The Devourer

Chapter 109

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The Woman was getting slightly nervous. She released even more of the untainted white light as it entered Ling Tian.

In the current Ling Tian's eyes, everything in this world became trivial. The heaven and earth was meaningless and all existences were mere ants waiting to be squashed by him!

Ling Tian seemed completely unfazed by the white light the woman was releasing.

He sneered and said, " woman, you are too naive. You think you can influence me with your incomplete Untainted Goddess Scripture? Even the complete technique is useless before me, much less the incomplete one."

"You want to become sacred so that others would not dare to taint you and only revere you."

" But you cannot affect me. Because, I don't revere anyone."

" Today, I'll shatter your 'Untainted Heart' and let you know what despair is." Ling Tian said with an arrogant tone as his hands reached into her dress.

" Don't—" The woman shouted out in shock. Despite all of her struggling, she was unable to stop Ling Tian's approach.

Ling Tian's large hands grabbed her breasts and played with them as the woman trembled. She closed off her mind and tried to retain her firm heart, but Ling Tian's Sin energy was invading her mind and corrupting her 'Untainted Heart'!

She tried to use her cultivation base to resist the Sin energy, but she found that she couldn't even feel her cultivation. She understood that the man before her had actually isolated her own cultivation from herself. She was startled as it was unimaginable, what this cruel man's power level was, if he was able to isolate her cultivation without her noticing it.

Under the fondling of his untiring hands, the beautiful pair of breasts felt as supreme as the woman's appearance.

At this moment, the woman was frightened with a strange feeling. As a powerful Divine Emperor, no one had dared to even come close to her, let alone touch her in such a perverted manner.

Those that cultivate the Untainted Goddess Scripture will congeal an 'Untainted Heart'. Worldly feelings, such as the seven emotions and six desires, could not affect the 'Untainted Heart'. The 'Untainted Heart' would not be tainted in the slightest.

But at this time, her heart was filled with turbulent waves under the power of the sin energy. At this moment, the seven emotions and six desires were breaking apart her 'Untainted Heart'.

Ling Tian's hands went inside her robes and slid further down which made the woman's heart shiver with ripples. A strange feeling caused her mind to become blank.

" This slow process is getting on my nerves. Be proud woman! I'm about to use a technique I've never used before!" Uttered Ling Tian and he touched the woman's abdomen with his hand in a weird rhythm with a black energy coating his hand.

" No!" The woman screamed in panic. A flood of emotions she was unfamiliar with had attacked her mind as her body went numb, feeling weak.

Her 'Untainted Heart' was completely shattered.

" Huff... Huff... Huff..." The woman was breathing roughly as she looked at the cruel looking Super Saiyan 4 Ling Tian with an unwilling expression.

" How does it feel being tainted, eh.. Untainted Goddess?" Ling Tian asked sarcastically.

The woman who seemed to be sacred, holy and untouchable, now appeared to be quite delicately fragile and pitifully lovable.

Unfortunately, adoring the woman's beauty was the last thing the evil version of Ling Tian would do.

" As expected of the 'Devil God Hands'! She came with just a touch!" Ling Tian laughed.

Ling Tian's smile suddenly froze as he stepped back. His eyes started to regain it's original green light, overpowering the black light!

The woman looked at Ling Tian with a confused expression as she fell down since Ling Tian was not using the telekinesis anymore.

" Huff.." Ling Tian breathed out and now his eyes were green and there was no longer the black light on him.

" Finally adapted to it! Dammit! I would've raped a woman if I had adapted a little late!" Ling Tian muttered as he clenched his fist.

Ling Tian had managed to get over the corruption of the power of the Sin Embodiment with the help of his special power, 'Adapt and Improve'.

Because in the Super Saiyan 4 form, there is too much malice focused on Ling Tian's body, it had inadvertently caused the Original Sin Spirit Root to awaken one of the many locked powers within the Original Sin Spirit Root, the 'Sin Embodiment'!

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Ling Tian stretched his turtle neck collar and saw that inside his clothes, his body was indeed red furred, with the exception of his chest area.

