The Devourer

Chapter 18

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Ling Tian's shock was soon replaced by joy. He as a Saiyan has unparalleled talent in both Ki and body cultivation, but was extremely lacking talent in Spirit energy cultivation because of his lowest grade spirit root.

Now that Ling Tian has an additional Spirit root, that too with an elemental attribute, his cultivation speed would increase by at least five times and that is the minimum. As for the maximum, he has no idea as he don't know the grade of his new spirit root.

Ling Tian was very happy now as he felt that his chances of survival in this brutal world increased. He knew that he can't survive in this world with just his body and Ki cultivation. In this world, achievement in spirit energy cultivation is a must all those people, that are aiming to get to the top.

Ling Tian continued to observe the newly formed Spirit root and found that it was glowing more brighter as time went by. Soon he got bored of simply observing his sea of consciousness.

Ling Tian suddenly realized that his heart was completely unaffected by the terrifying cold energy. Ling Tian with his soul sense tried to examine why his heart was not affected by the cold energy. But he suddenly felt his consciousness being dragged into his heart and all his vision went blank for a moment. When he came to, he realized that he was in a black space which almost seemed to be endless.

Ling Tian then saw two different coloured sun-like spheres in the space. One was blue in colour and the other was purple in colour. Ling Tian didn't know why, but he was getting a very familiar feeling from both of the flaming Spheres.

" What are these things? Why are they inside my heart? And why does my heart have a dimension within it?!" Ling Tian was speechless as he looked at what was in front of him. By this point, he had become immune to the shocking things that happen to him.

" Dammit! All I did was wishing to be a Saiyan when I was given the chance. Why did me being Saiyan give me all these unwanted bonuses?!!" Ling Tian really wish he knew what was happening on his body. But sadly, he had no clue at all.

" Fuck! First it was a weird vortex inside my soul. Now there are literally two fucking suns within my heart. Are these all something a Saiyan should have? I'm so fucking sure it's not!!" Ling Tian was screaming inside the dimension within his heart. His scream was filled with helplessness.

Suddenly, a realization hit Ling Tian as he looked towards the purple flaming sphere. His face went pale and his body started shivering from fear.

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" This feeling... I'm sure of it... I'll ne-never forget this energy signature..... It's Ra-Raiga's energy!!!" Ling Tian was scared out of his mind. If it really is Raiga's energy then no one can save him. Back in the past timeline, there was the kind hearted Fairon who saved him from Raiga. But in the Heaven's Fall World, where Fairon doesn't exist, No one is capable of standing up to Raiga if he really is here.

But Ling Tian's fear only lasted for a moment before disappearing like it was never there. Ling Tian felt like something external just took away his fear.

" No. Something's not right." Ling Tian felt like there was something different about this purple energy. So Ling Tian examined it and found the reason.

" This energy signature is not Raiga's, but mine. So the reason I thought it was Raiga's energy must be because of the evil attribute in the energy." Ling Tian felt that his theory was correct.

" But why do I have such an evil energy and why is it condensed inside my heart. Why does it feel different yet similar to Raiga's energy?" Ling Tian somehow knew that he will not get the answer to his question no matter how much he racks his brain, so he just looked at the other flaming sphere.

Ling Tian looked at the blue flaming sphere and all he felt from it was..... Tranquillity. Ling Tian didn't understand why, but he instinctively knew that the blue energy will never harm him. Although he felt the same for purple sphere, it wasn't to the extent of what the blue sphere made him feel.

The energy in the blue flaming sphere was so pure and didn't have a speck of impurity on it.

Ling Tian suddenly felt some kind of force pulling him out of the dimension inside his heart. Ling Tian was now in his body. And his body was not frozen in ice anymore. Strangely, Ling Tian didn't feel any stiffness despite being sealed in ice for more than five days.

" Hm? I can see through the ice mist now." Ling Tian was joyful of the fact that he is not blinded by the ice mist anymore. What he didn't notice was that his pupils now shone with shiny white light. The eyes of Ling Tian at the moment looked very similar to Raiga's eyes when Raiga activated his eye-bloodline.

Ling Tian then saw an icy blue pearl floating in mid air just a few distance away from him. Ling Tian walked towards the icy blue pearl curiously.

