The Devourer

Chapter 34

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Ling Tian was looking at the four Sins in front of him with an evil smile.

The pressure Ling Tian was releasing was outrageous. The sins were in cold sweat due to the killing intent released by the Saiyan prince.

Envy who never showed any emotions was now sweating and was feeling nervous as he was feeling it hard to keep his cool under Ling Tian's overwhelming pressure.

" Hm?" Ling Tian saw that the sins had gone silent and was not responding to him.

" So? Are we gonna continue or what?" Ling Tian asked casually.

The sins realized that, Ling Tian was not aware of the terrifying killing intent he is releasing.

" Before that..." Ling Tian said as he disappeared from his spot and reappeared where Sloth was.

The reason why Ling Tian appeared near Sloth was because, Sloth was getting back his consciousness.

" Nghh... That monkey bastard.. How dare he..." Sloth was about to continue cursing, but stopped because he saw Ling Tian standing in front of him and smiling at him darkly.

" Good morning!" Ling Tian said to Sloth, who just woke up from his sleep.

" You?! What are you doi-!!!" Sloth wanted to say something, but was forced to stop midway.

Ling Tian created a Rasengan that was golden coloured and slapped Sloth's head with the gold Rasengan.


Sloth's head exploded as flesh, bones and blood and also brain splashed everywhere.

Sloth.... Dead!

" Hehehe...hahaha!! Splendid!!! So using fire spirit energy to make a Rasengan can increase the destructive power of the Rasengan by multiple times." Ling Tian evily laughed at his discovery, completely unperturbed by what he just did.

The other sins were freaked out by this. Within just a few seconds, two of the seven sins were killed by Ling Tian with ease.

Greed was the one, who was shocked by this the most.

' That boy.... it's like he's a completely different person... Could it be multiple personality?... No! That's impossible! A stainless soul doesn't allow such defects.'

Greed snapped out of his stupor and looked at Ling Tian with a smile as if he was admiring the current Ling Tian.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

" Who would have thought that you were such a ruthless monster under that naive self of yours. I'm impressed. Looks like you're a Saiyan after all!" Greed said as he clapped his hands.

Ling Tian turned towards Greed and looked at him. After a moment, an amused smile appeared on Ling Tian's face as he looked at Greed.

" You look pretty interesting. Try your best to entertain me a bit." Ling Tian said to Greed.

Greed's expression turned cold when he heard Ling Tian's statement.

" It might be in your best interest to not underestimate me that much. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one entertaining me instead." Greed said with a smirk while restraining his anger.

" Oh?" Ling Tian looked surprised, but to the others, it looked like he was faking it.

Ling Tian looked at Greed, then the rest of the sins and disdain filled his eyes.

" Hmmm..... Well, lets see what you weaklings got to offer." Ling Tian said with a mocking smile.

" Don't get cocky, insect!!!" Pride got angry because of Ling Tian's words. Lust was also angry, in a strange way.

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Envy who never showed any emotions had a frown.


Suddenly the ground behind the spot Ling Tian was standing cracked.


A giant figure came out of the cracked earth and jumped at Ling Tian.

" Got you!!!" The Giant figure was Gluttony and jumped at Ling Tian with his mouth open so wide that it is humanly impossible.

Ling Tian didn't show any surprise to this and looked at Gluttony, coolly and didn't do anything.

A suction force came from Gluttony's mouth and Ling Tian was directly sucked into Gluttony's stomach.

" Wakaka!!!.. I finally ate you." Gluttony gloated with victory.

Greed smiled when he saw that Ling Tian was sucked into Gluttony's stomach.

' Saiyan, no matter how strong you are, once you are in Gluttony's stomach, your power, skills, bloodlines everything will be absorbed by Gluttony and become his.' Greed thought smiling slyly.


Ki flared around Gluttony and Gluttony felt incredible power coursing through his whole body.

" Greed, look! This Ki , it's so pure and powerful. Now its all mine!" Gluttony looked at Greed and said excitedly.

" Indeed. This Ki seems much more berserk than the Ki of the Saiyans we've met in the past. And that purity, its almost unreal. But why does his aura seem so familiar?" Envy pondered.

" I too feel that way ~ " Lust added.

Greed didn't say anything as he was still thinking.

" Who cares. He's dead now. It's a pity that Wrath and Sloth died to that bastard." Pride said with his usual arrogant tone.

Greed simply nodded in consent.

" You guys seem to be quite relaxed."

Suddenly a voice came from Gluttony's stomach, which startled all the five sins. Gluttony was freakin out.

" Wha?!" Even Greed was shocked that his jaws slackened and his eyes went wide.

" But how? No one can survive in Gluttony's stomach!" Envy was also shocked.

