The Devourer

Chapter 118: 118

Ling Tian entered the central building with an emotionless expression. Helix, who was preparing for her nap was surprised by Ling Tian's arrival.

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Ling Tian saw that she was humming and giggling and he forgot about the ridiculous conditions she demanded for a moment.

" What's your answer? Those were the most considerate conditions this lady could come up with. You better be grateful that this lady took your insignificant feelings into consideration." Helix said in her usual haughty tone.

A vein popped on Ling Tian's forehead and was irritated. He pushed Helix onto the wall and looked directly into her eyes.

Helix was startled and tried to sound haughty in order to hide her nervousness and said, " Co-condition number 28.... Y-you're not al-allowed to touch me. Did you forget?"

" Oh no I didn't forget it. Here's my reply." Ling Tian said and attacked her cherry red lips with his own.

" ??!!" Helix widened her eyes in shock. A feeling she has never felt was now swarming within her entire being.

The moment their lips touched, Helix felt her breath being stolen and her heart skip a beat. Ling Tian held her tightly and her body was pasted close to him with her large breasts pressed onto Ling Tian's chest.

Helix felt Ling Tian squeeze her closer, desiring her painted, shimmering lips against his soft touch. She let out a moaning, whimper of surprise.

Helix tried to get out of his grasp by failed to accomplish it.

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She trembled in her grasp as a heat grew from the depths of her body and spread throughout her entire being. It was something she had never felt before, as his lips moved against her, gently nibbling on her wonderfully soft lips.

Unable to resist him, Helix quietly submitted and gave into the wonderful feeling she was feeling right now.

It wasn't long before he forced her mouth open and his tongue entered her mouth.

The idea that a kiss could be sweet was almost unthinkable to the young woman. The idea of Ling Tian's tongue in her mouth should have disgusted her. Instead, she found herself enamoured by the taste. She felt his tongue press against her and his hot breath flood into her mouth, making her tremble.

Ling Tian's hands landed on one of Helix's fluffy tails, and his hands tingled with the foreign sensation. He was afraid that he might addicted to this sensation and might develop a tail fetish.

After a long passionate kiss, Ling Tian reluctantly separated his lips from Helix's heavenly lips.

A glistening trail of saliva linked their mouths. He tried not to follow it with his eyes as he saw Helix's cherry red lips which were now a bit swollen. He resisted the urge to kiss her again and released her from his grasp as she was breathing a bit hard with a flushed face.

Ling Tian was satisfied by her silence and turned around and walked towards the exit as he said, " Think of this as just a warning. Try ordering me around again and I'll make sure that you'll be giving birth to my child within nine months."

Ling Tian waited for a reply but didn't get one, so he thought, ' Maybe she's still mad at me.'

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After Ling Tian went out of the central building to continue with his training, Helix stood at the same spot.

She had a love-struck expression on her face which Ling Tian failed to notice before. She looked at the direction at which Ling Tian went off to and thought.

' Dear Father and Mother in afterlife.... Today I met someone...'

' A man who changed me from a princess into a Queen!'

' I Found my KING.... His name is Rayne Ashbringer!'

" Achoo!"

Ling Tian who was walking towards a distance suddenly sneezed.

" Who the fu*k is talking sh*t about me behind my back?!" Ling Tian growled in annoyance.


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One month passed.

Explosions and primal screams resounded throughout white void as the Legendary Super Saiyan pushed his body beyond the limits again and again with one desire pushing him onward and keeping him going straining and pushing himself to attain his single-minded goal.

To be stronger than anyone and get his revenge on Gran Ashbringer.

In a distance, Helix was looking at Ling Tian worriedly. During this month, although she was still her usual haughty self, but she was much more closer to Ling Tian, or rather, she always try to do that. Every time Ling Tian wake up, he'd find Helix in his embrace, snuggling upto him.

Back to Ling Tian....

While training, suddenly, the image of Gran Ashbringer with his mocking smile appeared in Ling Tian's mind and this made the anger hidden beneath his inner self to surface.

He could imagine the wretched Saiyan Scum laughing at his weakness.

Tremendous rage filled his entire being and remembered how his birth parents were schemed to their possible 'deaths', all because the scum of a Saiyan, his uncle desired Ling Tian's Natural born Godly powers and talents.

And Ling Tian began to push himself even further beyond his limits. Ling Tian kept training in the same way, trying to unlock his latent potential and achieve the next breakthrough to the third level of Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture. For each breakthrough in his Ki cultivation technique, his Ki is permanently increased by ten times and becomes more purer.

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If he manages to achieve this breakthrough, his battle power will skyrocket. His current power level could be considered universal level. After he gets the breakthrough, his powers will be even greater. Far greater.

Ling Tian still took care of Helix all the same and by this time, he had begun to grow fond of her. Her presence kept him from completely losing himself in the thirst for power.

It was at times like these that Ling Tian understood the disadvantages of being a Legendary Super Saiyan. Lack of emotional control despite his very powerful soul.


Three years has passed since Ling Tian entered the Meta-Worlds Chamber.

Helix was looking worriedly at Ling Tian. Whenever she asked him why he train so hard, he would only have one answer.

" To get my vengeance and to never ever lose anyone again."

Although Ling Tian never admitted it, he does feel affection for the fox woman. Among all his women, Helix is the only one to spend so much time with him.

But this affection only fuelled his desire to become stronger. He know better than anyone that more than 70% of those at the God's Realm wanted him dead when he was born. Now that he has talents, the likes of which no one has ever had, it wouldn't be far cry to say that, with the exception of some people, everyone in the God's Realm would want him dead.

Those close to him will also become the targets and be put in danger. In the end, if he doesn't have power, nothing is possible.

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