers of the seven sins. All the while, the Apocalypse Evil Dragon was getting more angrier, Ling Tian was gaining more and more power because of the power of the Sin of Wrath.

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Along with the power of his 'Super Saiyan 4' , he is basically omnipotent in the Heaven's Fall World.

" What's wrong? Is that it?" Ling Tian asked with an apathetic expression.

" ..... " The Apocalypse Evil Dragon couldn't utter a word. For millions of years, it had believed that it was the strongest being in the Heaven's Fall World and nothing can oppose it. But now, not only was it defeated, but pretty bad at that. It was starting to regret coming over here.

Suddenly, a beam of blue ray of piercing light struck Ling Tian and dragged him into the underground.

The Apocalypse Evil Dragon was stunned for a moment, before immediately seizing the chance to escape.

In the underground, in a spacious terrain.

Ling Tian was holding onto the tip of an ice blue spear while a stunningly beautiful woman with a veil on her face was the owner of the ice blue spear. She seemed to have a sacred and noble grace, as if she was unfettered by worldly existences.

" I will not allow you to destroy anymore of my Divine Azure Jade Continent!" Said the woman in a chilling cold voice.

Ling Tian didn't pay attention to the woman as he looked upwards and muttered, " Tch! That damn lizard got away..huh.."

Ling Tian turned to the woman and said, "Now, how should I deal with you? Just kill you?"

" What are you --?!" The woman suddenly felt that she was unable to move. She was startled by this.

" On second thought, your body shape seems pretty nice. Maybe I'll just have some fun with your body." Ling Tian said with a teasing yet evil smile.

The woman's expression slightly changed, but her sacred and noble grace remained. A white light encompassed the woman as if she was a goddess from the heavens that no one would dare to taint her.

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She then slowly said, " With such strength at your disposal, you shouldn't be using it to cause destruction. Now cease this action and let me go. You should use your powers to protect others. Can you lend me your strength to protect my homeland?"

The calm enchanting voice carried a mysterious rhythm. Although she was completely powerless in front of Ling Tian at this moment, her aura prevented others from having dirty and disrespectful thoughts towards her. Only thoughts of reverence would remain.

Ling Tian's expression became slightly dazed. A white light emerged from the woman as it radiated a pure and holy aura. This white light entered Ling Tian's body(Super Saiyan 4 body).

" Woman! You really don't know the difference between life and death!" Ling Tian focused his gaze as his eyes became extremely frightening.

A frightening black light erupted from Ling Tian which caused the white light to falter.

If the woman is like a sacred, untainted goddess from heavens, then the Ling Tian right now is like the most devious being from the utmost depths of hell.

The woman was horrified. She was not only smart but also someone amazing considering that she had the strength to push back a corrupted Super Saiyan 4 Ling Tian. In this instant, she understood what was considered to be real danger, ferocity, arrogance, and cruelty. All the Divine Emperors, Rank 10 Monster beasts — all were trivial before the current Ling Tian.

Ling Tian neared her body and took off the veil that covered her face with his hand.

Her beauty was otherworldly. She could rival Althea in terms of pure beauty, although she will lose in terms of body.

Ling Tian only got more excited by witnessing the woman's beauty.


In a distant continent, in a dark place.

Apocalypse Evil Dragon was annoyed to the extreme.

" Damn Saiyan! You may have won this time, but after I completely fuse with my bloodline inheritance and breakthrough to the World Creation Realm, the first thing I'll do is kill you and destroy this entire world!" The dragon closed it's demonic eyes as the dragon was covered in a blood cocoon within a few seconds.

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