Lust was practically screaming from the shock and Pride was sweating from an unknown danger he felt.

" Oh please. Do you really think you could kill by just swallowing me whole? You should have at least tried to chew me before swallowing me, though I doubt it would do you any good." Ling Tian's arrogant voice came from Gluttony's stomach again.

Gluttony was the first one to calm down.

" Hmph! So what if you're still alive?! Your powers are still absorbed by me. You'll eventually die anyway!" Gluttony said with assurance. He knew about his own power more than anyone and he had full trust in his power.

The other sins calmed down after hearing Gluttony's statement. According to their knowledge, it's impossible to escape from Gluttony's stomach, once something is inside.

" Hmmm..... looks like you've taken liking to my Ki, huh?" Ling Tian asked from within Gluttony's stomach.

" Yeah, I did. And I will take it all for myself." Gluttony said with a confident smirk.

" I see. Since you like my Ki so much, it will inconsiderate of me, if I didn't give you more Ki .... So here.. Take it!" Ling Tian said.

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The Ki in Gluttony's body suddenly flared up violently like a fire which was powered up by highly flammable fuel.

Gluttony's body started to bloat like a balloon that was about to burst.

" It hurts! It hurts!!" Gluttony cried out in pain.

" How is this possible?! He's defying the power of Gluttony!!"

Greed's eyes went wide open with shock.

Envy was silent for a moment, before saying, " It's the endlessness attribute of the Saiyan Ki! It's overpowering the sin of Gluttony."

" ..... I see. I had almost forgotten about that." Greed calmed down a bit after hearing Envy.

" We're lucky that his Ki power level is still a bit low. If he was a bit more stronger, He would have burst Gluttony into pieces of flesh by now." Envy calmly stated.

" Ehhh.... Your lot sturdier than I thought." Ling Tian said from within Gluttony's stomach.

" Hmph! Of course. All this power of yours will soon be mine!" Gluttony said a bit angrily as the pain Ling Tian's Ki was causing him was quite a bit.

" I see..... Well, there is this one technique, I had almost forgotten. Be proud of the fact that you are the first victim of this technique." Ling Tian said coolly.

All the sins suddenly felt a dangerous pressure erupting from Ling Tian who was within Gluttony's stomach.

Gluttony was enveloped with fear that he had never felt. But it was too late for him to express it.

" Berserk Battle Tyrant!!!!" Ling Tian's voice echoed as his Ki had increased by four times and his Ki gave off a deadly feeling.



Gluttony didn't even have the chance to utter a single word as his whole body exploded from the sudden explosive boost in Ling Tian's Ki.

Ling Tian was floating in the place where Gluttony used to be, and there was flesh, blood, bones, intestines tattered on the ground around him.

" Haha.. The technique is powerful as expected." Ling Tian laughed.

Greed and the other three sins looked at Ling Tian warily.

" Oh right.... Hey! Would you mind if you ask you a question?" Ling Tian suddenly asked Greed in an amused tone.

" ... What is it?" Greed asked Ling Tian.

" Well, I noticed that, when Gluttony channelled my Ki around him, you guys never showed any jealousy towards him, despite greatly admiring my Ki. Why is that?" Ling Tian asked in an amused manner.

Greed and the other sins became silent when they heard Ling Tian.

Greed then smiled and said, " It seems you still don't quite understand us clearly... We were all one to begin with! You tell me, will you ever get jealous of yourself?"

" Hmmm.... I see. That makes sense." Ling Tian said while he started to think of something.

" Well, that's enough for now! Which weakling is next?" Ling Tian asked with a nefarious smirk.

All the four remaining sins got angry, especially Pride.

Ling Tian lifted his right hand and pointed his index finger towards Lust and said, " I've decided. Next is you!"

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As soon as Ling Tian said it, he disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Lust with an evil smirk on his face.

" See ya!"

Ling Tian said as he fired an energy wave and completely obliterated Lust and only a black crystal was left behind.

Greed, Envy and Pride didn't even realize what just happened. Everything happened in an instant.

Seeing Ling Tian standing still, Pride slashed his heavy sword at Ling Tian as Greed and Envy flew backward, in order to not get caught up in the clash


To which, Ling Tian simply caught the sword slash with just one hand.

Pride was frozen from shock.

Ling Tian looked at Pride and smiled in an amused way.

" It's good that you came. Because my next target just happened to be you." Ling Tian said, not caring for Pride's reaction.

" What?! You think I'm weak?!" Pride yelled at Ling Tian in rage.

" Well, you're certainly the weakest!" Ling Tian said with a mocking smile.

" How dare you!!" Pride released a gold light and released his dark golden heavy sword from Ling Tian's grasp and jumped into the sky.

