The Devourer

Chapter 125

Ling Tian returned to the white void and saw that his little disciple Lin Ke'er was still in her enlightenment state.

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With nothing to do, Ling Tian put five thousand times the gravity focused only on him and started his training.

And in this way, three months passed and Ling Tian kept up with his training, at the same time, cultivating and already broke through to 6th level Divine King Realm and was on the verge of breaking to the 7th level.

Ling Tian put more effort into training and one more month passed. Ling Tian has already broken through to the 7th level Divine King Realm and also improved his Ki a bit.

Ling Tian stopped training and since Helix was not here to disturb him, he decided to practice his Alchemy, Artifact refinement, Array Formations mastery, and Inscriptions.

For the next five months, he practiced his talents. He has already refined countless number of artifacts and pills and even imprinted inscriptions and runes on them. Even the lowest level item he refined is at Heaven Rank, while the highest rank is at high grade Spirit Rank.

He kept on with his madness and as for materials, he can always buy them from the system since he has a lot of void points.

With the completion of one year, he stopped training his talents.

Ling Tian took out the 'Dragon Subduing Blade' and saw that the Dragon Sword Spirit still seemed to be unconscious as it was still refining the soul essence he had given it at one point.

Looking through the crystal blue blade, Ling Tian could vaguely see that the Dragon Subduing Blade was two fingers wide and there was an image of a seemingly-living dragon on it. He did not know how it appeared on it since it was not present before. He could feel an aura dominance on the sword.

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Holding the Dragon Subduing Blade, Ling Tian could not help but reveal a deep sense of satisfaction. It immediately caused his temperament to change, from that of an ordinary-looking person to something similar to a drawn, treasured sword, showing off its abilities.

In that moment, Ling Tian completely changed. It was as if he had turned into a Dominating Emperor, a peerless Emperor born to dominate over everything.

Ling Tian observed the Dragon Subduing Blade once more.

It's rank had increased from 4 star Top grade Spirit Rank Artifact to 9th level Top grade Spirit Rank Artifact because of the Dragon Sword Spirit refining the massive soul essence.

He imprinted many anti-dragon runes onto the Dragon Subduing Blade and he kept at it for a few days. Ling Tian made sure to remember to upgrade the Dragon Subduing Blade after it automatically transcends to become a Divine Rank Artifact. Then the Dragon Subduing Blade would have tremendous Anti-Dragon powers.

Ling Tian then stored back the Dragon Subduing Blade into his Soul Storage Space and started to cultivate while using his Devour skill to boost his cultivation speed.

One more year passed.

Ling Tian had reached peak of 10th level Divine King Realm, just a little bit away from breaking through to Divine Emperor Realm.

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An entire universe has almost formed within Ling Tian's Genesis world. Ling Tian's cultivation in Heavenly lightning scripture didn't seem to produce any improvements and he came to a conclusion that he'd need more Heavenly Tribulation Lightning to improve it.

Lin Ke'er still hasn't woken up yet, but her cultivation has increased by leaps and bounds during this time and her foundation was becoming more and more firmer and purer because of the extremely pure Spirit Energy in the Meta-Worlds Chamber.

She has already broken through to the third level of Divine King Realm from eighth level of Divine Lord Realm. All this is only possible because of the purity of the energy in the Meta-Worlds Chamber, one day of cultivation here is equal to millions of years of cultivation outside.

Unfortunately, despite giving Ling Tian the advantages of unlimited breakthrough without any bottlenecks, the cultivation of Genesis Empyrean's Infinity requires a massive amounts of spirit energy to cultivate and also time.

Suddenly, the fluctuations of spirit energy around Lin Ke'er changed, which caught Ling Tian's attention as he teleported next to her.

Lin Ke'er opened her eyes and in front of her was the most handsome man she has ever seen. She blushed as she tried to look away, but her body wouldn't listen.

Ling Tian saw this and was speechless.

' Looks like being too handsome is not always a good thing.' Ling Tian thought.

" Ke'er. What are you standing there is daze for?" Ling Tian asked with a carefree smile.

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" Ma-Master? Is that you...?" Lin Ke'er asked in doubt.

" Who else could it be? I don't think my appearance has changed much." Ling Tian said.

" Y-Y-Y-You became.....more....handsome.." Lin Ke'er said with a flushed face.

Ling Tian smiled as he said, " I just awakened a part of my bloodline that caused me to become more handsome."

" I... See." Lin Ke'er said.

" What is this.... place master?" Lin Ke'er asked with a red place.

" A place we'll be training for one year! While only a few seconds would have passed in the outside world. Of course, we're alone here." Ling Tian said.

" Training..? One year..? Alone with master?" Lin Ke'er was blushing as many thoughts came to her mind.

" Cough... Listen carefully Ke'er." Ling Tian said getting Lin Ke'er's attention.

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" You're missing something that's limiting the potential of the cultivation technique I gave you." Ling Tian said through narrowed eyes.

" What is it.... Mas..ter.?" Lin Ke'er asked in confusion.

" High-level Spirit Root. Your Mortal Rank Spirit Root is reducing the capabilities of the technique I gave you." Ling Tian explained.

" .... "

" That's why you'll need a new better Spirit Root. I have the perfect thing that you can fuse with." Ling Tian said.

" Me? Fuse with higher level Spirit Root?" Lin Ke'er asked stunned.

Ling Tian pressed Lin Ke'er's forehead with a finger as he said, " Yes. You'll fuse with a Spirit Root and I'm giving you a Spirit Root Inheritance."

Lin Ke'er tilted her head to look past the finger on her forehead and saw the devilishly handsome face of Ling Tian who is an incomprehensible existence to her as he gave her an carefree smile.

Ling Tian lowered his head and the finger pressed upon her forehead and slid slowly down her nose, till it came to her tiny sharp chin. He hooked his finger under her chin and raised her head to look into her eyes before he said," You don't have to worry about it, as your master, I will prepare everything necessary to pave a solid path for your future cultivation. You just have to put your trust in me."
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