The Devourer

Chapter 33

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Ling Tian was angry with Lust, when he suddenly felt an enormous killing intent focused on him.

" !? "

Ling Tian suddenly felt danger and used Mortal Steps to distance himself from the place he was standing, at extremely high speed.


Right as Ling Tian moved away from that spot, something smashed on the place where Ling Tian stood with enormous force.

After the dust cleared, Ling Tian saw who it was that tried to attack him.

It was Pride.

" Tch! Pesky rat! Is running all you can do!" Pride growled at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was about to rebuke at Pride, when he suddenly felt a different killing intent focused on him. Ling Tian immediately used Mortal Steps to move away from the spot in an instant.

It was Wrath, who attacked him.

Ling Tian then saw that Greed and Envy were also coming towards him. Seeing this, Ling Tian smiled a bit.

" So you've finally decided to take this seriously, huh?" Ling Tian said as he stared at the sins, who were looking at him with the intent to kill.

Greed ignored Ling Tian and turned towards Lust and said seriously.

" Lust, take this seriously. We're killing him as soon as possible."

Lust was surprised by what Greed said, but soon that surprise faded as a sinister smile formed on his face.

" Sorry dear.. But I've to kill you ~ don't worry, I'll make it painless." Lust said with a scornful smirk.

Ling Tian didn't say anything to Lust's creepy words. He was on his guard, because he knew that things are about to get serious.

After that there was a moment of silence in the whole place.



Pride and Wrath rushed towards Ling Tian at light speed and punched at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian couldn't evade the strikes so he put up a cross guard and blocked the punches.


As a result, Ling Tian was sliding backward due to the sheer force from Pride and Wrath's punches.

Suddenly Lust came from behind Ling Tian and struck at him.

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Ling Tian disappeared from that spot and Lust's strike only struck air.

Ling Tian appeared a few distance away and looked at Lust.

" Don't bother, creep. I've already gotten used to your fighting style." Ling Tian said coolly.

Lust heard Ling Tian's statement and got angry.

" Dear, you're getting too hateful! Looks like you need punishment!" Lust said angrily.

Lust body started to glow dark pink and this dark pink light condensed on his arms and legs to from some kind of armour coating.

" Humph." Pride snorted and his body released a dark golden light. Pride held out his hand and the dark golden light condensed into a heavy broad sword.

Wrath also similarly released a crimson light and this light concentrated solely on his hands and condensed into a pair of gauntlets.

" Wha-?! What the hell is that??!!" Ling Tian was utterly shocked by what the three sins just did.

Greed looked at Ling Tian's shocked face and laughed a bit.

" Looks like you didn't know what we are, despite us introducing ourselves, huh?" Greed said to Ling Tian.

" What are trying to say?" Ling Tian looked at Greed and questioned him.

" You seem to think that we only have one or two abilities matching our titles, don't you?" Greed said as he looked at Ling Tian calmly.

" So What?" Ling Tian said, not sure what Greed is saying.

" That's where you're wrong. We are the sins itself. Or rather the embodiment of the sins. And the power, Lust and the others used is the manifestation of their respective sin. It is not Spirit energy or Ki or Soul power etc., that is the sin itself." Greed said with an enigmatic smile.

" .... So.... What you're saying is, as long as you have your sins, you'll never run out of strength?!" Ling Tian said with a stunned expression.

" Ohh? You're smarter than I thought. All this time, I thought you were a simple muscle brain fool." Greed said mockingly.


But Ling Tian didn't get the chance to say anything, as Lust attacked Ling Tian with his pink coated fist. His speed was extremely fast, as Ling Tian could barely lift his hand in time to block Lust's attack.

Ling Tian was pushed back by Lust, but this time Ling Tian didn't feel any tingly feeling.

Lust was quite surprised. His ability had lost its effects on Ling Tian.

Greed didn't seem too surprised as he thought, ' As expected. Once his stainless soul was affected by the sin of lust, the same wouldn't happen a second time. Sloth is also the same. Two sins have been deemed useless against the boy.'

" Tch! I told you, I'm already used to your fighting style!" Ling Tian said as he rushed at Lust.


But Ling Tian was intercepted by a slash from Pride's heavy sword, which Ling Tian barely managed to evade.


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But as soon as he evaded the sword slash, he was hit in the back by Wrath.

Ling Tian flew into sky and stood in the mid air.

In mid air, Ling Tian cupped his hands and Ki gathered in his hands.




An beam of blue energy shot towards the three sins from Ling Tian's hands.

But something unexpected happened.

Gluttony who was quite this whole time, suddenly appeared in front of the Lust, Pride and Wrath like he wanted to protect them.

Ling Tian's eyes went wide, with what happened next.

Gluttony caught the KAMEHAMEHA wave with his hands and started to suck the energy into his mouth.

' Dammit! I had totally forgotten about this guy.' Ling Tian thought angrily.

Suddenly an idea came to Ling Tian's mind.

" Haaahh!!!" Ling Tian changed the beam like KAMEHAMEHA into a ball form and shot at the sins.

Gluttony who saw this grinned and opened his mouth like he was waiting for a snack.

But right before the energy blast reached the reach of Gluttony, it exploded, blinding the four sins with very bright light.


