The Devourer

Chapter 32

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*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Ling Tian was breathing heavily as he stood up. Ling Tian wasn't breathing heavily because he was exhausted, it was because Ling Tian's body is being weakened by a great degree by someone or something.

Ling Tian calmed his ragged breathing and looked at the seven sins seriously.

" It's you, huh?" Ling Tian said as he looked at the short chubby man among the seven sins.

" Oh? You've already figured it out, huh? *yawn*..... Not bad." The chubby short man said to Ling Tian while Yawning.

" If I'm not wrong, you're Sloth, right?. That ability of yours is quite fitting for your title." Ling Tian said with his eyes narrowed, as he figured out that, the weak feeling he felt was because of the guy called Sloth.

" Thanks for the compliment. But knowing my ability doesn't mean you can evade it." Sloth replied, ignoring Ling Tian's sarcasm.

" Hehhh..... Then I'll bring you down first." Ling Tian said coolly.

" Hah?! How are you gon-!?.."

Ling Tian didn't give Sloth the chance to finish his sentence as he glared at Sloth as his eyes shone with whitish Ki.

" Hmm!!" Ling Tian hummed loudly.


An invisible attack struck Sloth on his face with a terrible force, that interrupted his speech and sent him flying.

Other than Wrath, the other sins were surprised by what just happened.

Greed looked deeply at Ling Tian after being initially surprised.

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" A physical Soul attack, huh? His soul must be at a very high level to actually use the power of soul to directly attack physically." Greed muttered as he looked at Ling Tian with a peculiar gaze.

" You people better take this seriously." Ling Tian said with a serious expression.

Greed turned to look at where Sloth crashed into, and saw that Sloth was unconscious. Unperturbed by this, Greed turned towards Ling Tian with a sly smirk.

" I guess we have to take this seriously after all." Greed said.

The rest of the seven sins excluding Sloth simply nodded in consent.

Ling Tian tensed up and was on his guard. He then saw the man called Pride, walking towards him. Ling Tian was surprised because, this guy didn't rush at him or sneak attack him, but wanted to face him head to head.

Pride stood a few meters away from Ling Tian and looked straight at him. The way Pride was looking at Ling Tian was like a Superior existence looking at an ant.



Ling Tian and Pride vanished from the spot they were standing and appeared hundreds of meters away from the spot striking at each other.


From the clash, Ling Tian was pushed back by Pride in terms of raw power.

" !! " suddenly Ling Tian felt something behind, so he jumped up and distanced himself from the spot he was standing immediately.

He saw Lust now at the spot he was standing just a moment ago.

Ling Tian was very alarmed. He couldn't sense Lust's presence at all. And if it wasn't for his Saiyan instincts kicking in, he was sure that, he would be in a sorry state now.

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" Heh~ You dodged that ~ ..... Lets see whether you can dodge this?" Lust said in a strange tone as he looked at Ling Tian.


Lust suddenly disappeared and appeared Ling Tian in a flash and punched him.


" Kgh.." Ling Tian didn't feel a big impact from Lust's hit, but the part of his body where Lust struck him was feeling kind of tingly.

" Tch." Ling Tian then tried to fight against Lust.

No matter how many times Ling Tian struck at Lust, whether punches or kicks, Lust evaded them all in a rather weird fashion.

Ling Tian was starting to get annoyed by the fact that he is unable land a single strike on Lust despite punching forty two punches a second.

Ling Tian, irritated, punched at Lust with a tremendous force.


Lust evaded that fist by a hair's breadth and crawled on Ling Tian like a snake and got a hold of him.

" Aah~ I finally got you~" Lust said to Ling Tian, while clinging onto Ling Tian's back and sniffing him.

" Ugh.." Ling Tian was freaked out by this and kept struggling to get Lust of his back. But it was as if Lust was stuck to him with the stickiest glue.

" Urghhh.. Haahhh!!!" Finally Ling Tian couldn't take it anymore and directly released all his Ki in an explosive manner.


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And it worked, as Lust was thrown off his back.

*Fsh* *Fsh* *Fsh* *Fsh* *Fsh* *Fsh*

Ling Tian's Ki was flaring around him and Ling Tian glared at Lust.

" Aww~ You're so violent! But I like it ~" Lust said as he looked at Ling Tian perversely.

What Lust just said broke Ling Tian's anger limit and Ling Tian charged up his Ki to end Lust.

But something unexpected happened.

Ling Tian's flaring Ki dispersed and Ling Tian started to breathe heavily.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

" What the?!"

Ling Tian started to feel his body becoming hot and restless. Ling Tian observed his body and was dumbfounded by what happened. Because....

His little brother was hard.

He had become horny. But the issue is that, there are no sexy women here to entice him to become this hard. He was feeling quite restless.

Ling Tian soon understand the reason for this shameful phenomenon happening to him.

It was Lust's ability.

Ling Tian looked at Lust and asked in an angry voice, " This is your doing, isn't it?"

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Lust smiled lecherously when Ling Tian spoke to him. Lust said, " Yes, congratulations on figuring it out, dear~"

" Why you!!!"

Lust ignored Ling Tian's anger and said in a creepy tone.

" Now that you are also in the mood, why don't we have some fun~~"

" Not even in your dreams!!! You motherfu*ker!!!" Ling Tian yelled in pure rage.

" Oh~ come on, just a little won't hurt ~~" Lust said in a creepy flirtatious tone.

" Go fu*k yourself!!!!" Ling Tian had enough of it. Never in his entire lifetime, past and present, no one has angered him to this extent.

Unknown to Ling Tian, he was not feeling lustful anymore and had returned to his normal self.

But this phenomenon didn't escape the eyes of two certain individuals.

Envy, who was standing next to Greed, asked Greed in a low voice, " Did you see that? It couldn't be what I think it is, right?"

Greed and Envy, from the beginning didn't participate in the battle and was just spectating things.

Greed heard Envy's question and frowned a bit.

" Your guess is right. That boy definitely has a stainless soul, one of the very few things that can stand up against the power of seven sins." Greed said as he looked at Ling Tian with a grim expression.

" Envy, you and I are joining the fight. We can't let this drag on any further. We have to end this now, before the boy awakens any troublesome power." Greed said with a serious expression.

" Okay." Envy simply replied without any changes in his expression.

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