Ling Tian looked at Pride in an amused smile and wondering what Pride planned to do.

" You called me weak?! How dare you call me, Pride weak!!!" Pride yelled in anger as he started to release a high amount of dark golden light. The golden light started to condense above Pride like a sun.

Pride looked at Ling Tian, who was still smiling and said, " Smile all you want! I'll show you why I, Pride am the strongest sin!!!"

The dark golden light had condensed into a massive sized sphere. It almost looked like a miniature sun.

Ling Tian's face turned seriously as he could sense the devastating power of that huge dark golden ball.

" Take this!! Eeeaarrgghh!!!" Pride threw the large dark golden sun towards Ling Tian.


Ling Tian caught the giant dark golden sun, but was being pushed back by it. Veins were popping out from his hands as he was barely able to stand while trying to push back the golden sun.

Greed and Envy couldn't get anywhere near Ling Tian, because of the shockwaves from the clash between Pride and Ling Tian.

" His power, it keeps increasing each second." Greed said with a shocked expression.

Envy looked at Ling Tian who was trying to push the golden sun and said, " He's using Pride to increase his own power by pushing himself beyond the limit. From the start, he provoked Pride, knowing that he is the strongest among us and he manipulated Pride to do what he wanted, without Pride even realizing it."

Ling Tian who was struggling against the dark golden sun, suddenly smiled and muttered, " Lets hope this works."

Ling Tian closed his eyes and then said.

" Devour!"

A suction force appears in the middle of his right palm and the golden sun slowly gets sucked into the middle of Ling Tian's right palm.

" What the??!!"

Pride, Greed and Envy were shocked frozen.

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" This worked better than I thought. Although its devouring speed cannot even be compared to that of the black vortex within my soul, for a skill, it's not too bad." Ling Tian muttered as the dark golden sun was devoured by Ling Tian within five seconds.

Ling Tian looked at Pride who was floating in the sky with a shocked face and chuckled evilly and said, " In the end, you were still weak."


Pride didn't get the chance to rebuke as Ling Tian appeared before him in a flash and Ling Tian raised his palm and fired an energy blast that completely obliterated him.

Pride.... Dead!


Ling Tian disappeared from the sky and appeared a few meters away from the remaining two sins.

" So how should I kill you two?" Ling Tian asked with a cool smirk.

Greed and Envy started to sweat and they knew that, they can't fight against Ling Tian's massive power that is still rising.

Greed looked at Ling Tian, sighed and asked, " Who are you?"

" Hm?" Ling Tian was surprised, but said, " I am Ling Tian! I believe I said this at the beginning." Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Cut the crap! I'd already know you're not him!" Greed frowned a bit as he said.

" Oh?... Well you're not completely wrong. I am Ling Tian, or rather the true self." Ling Tian said.

" What do you mean? Are you saying that the other one is fake?" Envy asked.

" No! My previous self is the real one. But I am also the real one." Ling Tian smiled mysteriously.

"?!" Greed and Envy couldn't understand what Ling Tian was saying.

Ling Tian saw this and said, " My current self is nothing but instincts. The Saiyan instincts! The instincts that the other self kept rejecting this entire time."

"?!" Greed was surprised then calmed down and said, " I see. It all makes sense, how a brat who didn't even think of killing started killing in the most bizarre ways all of a sudden."

" So what is your reason for gaining strength, if you don't want to kill?" Envy suddenly asked.

" Huh?... Was that question supposed to be for me?" Ling Tian couldn't help ask.

" No! The other one." Envy said.

" Then you'll have to ask the other self, though you won't get the chance." Ling Tian said.


" Well, time to send you guys off!" Ling Tian said as an energy ball appeared in his hand.

" Are you sure, you want to kill us?" Envy suddenly asked.

" Oh? Why wouldn't I?" Ling Tian laughed at Envy's words.

" I'm sure you have noticed this by now, but, we're not living beings." Greed answered instead of Envy.

Ling Tian remained silent.

" We are nothing but seven seals that's sealing the Devil God Virtyq, who is also the Original Sin!" Greed exclaimed with a grave face.

" Original sin, huh? If you are mere seals, how are you able to use the power of sins?" Ling Tian asked.

" We're not using the power of the original sin. You are really underestimating a god, you know. What we're using are the mere remnants of the sealed divinity of the Devil God. And it was also because of the remnant embers of the Original Sin divinity that we, seals developed our own consciousness and transformed into semi devils. We may have become semi devils , but we're still the seals that seal the devil god." Greed said, while Envy stayed silent.

" And if you kill us, the Devil God will emerge again! You will be destroyed from simply standing at his presence." Envy stated.

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