The Devourer

Chapter 19

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Ling Tian just stood there dumbstruck, not knowing what to do now. Although he felt happy for the sudden breakthroughs in his spirit energy cultivation, for some reason he was getting a feeling, as if, something very bad was going to happen to him.

Ling Tian then looked at the Nine Sun Fire Pearl in his right hand and saw that the spirit energy within it was being devoured by the black vortex and the dark golden spirit root in his sea of consciousness was also shining more and more brilliantly as the time went.

But the shine on Glazed Ice Pearl was very dim as it barely had a hint of its original icy blue shine.

Ling Tian then walked aimlessly in the chamber and found a wooden door that was very similar to the one he used to enter this chamber. But Ling Tian was not stupid enough to rush into the room behind the door like he did before, which almost cost his poor little life.

Ling Tian warily observed the wooden door, standing three meters away from it.

" You have passed the trial of surviving the offensive forces of Yin and Yang(ice and fire) energies."

" You can now advance to the next stage of the trial through the wooden door."

A voice resounds throughout the whole chamber and Ling Tian was freaked out by the sudden voice. It took a while for him to regain his calm.

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" That voice, it was like it wanted me to enter through that door. Is the spirit rank cultivation technique behind that door." As soon as Ling Tian thought of this, he rushed towards the wooden door, completely forgetting what happened the previous time when he did same thing.

Ling Tian then opened the wooden door and entered the room. The room was not too large, at least much smaller in space compared to the previous chamber. Ling Tian then saw some strange patterns on the floor and there were some stones on top of the patterns which Ling Tian couldn't identify.

" Please stand in the center of the 'technique transmitting formation'."

A voice was transmitted directly into Ling Tian's mind. Ling Tian was calm this time, as if he already expected this voice to be heard.

Ling Tian did as the voice told him and stood in the middle of the room which is precisely the center of the formation. He stood there for a few minutes, but nothing happened. He thought it might take some time for the formation to be activated, so he stood there patiently. But there was a bit of anxiety and expectation on his eyes.

Ling Tian was starting to get bored as he stood at the same spot for more than an hour. He had enough of just standing at one spot. Ling Tian was about to move away from the formation when the same voice he had heard twice before, again interrupted his thoughts.

" Please be prepared. The formation will be activating now."

" Ah! Finally! I waited for so long. After I get this cultivation technique, my cultivation will increase at a heaven defying speed. Hahaha!" Ling Tian was excited as he was imagining the possibly good future he will have after getting the spirit rank cultivation technique.

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The patterns on the formation started glowing in a greyish light and gave of a gloomy aura. Before Ling Tian could react, the greyish light enveloped him and along with the light he disappeared from the formation.


In a desert like place, a grey light flashed on the ground before disappearing. What was left behind in that spot was a young man who was dressed in white shirt and pant. The young man looked to be around 16 years old in appearance and was very handsome, but looked very strange because of the white clothes.

The young man had an vacant look on face. He raised his head and looked upwards the sky and saw that the sky was blood red in colour. The young man looked at the ground and saw the sand was also blood red in colour. The air around the young man had the smell of blood as well. The place gave off an eerie aura. It was as if this place was hell itself.

Tears started to accumulate in the young man's eyes and he cried out, " I'm finally in hell, huh........ What did I ever do to deserve all this?!!" *sob* *sob*

The young man who was shedding tragic tears was the one and only extremely stupid reincarnater, Ling Tian. Ling Tian was now feeling that he was completely foolish to believe that voice that came out of nowhere.


Ling Tian suddenly felt his left vacant. He looked at his left hand and saw that the once radiant Glazed Ice Pearl had now turned into nothing but a handful of ash. Ling Tian knew what caused this. It turned to ashes because all of the spirit energy within the Glazed Ice Pearl was devoured clean by the black vortex inside Ling Tian's soul.

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Ling Tian looked at his right hand. He saw that the Nine Sun Fire Pearl suffered the same fate as the Glazed Ice Pearl as it turned into a handful of ashes as well.

" But isn't this too fast? It's been barely five hours since I started devouring the gold pearl. It took who knows how many days to completely devour all the energy within the blue pearl. Does that mean the blue pearl had more spirit energy than the gold pearl?" Ling Tian was curious as to why the gold pearl didn't last long. But his thoughts were interrupted by a certain voice transmission.

" The final trial will now be commencing. In this trial, you have to prove yourself to be a true Saiyan."

" Sorry for the mistake earlier. The word 'technique' was mistaken for 'Spatial'. It is actually ' Spatial Transmission Formation' ."

" There's no fucking way you could possibly mistake those two words!! Not even idiots would do such a thing!!!" Ling Tian was mad now. It was as clear as day that he was scammed by whoever set up this deadly trial.

Suddenly Ling Tian's mind stopped working for a moment before realising what the voice just said.

" What?! How do you know I'm a Saiyan?!!" Ling Tian was freakin out. His mind was in chaos. But he didn't have the chance to ponder over the topic as he sensed that something or someone that has a ridiculously huge amounts of Ki was heading towards him.

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Ling Tian felt very alarmed at the moment. He knew that he might have to fight a life and death battle. He no longer remembers or care about the spirit rank cultivation technique. He has only one goal at the moment, that is to survive and get out of this uncomfortable place.

Suddenly a figure came into Ling Tian's vision as it landed a few tens of meters away from him. Ling Tian got a good look at the figure that just arrived. The figure was a man who seems to be in his late twenties. But the massive amount of Ki within him was very shocking to Ling Tian as he knew that the man was definitely a human.

Unlike Saiyans who are born with extremely powerful physique, humans are born with a very weak physique. The amount of Ki some of the newborn Saiyans have is equal to the amount of Ki a human can only have after years of hard training. The very proof of that was Elder Sun. When Ling Tian met elder Sun, although he couldn't sense the elder's spirit energy cultivation level, he was able to see that the amount of Ki , elder Sun had wasn't even 10% of what Ling Tian has, not to mention the purity of Ki.

While Ling Tian was in his thoughts, the man started to talk, " I am Jiang Zhentian. You better remember it. For I will one day surpass all the major races out there and become the strongest in all of existence. I'll prove that humans have unlimited potential."

When Ling Tian heard what the man named Jiang Zhentian said, he started to feel admiration for this man, who has such a grand dream. But Ling Tian's admiration was replaced by something else because of what Jiang Zhentian said.

" So You're the prophesized Saiyan, huh. Not bad, pretty strong for a brat who hasn't even grown hair down there." Jiang Zhentian said as he looked Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was confused at the first part of what Jiang Zhentian said. But before he could ponder over it, Jiang Zhentian's second part of the sentence angered Ling Tian. But before Ling Tian could refute against Jiang Zhentian, he was silenced by the latter's words.

" That's enough of it. Now then, legendary Prince of the Saiyans, show me what you've got?" Said Jiang Zhentian, while having a maniacal smile on his face.

" Huh?!"

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