The Devourer

Chapter 124: 124

Ling Tian got out from the Meta-Worlds chamber and was now in the inner world of the Azure Gravity Ring.

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Helix, who was in her mini fox form was on Ling Tian's shoulder and looking around the place in wonder. Suddenly, she sensed something that made her eyes go wide.

" Rayne, why is there such a large amount of Lightning Essence in this mini-world?" Helix asked in amazement and shock.

" Don't get so surprised every single time. There are many other things I have as well." Ling Tian said with a helpless tone.

Ling Tian was about to leave the Azure Gravity Ring's inner world as well, when he was startled by Helix's surprised voice.

" Now what is it?" Ling Tian asked.

" This lady's body.... It's starting to age... No wait. Why did it only start to age now?" Helix asked in a bewildered tone.

" Sigh... When we're at the white void, we temporarily get a timeless body, which prevents us from aging. Still, I'm surprised you only noticed it now. How did you even become a Divine Emperor?" Ling Tian asked.

" .... " Helix became silent and Ling Tian could sense with his Nature Sense that she is embarrassed.

Ling Tian got out of the Azure Gravity Ring's inner world and the next instant, he was next to the bed where Lin Ke'er lies as she was still in her enlightenment state.

Ling Tian activated his All Seeing Endless Eyes secretly in order to avoid Helix's sight as he observed Lin Ke'er.

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' Well... Looks like she'll stay in that enlightenment state for eight and a half years. But she'll have completely comprehended the 'Overlord's Ascension' technique since she is in an enlightenment state. Looks like I have no other choice but to rely on Meta-Worlds Chamber again.' Ling Tian thought.

" Hey, Helix. Can you get off me and wait here for a few seconds? I have something urgent to do." Ling Tian said to Helix.

Helix didn't see anything wrong with Ling Tian's request as he only asked for a few seconds, so she did as Ling Tian said.

Ling Tian lifted Lin Ke'er with telekinesis and instantly vanished, reappearing inside the Azure Gravity Ring's inner world. Without wasting any time, he immediately entered the Meta-Worlds Chamber.

Seeing the white void again, he couldn't help but sigh.

" I never thought I'd end up returning here within minutes."

Ling Tian set Lin Ke'er down and a massive amounts of Spirit Energy was being attracted to her as her cultivation started to progress.

With nothing to do, Ling Tian called upon the Automaton of the Meta-Worlds Chamber.

[Welcome Master...

Please choose to continue....

1. Gravity Control System

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2. Ten Thousand Worlds Management.

3. Energy Management.

4. Perfection Training Clone.

5. Law Management.

6. Life Creation. ]

" How much authority do I have now? I'm sure with my overall power, I have at least 30% authority over the Life Creation and Law Management options right?" Ling Tian asked.

[ Master is correct. Master indeed has 36% authority at the moment, so Master can use the limited version of the abilities of Meta-Worlds Chamber.]

" I see."

Ling Tian then clicked the 'Ten Thousand Worlds Management' icon and various unnamed universes' icons which was only differentiated by their numbers appeared on the screen.

Ling Tian clicked the first icon and he instantly appeared in a planet full of green life. He felt control over everything here. By extending his senses, he sensed thousands of planets in this universe. Some with a lot of green life while some were deserted.

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" Damn. I feel kind of excited." Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian willed it and eight planets with a sun as its centre while revolving around the sun in eight different orbits with their satellite(moon) revolving around the planets in the same fashion was formed. Ling Tian did this while keeping the Solar System from his previous world as a base and he decided that the planet he is standing right now will be called Earth.

' System, buy me the blood samples of all the animals that has ever existed on Earth.' Ling Tian said to the system.


[Ding! Purchase complete. 4000 void points has been deducted.]


Two days passed and Ling Tian had created various races. He left the Earth alone and was curious as to what sort of developments there will be as he has already left some clues for the mindless apes who will soon evolve into humans. He didn't create dinosaurs on Earth since he ended creating some other beings that might end up creating trouble for humans if they are messed with.

" Now then, it's time for the important planet." Ling Tian muttered.

The planet he was currently on was not completely barren, but it wasn't too far off. But this planet contained fifty times the gravity which was perfect for what he intended.

Ling Tian took out a severed wrist from his Soul Storage Space. This was the same wrist that he had tore off from himself in order to show his new regeneration skill Helix at that time.

Ling Tian used the ability of the Meta-Worlds Chamber, Life Creation. The wrist slowly dissipated as hundreds of red and white light dots appeared on the planet as they started to form into a massive form.

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After five minutes, the light dissipated revealing seven hundred brown haired great apes.


Many devastating howls rang out through the entire place. All these Seven hundred great apes are Saiyans created from Ling Tian, or rather, Rayne Ashbringer's Legendary Super Saiyan cells. Although they probably don't have the same level of talent as him, their natural talent is much higher than normal Saiyans.

Ling Tian took out a hand sized blob of red blood and activated the Life Creation ability of the Meta-Worlds Chamber and thousands of Great apes were born within five minutes.

The blob of blood had belonged to Lin Ke'er and Ling Tian had secretly collected it in the past after her bloodline was completely purified.

Ling Tian created many ancient dinosaurs as well on the same planet as well as thousands of Monster Beasts. In a sense, if Saiyans survive in this world, their power levels will be completely different from that of the Saiyan race in the dragon ball series.

With the continuously growing Monster Beasts to fuel their fighting instincts, Saiyans battle power will be very great. The Saiyans born from Ling Tian's cells will experience constant power up as well due to Ling Tian's special 'Evolution S-Cells' present in them.

At one point, Dinosaurs will only end up as food source for Saiyans when they become too strong, in case the dinosaurs themselves evolve to become a higher level beings.

Satisfied with his work, Ling Tian named this universe, 'The Universe Of Beginning.'

Ling Tian returned to the white void.

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