The Devourer

Chapter 36

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After a few minutes.

" Hnghh..."

Ling Tian woke up from his short slumber and stood up from the ground while rubbing his forehead.

A sudden wave of memories hit him and his face turned pale. This was the memories of the time when his Saiyan instincts took over and killed his enemies.

" To think I would have such a thing within me." Ling Tian muttered with a sad smile. He was too ashamed of himself. To think that he had isolated his own instincts so much that, his Saiyan instincts has now become an other him.

Again a wave of memories hit him and he was immersed in this memories and after an hour, Ling Tian came to his senses.

" Devil God Virtyq? I actually have his entire lifetime memories and experience?!..... I really do get a lot of benefits after suffering from disasters, don't I ?" Ling Tian muttered to himself weakly, but his face showed how excited he was.

On the outside, only one hour had passed. But in Ling Tian's mindscape, he spent many years assimilating with the memories and experiences of Devil God Virtyq.

Ling Tian's mindset has some major changes because of him experiencing Devil God Virtyq's life.

But strangely, there's hardly any change to his personality. It was as if Ling Tian didn't get the wicked personality of the Devil God, but only his memories.

Ling Tian guessed that it was the black vortex's doing.

From Devil God's memories, Ling Tian came to know that the Devil God was once a mortal, who was at the lowest in the society. He had no parents and no one to rely on. He was born with extremely mediocre talent, almost comparable to what Ling Tian's talent was when he reincarnated in this world.

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But Devil God didn't want to always stay in the lowest level. He always dreamed of reaching the peak of strength after getting to know about cultivation. His conviction never changed and used every method he could to get one step closer to final goal.

Although most of the methods of Devil God were evil, what counts is his hard work and his will to never give up. Ling Tian was feeling a bit ashamed for not using his insane talents to do at least a quarter of the hard work Devil God had put to achieve his dreams.

Devil God Virtyq had put in a lot of effort to alchemy, artifact refining, rune carving and many other sub occupations so that they will help him reach his final goal.

He had spent almost a billion years to form his own divinity, despite already having a divine spark(the evolution of spirit root that only gods have.). If he had willed it, Devil God could have formed his divinity in ten years. But he didn't want to form a divinity that many others also possesses. He wanted to make his own divinity that was unique only to him.

For that, he had lived among mortals for almost a billion years and he had finally formed a divinity the kind of which only he possessed.

The Original Sin Divinity.

This divinity consists of the powers of the seven mortal sins. There are people who have formed a divinity with one of the seven mortal sins, but no one has ever succeeded in forming a divinity, combining all the seven mortal sins into one sin. But the Devil God had succeeded after all his hard work.

His comprehension over the laws of the world is very high and he had put a lot of time and effort into comprehending the laws, so that his future cultivation will not have much obstacles.

Devil God had also focused on cultivating soul. And once he got interested in the power of Ki. Ki is an energy that is similar to life force but not. He very much wanted to cultivate Ki. But devils were not talented in the path of Ki cultivation. Devils had extremely high talent in soul cultivation.

Devil God figured that he will need a new body which is talented in Ki cultivation for his purpose. And Saiyans were the perfect one for his purpose.

But this decision of his was the start of his worst nightmare.

The Devil God targeted the King of Saiyans, Saiga Ashbringer, who had just liberated most of the Saiyans from Planet Ixceria and had just started their inhabitation in their new home, planet Ixion.

Saiga had sacrificed a lot of his power in order to break the blood shackles of the Saiyans and forcefully made them become ascended Saiyans.

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The Devil God had taken this chance to fight against Saiga to steal the Saiyan's body. But things didn't happen as planned.

Even while weakened, Saiga was strong enough to fight against the Devil God and eventually killing the Devil God.

But this is where the Original Sin divinity comes into play. Devil God can never truly die as long as the seven sins exist. After a few hundred years, the Devil God revived completely and he was stronger than ever.

By the time he revived, a colossal war was happening which involved almost all the myriad races. All this started because of two Saiyan Gods named Raiga and Fairon fighting over the strongest Eye-bloodline, the Eye of Eternity!

The Devil God's next target was Raiga. From what he had heard, Raiga's power is very evil and corrupts everything around him with his evil energy.

This was also why Devil God wanted Raiga's body, as he too has a high affinity to evil.

But the result couldn't be more sad.

Raiga had killed the Devil God with a single slap and didn't even bother looking at the Devil God.

Devil God couldn't believe that, a 9th level Eternal God like him was killed by this Saiyan like a small fry. But this only ignited his desire for the powers of a Saiyan.

Devil God had revived again within a year because of the war of gods, endless amount of negative energy is generated by the seven sins.

Devil God had gotten much stronger. And he finally came across a Saiyan who seems to be special like Raiga and Saiga.