' So unlike in anime which exposes the upper body of a Super Saiyan 4 and transforms his clothes, in reality, no such magic happens huh..' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian felt incredible power coursing through him right now. He also felt kind of disappointed that the Apocalypse Evil Dragon didn't put up much of a challenge.

' System, why was I able to regain my consciousness after I transformed into a great ape and even transformed into a Super Saiyan 4? I'm not even capable of fully harnessing by basic Super Saiyan Form.' Ling Tian said to the system.

[Host has fused with his Saiyan Instincts. So his Super Saiyan Transformation is considered to be completely under host's control. It's just that, host never tried transforming into a Super Saiyan.]

' Fused with the Saiyan Instincts? When did that happen?!'

[It happened when host's Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline devoured most of the blood lightning from the heavenly tribulation, which caused host's bloodline level to increase dramatically, at the same time, drastically increase the concentration of S-cells in host's body which enabled host to achieve the Ancient Super Saiyan transformation. It should be noted that host never noticed that his 'All Seeing Endless Eyes' had been unsealed as well.]

' What?! Show me my status!'

[ Analysing....

Host's Status...

Name :- Ling Tian / Rayne Ashbringer

Void Level :- 1

Race :- Legendary Super Saiyan

Bloodline :- Legendary Super Saiyan

Bloodline level :- 106

Bloodline Attributes :- Endlessness, Berserk, Devouring Force, Temporal Force, Spatial Force, Chaotic Force, Void Force

Bloodline Perks :- Superior Battle Instincts , Full Recovery Boost, Battle Growth, Combat Perception, Ability Intuition, Higher Regeneration, Battle Addiction, Mind Of Cruel Reality.

Energy Cultivation level :- 9th level Divine Origin Realm.

Soul level :- Mid Stage Orange Soul

Body level :- Spirit Mortal lv.5

Numerical Stats.. .

Strength :- 79,000

Agility :- 81,600

Intelligence :- 6,645(97% Perception biased)

Vitality :- 971,941,000

Charm :- 268

Luck :- 493

Constitution :- 851,000

Spirit Energy :- 83,000,000

Ki :- 86,195,340,000

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Nature Energy :- 963,000

Soul Power :- 12,302,640,000

Eye-Bloodline :-

1. Rinnegan - lv.8[Skills :- Supreme Perception, Omnicounter, Creation and Destruction, 99 Lives Of Samsara, (The Six Paths - Deva path, Asura path, Human path, Animal path, Preta Path, Naraka path), Outer Path ]

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - lv.11 [Skills :- Eye of Hypnosis, Eye of Insights, Causality Perception, Dimension Ruler, Prescience, Death God's Glare, Susanoo, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Spatial Movement ]

3. All Seeing Endless Eye - lv.4[Skills :- Omnicompetence, Omniscience, Stagnation Vision]

Special Powers/Skills :-

1. Adapt and Improve - lv.49

2. Nature Core - lv.???

3. Evil Core - lv.???

4. Nature Immortal Divine Powers [Yin-Yang Manipulation, Nature Life Boost, White Flame Of Judgement.]

5. Super Saiyan Transformations [Full Power Super Saiyan(x800), Ancient Super Saiyan(x3,200).]

6. Sin Embodiment [Wrath, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy, Gluttony.]

Talents :-

1. Alchemist - lv.41

2. Artificer - lv.31

3. Array Master - lv.5

4. Inscription Master - lv.68

5. Eidetic Memory - lv.max

6. Energy Control - lv.178

7. Sword Forte - lv.91

8. Close Combat Forte - lv.102

9. Battle Instincts - lv.181

10. Element Control - lv.82

11. Law Comprehension - lv.128

12. Assassination Forte - lv.102

Persona Growth Skills :-

1. Genesis Empyrean's Infinity - lv.3

2. Devourer's Body - lv.5

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3. Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture - lv.2

