The Devourer

Chapter 115: 115

Ling Tian looked at the perfect clone with an excited smile.

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" Lets get started, shall w-?!! Gah!!"


Before Ling Tian could finish his sentence, the perfect clone instantly appeared before him and struck his face.

Following this, the perfect clone put his hand out directly in front of Ling Tian's chest.


The perfect clone fired a ki blast which sent Ling Tian flying backwards into higher altitude.

" Agh.." A groan escaped Ling Tian's mouth.

Not giving him anytime to recover, the perfect clone pursued with a blank expression. Flying over Ling Tian's head, he put his hands together and axed Ling Tian to the white ground. Ling Tian made a crater as he managed to land on his feet on the white ground.




The perfect clone fired hundreds of Ki blasts at Ling Tian, not giving a chance for Ling Tian to recover.


Ling Tian managed to get away from the crater in that instant before the Ki blasts struck the place and he started to move at high speeds as he evaded the Ki blasts.

" Damn! No patience at all! I guess that's what battle mode means!"

" At least, now I know that he is exactly as strong as me." Ling Tian muttered as he kept on evading the Ki blasts.

The perfect clone stopped firing Ki blasts and landed on the ground while blankly staring at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at the perfect clone with a serious expression. He didn't dare underestimate the opposition as it would be equal to underestimating himself.



White Ki flared around the perfect clone as his power increased.

" Hehh.... Powering up huh? Then I will too." Ling Tian said as he clenched his fists.

" Haaaahhh!"


White Ki flared around Ling Tian as well as his aura piked up.

After a few seconds of powering up, Ling Tian and the perfect clone disappeared from the spot they were standing and exchanged blows, punching each other in the cheek. Following, a quick knee to knee.

Ling Tian quickly dropped to the ground and did a sweep kick.

Ling Tian struck a Ki blast at the perfect clone who lost his balance in that brief moment and sent him flying.

The perfect clone did a flip in mid air while cupping his hands and fired a massive blue energy wave at Ling Tian.

This was a technique, Ling Tian barely got the chance to use. The KAMEHAMEHA wave!

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Ling Tian received the energy wave by intercepting it with his hands. The energy wave pushed him miles backwards.

" Nghh.."

Ling Tian had his hands out trying to push it back. The perfect clone put more power into the KAMEHAMEHA wave, causing it to double in size and increase in power.

" He's not holding back. I think I better step this up a notch."

" Haaaaahhhhhh!!!"


Ling Tian's body bulked up a bit and his hair turned green, eyes blue as blazing green Ki was violently flaring around him like a sharp heavenly saber.

Ling Tian punched away the KAMEHAMEHA wave with ease. He then stared at the perfect clone and asked, " What will you do now?"


The perfect clone transformed into a full power Super Saiyan as well. Ling Tian didn't look much surprised as he muttered, " Looks like this will be tougher than I thought..."

This confirmed it. The perfect clone is capable of doing anything that Ling Tian is capable of, with the exception of the black vortex within Ling Tian's soul, which is an existence far higher than the Meta-Worlds Chamber!

But there was a smirk on Ling Tian's face, showing how excited he is.


Three hours later.

Ling Tian was lying on the white ground in his Ancient Super Saiyan form, completely bruised and battered. His wounds were regenerating at high speeds.

Ling Tian couldn't defeat the perfect clone and was forced to deactivate the 'Perfection Training Clone' interface.

" huff....huff....huff... I'm so glad that I didn't give in to my instincts and choose the higher level modes. I would've been dead meat if I did." Ling Tian muttered under his breath while breathing hard.

After a few minutes, Ling Tian had completely recovered and decided to call it a day. In the white space, there was no day and night.

For the next four months, Ling Tian kept up with the same regiments as he kept on fighting against his clone.

During these four months, not only did Ling Tian get immensely stronger due to his Zenkai boost, but also got to know more of himself and better grasp of his own powers and skills.

It had always been a problem for Ling Tian as he didn't have a clear idea of his own powers since he had grown too strong in a matter of hours when he devoured the Heavenly Tribulation.

Although, Ling Tian still couldn't defeat the perfect clone, as it is set to have the same level of power, fighting style, skillset as Ling Tian.

During his training, Ling Tian never used any of his eye bloodlines. He understood that, if he ever want to achieve 'Ultra Instinct', he should develop his own perceptive instincts instead of relying on his eye bloodlines.

And in addition, he was also adapting to Devil God's memories and his talents were increasing. He had also bought some of his eye bloodlines powers from the System.

Ling Tian's cultivation in 'Heavenly Lightning Scripture' and 'Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture' didn't show any improvement, even in the almost one and half years he spent in this place.

Ling Tian did the same training for three more months and then spent almost six months in his sword training and his Super Saiyan forms. He didn't forget to fight the perfect clone.

After six months, he was able to defeat the perfect clone, in other words, he was able to overcome himself. One must always know himself better than his enemies first.

Today, Ling Tian didn't fight with the perfect clone, rather, he planned to do something else.

" System, status." Ling Tian said.

[Host's Status...

