The Devourer

Chapter 17

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" That idiot just rushed into the chamber without even enquiring about it a bit." Elder Sun sighed " *sigh* why are all the Saiyans I've met so impatient?"

" Ah? .... That fool!!" Su Lingyan snapped out of her shock and screamed as she realised what Ling Tian just did.

" That he sure is." Elder Sun sighed again thinking of Ling Tian rash behaviour.

" Elder, will he be okay? That idiot didn't even ask for the upsides and downsides of that chamber before rushing in." Su Lingyan asked Elder Sun with a hint of anger and concern in her voice.

" I honestly have no idea how he will end up. But what I know is that, Anyone who has entered the chamber has never come out of it." Elder Sun sighed and said in a bit gloomy tone.

" What?! Then what will happen to him? Elder, he will be fine right?" Su Lingyan asked Elder Sun as tears started to welling in her eyes.

" Yan'er, don't tell me you got fond of that kid?" Elder Sun couldn't help but ask as he saw Su Lingyan's reaction.

" But, other than Mengyan and Su Yu , Ling Tian is the only one who treated me like a normal person. He never looked at me with contempt or disdain. I don't want him to die like this.!" Su Lingyan said with tears streaming down her eyes. It was a pity that her face was disfigured, otherwise it would have been a beautiful sight with how beautiful she was originally.

" That boy was different from all Saiyans I've seen." Elder Sun mumbled.

" Saiyan? The strongest race in the Heaven's Fall World? Elder, do you mean Ling Tian is a Saiyan?" Su Lingyan asked Elder Sun, still sobbing.

" Yes. The boy is definitely a Saiyan. His bloodline purity is most likely comparable to that of 'Battle Emperor Jun' , since the boy had a Saiyan tail as well." Elder Sun paused for a moment, then continued, " But unlike other Saiyans who are cold hearted and ruthless and have a berserk aura around them, this boy is simple minded, naive and has a carefree and tolerant aura. It's like he's the exact opposite of what a Saiyan is."

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" But he is -" Su Lingyan words were stopped by Elder Sun.

" He'll be fine." Elder Sun said.

" How are you able to say that, elder?" Asked Su Lingyan, unsure of why Elder Sun would say that Ling Tian will be fine.

" I just get the feeling that, he'll come out fine. Maybe even stronger. So stop wasting your tears. If the boy saw you now, I'm sure he will say something unpleasant for you to hear." Elder Sun said to Su Lingyan with a smile at the thought of Ling Tian.

"Nn." Su Lingyan nodded.


Elder Sun suddenly sneezed which surprised Su Lingyan. So she asked, " Elder are you alright?"

Elder Sun just waved his hand and said," It's probably someone talking about me. And I have a good idea of who it is." Elder Sun was looking at the old wooden door with a strange expression.

At the mean time. Inside the final chamber.

" Dammit!! You shitty old bastard, if I survive this, I swear I will punch your hypocritical face as hard as I can!" Ling Tian was cursing and panicking at the same time because , he was being frozen into an ice statue. More than half of his body was frozen and he couldn't feel the body parts that were frozen.

Within a few seconds, Ling Tian was completely engulfed by the ice, turning him into an ice sculpture.

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Seven minutes ago.

Right after Ling Tian entered the chamber, he noticed that the place was completely empty. Ling Tian then started walking to the centre of the huge chamber when he suddenly felt like he passed through a thin layer of wall.

Ling Tian sensed a ridiculous amount of spirit energy around him which was countless times denser than the spirit energy in the training rooms in the sect.

" *huff* *huff* It sure is cold." Ling Tian felt very cold.

Suddenly, a few ice statues appeared in his sight. Upon a focused inspection, he realized that the ice statues were all humans frozen in ice. Ling Tian suddenly felt a sense of dread and tried to get out of this chamber.

" What the-!!" Ling Tian suddenly realized that he couldn't move an inch from the spot he is standing. Ling Tian's face went pale when he saw that his lower half of the body was frozen in ice, that too without him even realizing it.


Ling Tian's body was completely frozen but he was still conscious. He couldn't feel his body at all. It was impossible for him to guess just how terrifying the ice attribute spirit energy was, to be able to freeze him without making him feel anything at all.

But it didn't stop there, as the cold energy started to invade even his sea of consciousness.

" What?! ..... this energy.... It's trying to freeze even my soul?!" Ling Tian now felt despair for the first time after reincarnating in this world. Even Raiga was unable to make him feel this way. But of course, that doesn't mean this cold energy is more dangerous than Raiga. It's just because Ling Tian felt that dying without feeling a thing is far more scarier than everything.

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The cold energy started to freeze Ling Tian's soul and Ling Tian felt like it was all over for him.

When the cold energy reached the part of Ling Tian's soul where the black vortex was situated. The cold energy started getting sucked into the vortex. The black vortex started expanding in it's size as it started to frantically absorb the cold energy in Ling Tian's surrounding.

Ling Tian now felt like all the despair he felt just disappear. But Ling Tian was shocked to find that there was such a sinister black vortex in his soul. The suddenly a thought came to his mind.

" Could this be the devouring force, Raiga talked about?..... well, it literally is devouring all the spirit energy around me. Looks like I'm not destined to die here after all." Ling Tian came to his conclusion after deducing the facts.

" Hehe, just wait old man. I'll be sure to give you a grateful fist on your face." Ling Tian said with an evil grin.

.. ..

After five days since Ling Tian entered the final chamber of the Martial Arts Library.

Elder Sun and Su Lingyan were standing outside the chamber. There was a beautiful girl around the age of 18 , standing next to the duo.

" Elder Sun, it's been five days already. Is Ling Tian really alright?" Su Lingyan asked Elder Sun in a hoarse voice as there were tears threatening to come out of her eyes. One had to admit that her eyes were beautiful despite her face being disfigured.

" He should be alright. He must be facing some kind of trials in order to get the approval of our Progenitor." Elder Sun said with smile. But even he was uncertain about Ling Tian's whereabouts at this point of time.

" Elder Sun is right, Lingyan. That guy should be fine." The beautiful girl beside Su Lingyan said to comfort her.

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" Nn. I hope so. Thanks Mengyan." Su Lingyan said to the girl named Mengyan. In response, the girl named Mengyan simply smiled wryly.

" But why are you worried about this guy so much, Lingyan? You barely know about him." The girl named Mengyan couldn't help but ask.

" Because he is just like you and Su Yu. He acknowledged me as a person." Su Lingyan smiled as she replied.

The girl named Mengyan didn't say anything and just stayed silent.

.. ..

Meanwhile, Inside the chamber.

Ling Tian was still frozen as an ice sculpture. But that hardly faced him as he was sleeping without a care.

Ling Tian woke up after a bit and noticed that the black vortex in his soul was still devouring the cold energy. It seemed like there was almost an unlimited amount of cold energy in this chamber.

While Ling Tian was bored and was going to sleep for a bit more, he noticed a bright blue light shining in his sea of consciousness.

Ling Tian inspected it closely and found that it was very familiar to him. But he didn't dare to believe his guess. But the more Ling Tian inspected, the more he was sure of his guess.

" A spirit root?! What the hell ?! I have a new spirit root? How did that happen? It seems to be an ice attribute Spirit root as well!"

Yes. There was a new Spirit root other than the spirit root he originally had. And it was an ice attribute Spirit root. With this, Ling Tian now have two spirit roots. Now he can be considered a genius in spirit energy cultivation with his rare twin spirit roots.

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