4. Nature Immortal Body - lv.16

5. Heavenly Lightning Scripture - lv.4

Battle Skills :-

1. Thunder Fist Scripture - lv.38

2. Illusionist - lv.71

3. Telekinesis - lv.42

4. Throwing - lv.71

5. Mortal Steps - lv.91

6. Ki Blasts - lv.132

7. Devour - lv.5

8. Taichi Fist - lv.71

9. Godspeed - lv.15

10. Berserk Battle Tyrant - lv.2

11. Endless Battle Tyrant - lv.2

12. Rasengan - lv.79

13. Ninjutsu - lv.43

14. Time Skip - lv.17

15. Silent Killer Combat Arts - lv.71

16. Abyss Soul Sword Arts - lv.38

17. Blood Slaughter Sword Arts - lv.24

18. Blood God Scripture - lv.19

Tactical Skills :-

1. Cooking - lv.59

2. Poker Face - lv.21

3. Acting - lv.5

System Functions :-



[World Travel]

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[Original Sin System]

Void points :- 11,919,700,997

Upgrade points :- 60

System Inventory :- Ghoul bloodline(x1), True Devil bloodline(x1), Shape Changing Flame Cloak(x1), World Law Tree(x1), Chaos Dragon God Bloodline(x1), Samsara Eyes Eye-bloodline (x1), Copy-Wheel Eyes Eye-bloodline (x1), Dragon God's Eye Eye-bloodline (x1), Special Physique - Dragon God Body (x1), Special Physique - Nature Dragon Body (x1), Blood Flame Dragon bloodline (x1), Life Blood Jade (x10), Vampire(True Ancestor) bloodline (x1), Hyperbolic Time Chamber(x1).]

' Damn that's a lot of improvements. Still, Ancient Super Saiyan huh... How interesting.' Ling Tian thought.

' I should find some time to integrate with the Dragon God bloodline later.'

Ling Tian turned to the woman and saw her lying weakly on the ground. He knew her identity as well since he had once read Liu Leishen's memories.

This woman is the supposedly most beautiful woman in the Heaven's Fall World, the Jade Phoenix Empress, Shi Qinglan!

If possible, Ling Tian never wanted to get involved with this woman. Involving himself with this woman means getting involved with the matters of the Sacred lands Alliance. Not to mention that, this woman has many pursuers.

But unfortunately, fate likes to play jokes on others. The place the Apocalypse Evil Dragon and the Evil Ling Tian teleported to just happened to be the Divine Azure Jade Continent and this woman just had to have the courage to attack a stronger being like him instead of the Apocalypse Evil Dragon, who was weakened by the beating it received from Ling Tian.

" What to do now?" Ling Tian muttered as he stood next to Shi Qinglan.

Shi Qinglan looked at Ling Tian with a pitiful expression, which is totally different from her indifferent expression. She was unable to move at all.

Ling Tian felt guilty when he saw her expression. He is the one responsible for this.

" First I'll fix her 'Untainted Heart'." Ling Tian said as he tried to channel his Nature Energy.

But he found out that he couldn't use the Nature Energy in the Super Saiyan 4 form since this form has too much malice focused on it.

Ling Tian transformed back to his base form, which surprised Shi Qinglan.

Ling Tian channelled his Nature Energy and infused it into Shi Qinglan's body. The nature energy purified all of the sin energy and Ling Tian manipulated his Nature Energy and reconstructed her 'Untainted Heart'.

In a matter of an hour, Ling Tian had completely reconstructed the 'Untainted Heart' and it was countless times more solid than it was before.

Shi Qinglan simply looked at Ling Tian this entire time as she couldn't move or speak.

Ling Tian condensed an orb of Nature Energy that contained 60% of his Nature Energy and inserted it into Shi Qinglan's body.

Ling Tian got up and looked at her and said, " I know what I did right now don't count as an apology for what I did to you before. I know you probably hate me to the core. But I'm really sorry. I wasn't in my right mind."

" You'll be able to move in a few minutes. So.... See you again if fate allows it."


Ling Tian said as he vanished from the spot. Shi Qinglan looked at the spot Ling Tian stood just a few moments ago with a complicated expression. Unknowingly, the image of a black clothed Saiyan youth had been imprinted into her heart.

' I'll definitely find you...'


After Ling Tian teleported away from the Divine Azure Jade Continent, he had teleported back to the Divine Water Continent in a random location and then entered the inner world of the Azure Gravity Ring to check up on Artoria.

Ling Tian saw that she was sitting on the green grassed floor with a thoughtful expression. But there were simply quite a bit of changes that has occurred to her.

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