Ling Tian felt the temperature around him decreasing as he neared the icy blue pearl. But the coldness didn't affect him at all as he felt a strange force cloaking around him. Ling Tian knew that it was the devouring force and the reason he didn't feel much cold was because the force cloaking him was devouring the energies in his surrounding.

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" So this pearl is the source of all the icy spirit energy in this chamber. Good thing I have the devouring force. Otherwise I would have been a goner long ago." Ling Tian sighed. He was really grateful for the fact that he has the devouring force. It had saved him when he was in life and death situations, intentionally or not.

Ling Tian curiously observed the icy blue pearl. He felt that the rate at which the black vortex was devouring the cold energy increased by tens if not hundreds of folds.

Ling Tian unconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed the icy blue pearl. Ling Tian felt the rate of devouring of energies just increased by thousands of times.

" Glazed Ice Pearl." Ling Tian absent mindedly said. " Strange, how do I know it's name?"

*Tik* *Tik* *Tik*

But what happened next made Ling Tian forget about the pearl itself as he was overcome with joy and shock.

Ling Tian's cultivation base started to breakthrough to new levels.

Initial 4th level Body Refinement Realm....

Mid 4th level Body Refinement Realm....

Late 4th level Body Refinement Realm....

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Peak 4th level Body Refinement Realm....

And finally his cultivation broke through to the initial 5th level Body Refinement Realm. And his rapid breakthroughs finally stopped at the initial 5th level Body Refinement Realm.

" I can't be this lucky right?! Am I going die today?" Ling Tian was truly considering that he might die today as he had never been this lucky, including both his past and present lives.

Ling Tian, instead of being happy about his consecutive breakthroughs, he was highly alert and had a grave expression on his face. He believed in his instincts as they have saved his life numerous times.

The energies in the Glazed Ice Pearl was still being devoured by the black vortex inside Ling Tian's soul. The icy blue colour of the Glazed Ice Pearl started to dim.

Ling Tian then noticed a golden coloured pearl floating in mid air, in the same way the Glazed Ice Pearl was before being grabbed by Ling Tian. The golden pearl was emitting a terrifying amount of heat energy. But strangely, the heat energy didn't get past a certain radius from the golden pearl.

Ling Tian started to walk towards the golden pearl warily.

" Wow! It's devouring the fire attribute spirit energy as well." Ling Tian was startled to see that the heat energies emitted by the golden pearl was also devoured by the black vortex. He was worried that his newly formed spirit root might explode because of two opposing energies being absorbed in a single spirit root.

But what Ling Tian was worried about didn't happen. In fact, something unexpected was happening in his sea of consciousness. The original spirit root of Ling Tian which was of the lowest grade which was of no affinity to any element started to turn dark gold as dark gold flames were on his spirit root.

Ling Tian instantly understood what was happening. His lowest grade spirit root was mutating because of the fire attribute spirit energy devoured by the black vortex.

Ling Tian had a wide smile as he said to himself, " My luck is getting a bit creepy. I'm definitely sure that something bad is going to happen to me..... since I going to suffer anyway, then why not just enjoy the privileges my creepy unstable luck is giving me."

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As soon as he said it, Ling Tian rushed towards the golden pearl and grabbed it. When Ling Tian grabbed the golden pearl, he felt the black vortex devouring fire spirit energy at a much faster pace.

" Nine Sun Fire Pearl." Ling Tian muttered as he looked at the pearl in his right hand. Then he looked at the Glazed Ice Pearl in his left hand.

" Why do I know the name of these two pearls? Why is it that I'm able to see everything very clearly and know everything about them?" Said Ling Tian being confused, oblivious to the fact that his eyes were still glowing white.

Before Ling Tian could ponder about things, something he never expected to happen just happened to him. Ling Tian's cultivation started to breakthrough from the initial 5th level Body Refinement Realm to higher levels at insane speed.

Mid 5th level Body Refinement Realm....

Late 5th level Body Refinement Realm....

Peak 5th level Body Refinement Realm....

Initial 6th level Body Refinement Realm....

Mid 6th level Body Refinement Realm....

Late 6th level Body Refinement Realm....

Peak 6th level Body Refinement Realm....

And it finally stopped at the peak 6th level Body Refinement Realm. Ling Tian just stood there dumbstruck at his insane luck of getting consecutive breakthroughs in his cultivation. That too, twice in a day or rather saying twice in an hour would be more appropriate.

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