Ling Tian used this chance to appear beside Gluttony in an instant and struck his fist at Gluttony's face with tremendous force.


Gluttony's huge body was sent flying. Lust, Pride and Wrath were alerted by this.

But before they could do something, Ling Tian made a hand sign and said.

" Fire style : Fireball jutsu!"


Ling Tian spewed out a large amount of flames on the three sins.

Lust, Pride and Wrath were covered by the flames of the fire .


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Ling Tian then rushed towards Greed and Envy, who were standing a bit away.

Ling Tian wanted to take them down as soon as possible, because he doesn't know what sort of abilities these two have.


Ling Tian formed a Rasengan in his hand.

Greed and Envy didn't look surprised by Ling Tian rushing at them.

Envy looked at the Rasengan in Ling Tian's hand.

Ling Tian was shocked by what happened next.

A red Rasengan formed in Envy's hand and what shocked Ling Tian to the core was that, Envy didn't attack towards him with the Rasengan, but he attacked towards Greed.

Ling Tian got a bad feeling, but he couldn't stop himself now and attacked towards Greed with his Rasengan.

Suddenly Greed smiled and something unbelievable happened.

" Wha-?!"

Ling Tian and Greed had swapped places with each other and Ling Tian's Rasengan was now in Greed's hand and was black and white in colour now. Ling Tian was in a normal standing position and Greed was in the attacking position that Ling Tian used to be in.

Ling Tian saw that, both Greed and Envy was attacking towards him with Rasengans. Ling Tian didn't even have time to think as both the Rasengans struck him in his upper body. This all happened within a second.

" Urrgghhh.. Kghheeaarrrggghhh!!!"

Ling Tian was sent flying with an enormous force pushing him.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*


Ling Tian's crashing momentum finally stopped. As the dust cleared Ling Tian was lying on the ground and his upper body was bloodied because of the attack.


Pride, Lust, Wrath and Gluttony appeared besides Greed and Envy.

Pride looked into the distance where Sloth was laying on the ground.

" He's still out cold. Trash!" Pride said with disdain.

" Just leave him be. You know how he is." Envy said to Pride emotionlessly.

Greed looked towards where Ling Tian was, and smiled looking at Ling Tian's condition.

" Kghh... *cough* *cough*..." Ling Tian tried to get up, but it was very hard. When he got up, he instantly slumped and kneeled on the ground groaning in pain and coughing up blood.

While Ling Tian was trying to stand on his feet, he heard Greed's voice.

" Saiyan boy! How does it feel to be beaten up like that? It must be pretty painful, huh?" Greed said sarcastically.

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" Ugh.." Ling Tian somehow managed to stand up. But his whole body was trembling, as if he will fall down anytime.

" Do you want to know why you lost, despite possessing such power?" Greed looked at Ling Tian emotionlessly and asked.

" Wh.. What... are... you trying... to..say?" Ling Tian mumbled with what little strength he had.

" It's because... You're too naive, boy!!!" Greed yelled.

Ling Tian was surprised by what Greed said, but still didn't understand.

" You never had the intention to kill, when you fought us. You had plenty of chances to kill most of us. Like when Gluttony first attacked you, he was completely full of openings and you could have easily killed him. But no! You didn't! You only knocked him away. You similarly had many opportunities to kill Wrath, Sloth, Lust and Pride. But you didn't use those opportunities. From the beginning you were not trying to kill us, but trying to knock us out." Greed said with no emotions present in his face.

Ling Tian didn't respond, because he knew that what the opposite party said was true. He had let his naivety take the best of him.

" You believed that you could solve this problem by peace. Oh... How kind you are, it's so disgusting! You're such a shame towards the great Saiyan race..... I like Saiyans, because of their cruel and merciless nature. But you... You are a stain towards the name of the Saiyans." Greed said while looking at Ling Tian in disgust.

Ling Tian stayed silent and he had his eyes closed.

Wrath looked at Greed and asked, " Can I finish him off?"

Greed said without emotions, " Do whatever you want."

Wrath looked at Ling Tian. His body released crimson light which condensed on his arms as gauntlets.

" I'll finish you off with my full power."

Wrath said as he charged towards Ling Tian in a flash of crimson light.


Wrath condensed all the crimson light into a single fist and struck at Ling Tian, who was standing there motionlessly.

Right when the crimson coloured fist was about to hit Ling Tian, he took a step to the side and got close to Wrath. When all this happened, it was as if time itself had stopped.


Ling Tian put a hand on Wrath's chest.

" ?! " Wrath was startled. But....


Before Wrath could even utter a sound, he was blasted to smithereens by a terrifying Ki blast by Ling Tian.

What was left behind was a black hand sized crystal.

The other sins couldn't comprehend what just happened.

Everything had happened in an instant, that they didn't know what happened.

While the sins were trying to comprehend what happened, Ling Tian's playful cold voice was heard.

" Why rush to end it so fast? We're just getting started." Ling Tian said with an evil smile, while slowly opening his eyes.

Ling Tian's eyes were now red, almost like blood, unlike his original black eyes. He looked completely different from before, a vicious predator...... Whose eyes shone with bloodthirsty light.

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