The Devourer

Chapter 113: 113

Ling Tian was thinking of entering the Meta-Worlds Chamber by at least within two days.

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He decided to enter it himself alone, since he has no idea what the inner part of the Meta-Worlds Chamber and didn't want to risk the lives of the girls. He didn't dare underestimate a Primal Origin rank treasure.

Ling Tian was sure that he will be fine since he is it's master. Ling Tian had no intention of revealing it's existence to anyone. Not even Artoria and Virgo, who are soul bound to him. Some things are better left unknown. Especially something like a Primal Origin rank treasure that could incite an all-out war in all realms.

This is also the reason why he hasn't revealed the existence of his Genesis world. Only those who have a certain level of power are allowed to know some secrets.

Ling Tian was training Lin Ke'er in Ki control. She had learned how to fly within a day, although not mastered. Ling Tian wasn't really surprised since its to be expected from a Saiyan.

Lin Ke'er's power level had finally reached 10,000. A power level, equal to that of a peak Heaven Core Realm expert.

" Ke'er, come over here." Ling Tian called Lin Ke'er.

Lin Ke'er stopped training and walked over to Ling Tian. During these eight days, she has started to get used to Ling Tian's presence and wasn't as shy and nervous as she was before in front of him.

Ling Tian took out a blood red palm-sized jade. This was the Life Blood Jade. Other than the ones that are already in the Soul Storage Space, he got ten of them from the system and one from his grandfather. Ling Tian had no use for these since his bloodline levels improve over time on their own.

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" What's that, Master?" Lin Ke'er asked.

" Something that will help you get stronger." Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Stronger?" Lin Ke'er asked.

" Mn." Ling Tian nodded and said, " Listen, Ke'er. No matter what sort of pain you feel, don't lose consciousness or lose control, Okay?"

" ... I'll try, Master." Lin Ke'er said.


Ling Tian crushed the Life Blood Jade and the next moment, countless blood strings, each one as thin as a hair, came out from the crushed red jade.

It seemed as if rivers of blood were flowing out from the jade.

All the strands of blood energy penetrated into every part of Lin Ke'er's body, including her eyes, ears etc. The blood energy infused themselves into her blood causing her body to shine with red.

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Her Ki, Spirit Energy cultivation and her physical strength was also increasing at a rapid rate.

The Life Blood Jade not only exponentially increases one's bloodline purity and life force, but also bring out their latent potential to their limits, including Ki, Spirit Energy, Body. The only exception is soul.

This is also the reason why the Life Blood Jade is one of the most rarest natural treasures, even in God's Realm.

Ling Tian had planned to do this from the start and that was why, during these eight days, he used his Nature Energy to not only increase her bloodline purity, but strengthen her body and increased her talent and her foundation. Ling Tian couldn't use it on himself because his Devourer Body will devour the Life blood energy before it could even have the chance to touch upon his potential.

It was at that moment that Lin Ke'er sensed that her blood flow seemed to have increased drastically.

A strange, indescribably painful feeling burst out of every part of her body, making her feel as though she had sustained a heavy blow and couldn't move a bit.

Yet, this was overridden by a mysterious force as she felt her cultivation increase dramatically. Her cultivation technique was circulating automatically as her cultivation was increasing. Unconsciously, she had fell into an enlightenment state where she is experiencing a lot of things.

" She really is talented after all." Ling Tian muttered as he created a Ki barrier around them to prevent anyone sensing Lin Ke'er's change.

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Soon, Lin Ke'er broke the fifth mortal shackle that was binding her and her progress in her cultivation speed started to stagnate.

Ling Tian recognized the problem instantly. It was because of her lower ranked cultivation technique.

Ling Tian looked at the Life Blood Jade floating around Lin Ke'er and saw that not even 10% of the life blood energy was used up.

" It was about time I suppose." Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian's eyes turned starry white as he looked at Lin Ke'er. He used the power of his All Seeing Endless Eyes to rewrite Lin Ke'er's cultivation technique with a God rank cultivation technique called 'Overlord's Ascension' and even imprinted the insights on the technique without interrupting her enlightenment state.

As Lin Ke'er doesn't have a Spirit Root with an attribute as only one in ten thousand are born with an element attribute Spirit Root, he felt that this technique was the best for her since it has no requirements for elements.

After ten minutes, her cultivation started to progress even faster than before as all nine Mortal shackles were shattered and her Heaven Core was changing into a Divine Core, indicating that she is about to enter Divine Origin Realm.

Ling Tian sat down a few metres away from Lin Ke'er and took out a space ring from his Soul Storage Space.

Ling Tian knew that after the process is done, Lin Ke'er will have tremendous amount of power that she will not be able to control. So he decided to create an artifact that can help her seal her power at will so that she can slowly get used to her power.

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Ling Tian did some tampering and imprinted many saint rank runes since he now has a Divine Origin Realm cultivation base.

[Ding! Congratulations host for completing the quest 'Level up the talents Alchemist and Artificer to level 50'. Host has been rewarded - Chaos Dragon God battle Suit!]

[Chaos Dragon God battle Suit - A growth type battle suit that grows along with the user. When equipped, user gains the ability to use the techniques of a Chaos Dragon God and his overall physical stats are multiplied by 300 times.]

['Chaos Dragon God Suit' is bound to Rayne Ashbringer.]

" What the -?!" Ling Tian exclaimed.

Ling Tian thought for a moment and sort of understood why this quest was considered as cleared.

[You are right, host. Host has adapted to some more of Devil God Virtyq's experience. Right now host has adapted to 0.07% of Devil God's life time experience.]

' So it's true. Because I didn't get any of Devil God's personality or emotions and only memories, it is still considered external even if I have fused with it. I must have subconsciously used my special power 'Adapt and Improve' while I was tampering with the ring.' Ling Tian analysed in his mind.

[Yes. You are correct, host. Devil God was still the strongest Spirit Energy cultivator and was the only Sword Eternal at his time. Even with host's special power and talents, it will take more than a few million years to completely adapt to Devil God's experience.]

' I know. Well, I do have an insane time chamber, so I doubt I have to worry about time.' Ling Tian said with a smile.

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