The Devourer

Chapter 114: 114

Ling Tian had finally refined the ring, or rather, he was simply modifying the ring. He even made sure to add a gravity controlling rune that can increase and decrease 100 times gravity.

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Ling Tian then focused on Lin Ke'er.

In just an hour, her bloodline purity had increased to 70% and only thirty percent of the life blood energy was expended.

After four hours, the process was almost over. Her Saiyan bloodline was now 100% pure and the amount of S-cells generated in her body is more than enough for her to transform into a Super Saiyan, she only needs the right timing and emotions. Although she doesn't have a tail like Ling Tian had thought.

After one more hour, the process was finally over and Lin Ke'er was still in her enlightenment state.

Ling Tian observed her changes and was more than satisfied. She now had a Spirit Energy Cultivation of 4th level of Divine Lord Realm. Her Ki power was now at 31 million and her physical body had reached Ascended mortal level. Ling Tian was kind of jealous. He has plenty of Life Blood Jade with him, but he isn't capable of using them himself.

But, from now on, Lin Ke'er has to work harder to break her limits since her current strength is her current limit, even with the cultivation technique provided by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian even had the impulse of using the Life blood jades on the other girls as well. But he restrained himself. If it's about trust, he only completely trusts Xin Qinyue, Artoria, Virgo and Esdeath. As for the Su Women, Yan Zuqing and Lin Yanran, although he trusts them, it's not enough for him to go to the lengths of using something like Life Blood Jade on them. The trust between them can only strengthened by time.

Especially Yan Zuqing. Although he likes her, he know that she has too much secrets. He didn't pry on it since it's none of his business.

For some reason, Ling Tian feels a lot of trust with Lin Ke'er. Even he himself has no idea why.

Ling Tian used telekinesis to lift Lin Ke'er and teleported back to the camp as it was already night.

After making her lie on a bed, Ling Tian entered the inner World of Azure Gravity Ring. He didn't take anyone with him as he had planned.


Ling Tian opened the platinum door of the Meta-Worlds Chamber and entered it and a bright light blinded his sight for a moment.

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" Well..." Ling Tian saw the appearance of the place and didn't know what to say. It was exactly the same as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Dragon ball series. Only with some minor changes like no hour glasses.

Suddenly a screen appeared before Ling Tian.

[Welcome Master...

Please choose to continue....

1. Gravity Control System

2. Ten Thousand Worlds Management.

3. Energy Management.

4. Perfection Training Clone.

5. Law Management.

6. Life Creation. ]

" Uhhh... What's this supposed to be?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

[The interface of the Meta-Worlds Chamber has taken the form that master prefers.]

" .... " Ling Tian was speechless. To think it had even read his mind without him even realizing it.

Ling Tian pressed the first icon.

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[1. Gravity Control System

- Gravity Control:- infinite level of gravity manipulation. ]

Ling Tian similarly checked out the other options too. Although everything looked simple, there are two things that clearly showed why this is a Primal Origin Rank Treasure.

One is that, there is a power core that endlessly generates every energy and supply it to the ten thousand worlds. In other words, Ling Tian has control of unlimited energy.

Second is that, the ten thousand worlds are not ten thousand planets like he had thought, but rather, ten thousand universes. And they are restored to it's prime state if ever destroyed.

Inside this place, he is literally an omnipotent god. With the option of Life Creation, he can even create millions of lives with just a cell of any race. If that's not awesome, he doesn't know what is.

This is just like his Genesis world, just that this world is limited to ten thousand universes instead of infinity.

Unfortunately, Ling Tian with his current level of access is unable to get access to 'Law Management' and 'Life Creation'. He would need to be at least at Celestial Transformation Realm to gain that access. Not that he cared.

Ling Tian simply set aside all that and decided to get to the main point.

Which was training.

Ling Tian could control the gravity over this place and set it to 600 times and didn't waste any time as he started with the basics. He asked the system to temporarily seal away his 'Adapt and Improve' skill so that he doesn't get adapted to the heavy gravity within minutes as it would ruin the point of training.

Doing push-ups, sit-ups, basic punches, basic kicks, basic movements, basic sword arts and Taichi Fist, he spent day 1. He did the same thing the next day as well and the day after that as well.

Ling Tian didn't have to worry about food as there was a container in the central building which had plenty of food and even restored itself the next day, just like the old Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

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Ling Tian spent two months, other than the eight hours he sleeps for practicing the basics.


Third Month.

Ling Tian decided to practice his movement related techniques like Mortal Steps, Time Skip, Godspeed, Flying Thunder God Jutsu and others.

Speed is always a very big factor in battle. Ling Tian wanted train them to the maximum he can. He was training in 600 times the gravity which made the practice more hard.

Ling Tian had trained in his movement techniques for almost five months, despite feeling like he should stop. Numerous times he felt like leaving the place since he missed the others, but when he thought about his sworn enemy, Gran Ashbringer, all his unwillingness vanished. Only thirst for absolute power to crush that man remained.

If he wanted to keep those he care for close to him, he needed the power to protect them.

He had trained in the movement skills to the point that they felt natural when he is using them.


He spent five more months in completely mastering his Super Saiyan Forms and energy control. Which is the Full Power Super Saiyan/Legendary Super Saiyan and Ancient Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 4.

Although he still has some problems, maintaining these forms for five-ten hours is not a problem for him, he is still more adept with them.

Because of the unlimited energy here, he didn't forget to cultivate and only needed to create 2,000 more stars within his Genesis World to breakthrough to Divine Transformation Realm.

Despite sealing away his special power, he still got adapted to the level of gravity to the point it seemed normal to him.

" It's time to start the real training." Ling Tian smiled as a light screen appeared in front of him.

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He clicked the 'Perfect Training Clone' icon.

[Perfect Training Clone....

- Normal(1 perfect copy clone)

- Medium(10 perfect copy clones)

- Hard(100 perfect copy clones)

- Very Hard(10,000 perfect copy clones)

- Insane(1,00,000 perfect copy clones)

-Impossible(10,000,000,000 perfect copy clones) ]

Ling Tian clicked the Normal and a white light materialised in humanoid form.

[please choose..

1. Battle Mode.

2. Assistance Mode.

3. Others.]

Ling Tian pressed the 'Battle mode' and the light covering the humanoid disappeared as he saw a spitting image of him in a white version of his clothes opposite to him standing with a blank expression.

" Hehe... Lets get the real training started, shall we? Since I'm fighting a perfect copy of myself, I don't have to hold back anymore." Ling Tian said as he stared at the perfect clone with an excited smile.

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