The Devourer

Chapter 117: 117

A bright yellow light encompassed Helix and the next second, she was wearing a dress that was quite similar to the traditional yukata in Japan from his previous world.

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" So who are you?" Helix asked in a haughty tone.

" Rayne Ashbringer. A Saiyan." Ling Tian said indifferently as he wiped the blood of his nose and regained his indifferent composure.

Compared to when he entered the Meta-Worlds Chamber, his appearance hadn't changed much other than gaining a bit of muscles. It was just that the temperament and aura revealed between his brows was different from before. He had gone through many great changes, and the air around him seemed much sharper and fiercer, yet more controlled than before.

Helix raised her eyes in surprise. This was the first time, someone has not lost their composure before her presence.

" Humph. This lady is the princess of Beast God Kingdom and the Holy Maiden of the Celestial Beast Sect, Helix Ze Renogyn. You commoner may call this lady, Your Highness Princess." Helix introduced herself in a prideful tone.

She saw that Ling Tian didn't say anything in response to her grand introduction.

" Why aren't you saying anything?" Helix asked.

" I'm sorry. Does it look like I care?" Ling Tian asked with a uninterested expression.

" Is that how you treat this lady?" Helix asked in an irritated tone.

" Tsk. Just get to the damn point already. I gotta train." Ling Tian said in an impatient tone.

" Fine, you perverted monkey. First answer, Why is there a connection between you and this lady?" Helix asked.

" It's a soul binding contract, Fox woman!" Ling Tian said.

" It's Your Highness princess for you!" Helix exclaimed.

" .... " Ling Tian didn't reply.

" Where is this place? Is it still the God's Realm?" Helix asked.

" No it's not. Lower realms. Currently at a white void with a different time flow." Ling Tian said.

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" Shouldn't this lady..... be dead? Why is this lady still alive? How did this lady get bound to you?" Helix asked.

" How the fu*k should I know?" Ling Tian said.

" You!!! This lady is now your master! How could you treat me like this...?" Helix said in an annoyed tone.

" You're misunderstanding something here. I am the master and you're the servant. Don't go misunderstanding things." Ling Tian said.

" Then again, the contract between us is like that of partners, I suppose." Ling Tian looked at her and continued, " You have no choice but to accept this fact."

" .... " Helix went silent.

" If that's all, I'll get back to my training. The energy here is very pure and limitless. There are no law restrictions here as well. So you can cultivate to your heart's content." Ling Tian said as he started to walk away.

" Hey.." Helix called out.

" What is it?" Ling Tian turned his head over his shoulder and looked at her.

" ..... This lady is....hungry..." Helix said with a red face.

Ling Tian's expression softened when he heard it and saw her expression.

" I'll make something for you." Ling Tian said as he moved towards the central building with Helix following behind him.

" Just so you know, this lady hasn't agreed to become your partner. You're too low class to be this lady's partner." Helix said with a stubborn tone.

" Do as you wish." Ling Tian said.

" By the way, your name sounds kind of familiar like I've heard it somewhere before. Why?" Helix asked curiously.

" Think it for yourself." Ling Tian said as he walked towards the food container.

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Helix kept on thinking while Ling Tian took out many materials and started cooking. With some time manipulation, he reduced the time required for cooking.

The dish he made was.... 'Peking Roasted Duck'.

One of his favourite dishes when he was still alive on Earth.

" Here you go." Ling Tian said to Helix after he placed the other dishes as well on the table. The heavenly smell of the dishes drafted over to Helix.


She gulped and was dying to taste the food and wondered how delicious they are if the smell itself was capable of captivating her. But as the tsundere she is, she wouldn't admit it.

" Are these edible?" Helix asked. When she was at her 'home', she had always eaten varieties of Spirit Fruits and not tasted any other dishes.

" Just eat them, I know you'll like it." Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Mm."

She took a bite of one of the dishes and....

' So Good!!!' Helix thought.


After forty minutes.

Helix was completely addicted to Ling Tian's cooking as she made him cook again and again.

Ling Tian cooked various other dishes and in the end, he even bought a low level inheritance based on cooking, 'Saiba Joichiro' from the anime, 'Shokugeki No Soma' and made quite a few dishes.

Helix peeked at Ling Tian and thought that, this young man is different from all the men she has met so far.

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Normally even the calmest men were lustful toward her because of her special physique, but strangely this youth wasn't.

He was calm and even a bit indifferent towards her beauty.

And for some reason, she felt secure when she was next to him.

For the first time of her life, Helix found a man to be interesting.

' Humph. He is definitely a vicious wolf in sheep's skin. This lady won't let him trick her.' She thought, but her interest towards Ling Tian was only increasing.

Two months passed and during this time, Helix got used to Ling Tian and the same was with Ling Tian. He was slowly reverting back to how he was before entering the Meta-Worlds Chamber because of her presence.

But Ling Tian was having a hard time. When he try to transform into a Super Saiyan to train while yelling a bit, Helix says, "Shut up, you stupid monkey! I don't like loud voice around me!"

" Then go somewhere else! Why the hell are you interrupting my training?!" Ling Tian asked in an irritated.

" Why can't you do something else instead of training for once? This lady is bored. Entertain me." Helix said while lifting her head proudly.

There was a smile on her lips. These two months were the best moments in her life. Although she and Ling Tian would always end up arguing with each other, Ling Tian would always take care of her and cook all sorts of dishes for her and made sure she was satisfied. And this was at the cost of cutting off most of his training time. From knowing Ling Tian for these two months, she understood how obsessed he is with training.

Back at her 'home', after her parents died and later the sect she belonged to found out about her special physique and bloodline, she was treated like a holy object, treated respectfully and everyone obeyed her. But she never got to experience a friendly bond with anyone, even till the day her sect along with the galaxy they resided was wiped out due to residual force of the battle between God Emperors.

Three more days passed and one day...

" This lady has decided to reluctantly accept you as my partner, but you have to follow these conditions. Now read this, this lady is going to sleep." Helix handed over a set of papers to Ling Tian and went over to the central building.

" Now what is she up to?" Ling Tian muttered and started to look through the set of papers.

" 1. This lady doesn't like to be distributed when she is sleeping, so never bother me when I'm sleeping.

2. This lady want Black Tea with a baked cake every morning.

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3. This lady doesn't like loud voice around her, only she makes loud noise.

4. This lady need lots of maids. Not men, only women.

5. This lady needs lots of clothes, high quality clothes.

6. This lady need a living punching bag, preferably a humanoid to beat up to relieve her distress.

7. No one is allowed to order this lady around. Only this lady orders others.

8. This lady likes to drink cold tea before dinner.

9. And Hot chocolate milk after dinner.

10. Don't let other women get near you. This lady won't like it.

11. Don't have any weird relationship with other men. You belong only to this lady.

12. ...




100. This lady is the most important one in this world and the most important one in your life..... You should feel proud and grateful that this lady is willing to stay beside a lowly brat like you. "

Ling Tian was trembling with anger and set the set of papers on fire and growled, " Why that little fox! How dare she try to order me around?! And what's with most of the ridiculous conditions?! How the hell did she even think I'd agree to such absurd conditions?!.... Looks like I've been too lenient with her. I'll show her who's the boss!"

Ling Tian then strode towards the central building with a ferocious expression.

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