This Saiyan had an extremely youthful complexion and shining red hair. His energy was so pure that he seemed like the exact opposite of Raiga.

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This was Fairon, the Super Saiyan God!

Devil God was sure that even if he is killed, he will soon be revived by his divinity.

But this was the biggest mistake, Devil God made.

Unlike Saiga and Raiga who directly killed him, Fairon saw through the powers of Devil God's divinity with the All seeing Endless Eyes which he awakened when he became a Super Saiyan God.

Fairon sealed the Devil God with seven Devil sealing jades and put him in a closed dimension in the Heaven's Fall World, in which the war of gods took place and after the war was over, almost all the eternal Gods perished. Some still remained. Fairon and Raiga was among those survivors. Fairon put a barrier on the Heaven's Fall World and shifted the whole planet to the lower realms with his divine powers.

Ling Tian was shocked by the memories of the Devil God Virtyq. But he also felt pity for the Devil God.

The poor guy, despite being the strongest spirit energy cultivator, was defeated by three Saiyans continuously. But he still had hope of comeback. But it was crushed by Ling Tian who is also a Saiyan, not to mention that he is closely related to the three Saiyans who defeated him.

But now he is devoured by the devouring force within Ling Tian and his divinity was also devoured by it. He has no chance of survival as he is completely devoured, including his consciousness.

From Devil God's memories, the thing that excited Ling Tian the most were two things.

First is....

In his lifetime, the Devil God had collected a lot of spirit energy cultivation techniques, battle techniques, soul cultivation techniques, soul based battle techniques and even the Ki cultivation techniques.

Second is....

The Devil God had a unique artifact called soul storage space, which he once found in an ancient ruins. This artifact fuses with one's soul and others will have no way of accessing it. And the main perk of this artifact is that it has unlimited space and once it's owner is dead and reincarnated, this artifact will also be with the owner, as it is fused with his/her soul. The Devil God is a notorious cultivator and has taken away the wealth of countless sects and his billions of years of accumulation of wealth has made him the wealthiest person in the entire God's Realm.

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Now that Ling Tian had basically devoured the Devil God, so the owner of this soul storage space is Ling Tian and he now has that makes him the richest person in all realms.

But unfortunately, he can't use the God spirit jades as only gods are able to use them for cultivation. And right now, he has an uncountable number of God spirit jades. But there are still a lot of artifacts, medicinal pills, Spirit Root inheritances, Divine Spark inheritances etc.. Though most of them cannot be utilized by Ling Tian with his current Spirit Energy Cultivation level.

There are plenty of cultivation techniques that Ling Tian can now use to cultivate and he no longer has a need for a Spirit rank cultivation technique, as most of the cultivation techniques he know from the Devil God's memories are Immortal rank and god rank.

But there is one cultivation technique that caught the full attention of Ling Tian and this cultivation technique made the other techniques look like trash.

The cultivation technique that got Ling Tian's full attention is called.....

Genesis Empyrean's Infinity!

This is a cultivation technique that was discovered by Devil God Virtyq in the same ancient ruins where he found the Soul Storage Space. But the condition for cultivating this technique is that, one must not have formed a mortal core yet and also to have a physique that has high affinity for nature energy. In other words, one must not have reached the Mortal Core Realm.

This technique is simply defined as absolute creation technique. This technique allows you to create universes and everything inside your dantian. Creating a planet within one's dantian is equivalent to one reaching mortal core realm. The perfection of the planet is equivalent to the different levels in Mortal core realm. Similarly, creating a moon is equivalent to reaching Earth Core Realm. And the levels depends on the perfection of the moon. And finally when you create a blazing sun is when you have reached Heaven Core Realm. And so on.

This technique allows the cultivator to avoid going through Life Reconstruction, as the cultivator will naturally have a Spirit Body, which is the purpose of Life Reconstruction.

This is basically creating a whole new world with spirit energy and transform your dantian into a world. The Genesis Empyrean's Infinity is categorized as the epitome of Spirit energy cultivation technique.

But sadly, Devil God Virtyq was already an Universal God when he found this cultivation technique and obviously couldn't cultivate this technique. But he had no intention of divulging this heaven defying technique to others even if he couldn't cultivate it. So he buried this technique deep within his mind until now.

" Hmm... I don't know whether I have affinity towards nature energy and Devil God didn't have much information about nature energy, since it is the nemesis of Evil energy. I can't cultivate this technique without out hundred percent assurance." Ling Tian was pondering on cultivating the Genesis Empyrean's Infinity. But he held onto his desire as he wasn't sure, whether he meets the requirement for cultivating this technique.

Since it is a highly ranked cultivation technique, cultivating it without meeting the requirements will surely result in many problems.

" First I need to get out of this place, then I'll have all the time in this world to admire my treasures." Ling Tian said as he flew away from the place he was standing.

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