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Name:-Ling Tian / Rayne Ashbringer

Void Level:-1

Race:-Legendary Super Saiyan

Bloodline:-Legendary Super Saiyan

Bloodline level:-106

Bloodline Attributes:-Endlessness, Berserk, Devouring Force, Temporal Force, Spatial Force, Chaotic Force, Void Force

Bloodline Perks :- Superior Battle Instincts , Full Recovery Boost, Battle Growth, Combat Perception, Ability Intuition, Higher Regeneration, Battle Addiction, Mind Of Cruel Reality.

Energy Cultivation level:-2nd level Divine Transformation Realm.

Soul level:-Mid Stage Orange Soul

Body level:-Spirit Mortal lv. 7

Numerical Stats.. .



Intelligence:-6,645(97% Perception biased)




Constitution:- 1,300,000

Spirit Energy:- 25,000,000,000

Ki:- 4,856,195,340,000

Nature Energy:- 3,210,000

Soul Power :- 12,800,640,000

Eye-Bloodline :-

1. Rinnegan - lv.8[Skills :- Supreme Perception, Omnicounter,Creation and Destruction, 99 Lives Of Samsara, (The Six Paths - Deva path, Asura path, Human path, Animal path, Preta Path, Naraka path), Outer Path, Invisible Corporeal Shadows, Space-Time Technique, Truth-seeker Orbs ]

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - lv.11 [Skills :- Eye of Hypnosis, Eye of Insights, Causality Perception, Dimension Ruler, Prescience, Death God's Glare, Susanoo, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Kotoamatsukami, Spatial Movement ]

3. All Seeing Endless Eye - lv.4[Skills :- Omnicompetence, Omniscience, Stagnation Vision]

Special Powers/Skills:-

1. Adapt and Improve - lv.49

2. Nature Core - lv.???

3. Evil Core - lv.???

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4. Nature Immortal Divine Powers [Yin-Yang Manipulation, Nature Life Boost, White Flame Of Judgement.]

5. Super Saiyan Transformations [Full Power Super Saiyan(x800), Ancient Super Saiyan(x3,200).]

6. Sin Embodiment [Wrath, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy, Gluttony.]

Talents :-

1. Alchemist - lv.592

2. Artificer - lv.621

3. Array Master - lv.589

4. Inscription Master - lv.677

5. Eidetic Memory - lv.max

6. Energy Control - lv.869

7. Sword Forte - lv.977

8. Close Combat Forte - lv.783

9. Battle Instincts - lv.428

10. Element Control - lv.589

11. Law Comprehension - Grade.2,lv.9

12. Assassination Forte - lv.527

Persona Growth Skills:-

1. Genesis Empyrean's Infinity - lv.3

2. Devourer's Body - lv.5

3. Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture - lv.2

4. Nature Immortal Body - lv.16

5. Heavenly Lightning Scripture - lv.4

Battle Skills:-

1. Thunder Fist Scripture - lv.40

2. Illusionist - lv.77

3. Telekinesis - lv.34

4. Throwing - lv.61

5. Mortal Steps - lv.88

6. Ki Blasts - lv.191

7. Devour - lv.5

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8. Taichi Fist - lv.71

9. Godspeed - lv.62

10. Berserk Battle Tyrant - lv.2

11. Endless Battle Tyrant - lv.2

12. Rasengan - lv.81

13. Ninjutsu - lv.60

14. Time Skip - lv.16

15. Silent Killer Combat Arts - lv.85

16. Abyss Soul Sword Arts - lv.121

17. Blood Slaughter Sword Arts - lv.75

18. Blood God Scripture - lv.84

Tactical Skills:-

1. Cooking - lv.81

2. Poker Face - lv.21

3. Acting - lv.5

System Functions:-



[World Travel]


[Original Sin System]

Void points:- 10,931,430,000

Upgrade points:- 62

System Inventory:-Ghoul bloodline(x1), True Devil bloodline(x1), Shape Changing Flame Cloak(x1), World Law Tree(x1), Chaos Dragon God Bloodline(x1), Samsara Eyes Eye-bloodline (x1), Copy-Wheel Eyes Eye-bloodline (x1), Dragon God's Eye Eye-bloodline (x1), Special Physique - Dragon God Body (x1), Special Physique - Nature Dragon Body (x1), Blood Flame Dragon bloodline (x1), Vampire(True Ancestor) bloodline (x1).]

Ling Tian has spent a total of little less than two years in the Meta-World Chamber and the improvement he has made is absolutely terrifying.

Before entering the Meta-Worlds Chamber, Ling Tian had a base Ki power of 83 billion. Now he has a base power level of 4 trillion.

As a Legendary Super Saiyan, Ling Tian's power level will keep on increasing as long as he lives. But with some efforts, Ling Tian's growth speed is unrivalled.

Because of him adapting to about 1% of Devil God's memories and experiences, his talents has skyrocketed and his sword arts and the Blood God Scripture which he inherited from the Devil God's memories also levelled up to high degree.

It was the talent, Law Comprehension, that increased the most. Once any skill, power, talent's level surpassed 999, then it will enter grade two. Now Ling Tian's law comprehension is at grade two.

" It's about time I fuse with the bloodlines." Ling Tian muttered as he stared at the system screen.

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