The Devourer

Chapter 37

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Ling Tian flew for a few minutes and finally found something that resembles an altar of the sort.

The moment Ling Tian stepped on the altar, the altar began to shine and a spatial transfer portal activated, taking Ling Tian to a different place.

Ling Tian had completely vanished from the altar and the closed dimension.

In an other place.

The blinding light faded and Ling Tian slowly opened his eyes.

He saw that he was currently in a temple like place. But there were no statues or any ancient decorations. He saw a place with light in the distance and there seemed to be a table in that spot with some things on the table.

Ling Tian used Mortal Steps to appear at the bright spot in an instant.

Ling Tian saw that on top of the table, there was a glass bottle, a long sword, a red jade stone and a small crystal figurine.

Ling Tian observed the glass bottle and saw that it contained ten green pills. Ling Tian soon identified the pills because of the memories he got from the Devil God.

" These are.... Spirit Essence pills!! These pills are rare even in God's Realm. Can't believe I would see them in this lower realm. Still... It seems to be condensed from Spirit energy of mortal realm instead of God's Realm. Must have been left behind as some kind of inheritance..." Ling Tian muttered as he was a bit surprised from seeing this pill.

" But this is of no use to me... My body is already filled with spirit energy and if I use a cultivation technique, I would be able to reach even Heaven Core realm with the amount of spirit energy in my body, because of my new spirit roots.." Ling Tian sighed at the thought of his cultivation base.

Ling Tian sighed looked at the long sword.

Ling Tian closely observed the long sword. The long sword's blade had a length of 4 feet and a width of 2 inch. It's handle was silver in colour and the sword itself didn't look very special.

" A 3 star top grade Saint Rank artifact.... Hmmm.... Looks like this really is some kind of inheritance after all." Ling Tian muttered.

Ling Tian, then looked at the red jade was shocked as he instantly realized.

" Life Blood Jade.... Never thought I would see it here... In the end, just whose inheritance is it." Ling Tian sighed.

Ling Tian then looked at the last thing on the table, which was the small crystal figurine.

The crystal Figurine had the appearance of a man in his thirties and was quite good looking. Strangely, it's facial appearance was a bit familiar to that of Ling Tian's. Ling Tian recognized what this crystal figurine was, due to the memories of Devil God.

" Thought Projection Stone? Looks like this is the guy who left behind this inheritance.." Ling Tian said as he took the crystal figurine in his hand.

Ling Tian injected some of his spirit energy into the crystal figurine and it started glowing as the figurine escaped from his hands. But Ling Tian was not startled.

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It stopped a few steps away from him and transparent body started to appear on the outside of the crystal figurine.

The phantom condensed more to look just like a human. It's appearance was the same as the crystal figurine.

Ling Tian looked at this man and a complicated emotion flickered in his eyes. He looked at the man and said, " How have you been.... Grandpa."

The man's face showed a bit of surprise. But it only lasted for a second as he looked at Ling Tian with a loving yet guilty expression and asked, " So you knew, Rayne?"

" It's pretty easy to guess after that conversation with little Zhentian." Ling Tian replied, while smiling wryly.

This man is the grandfather of Ling Tian.

" I see... That little brat couldn't keep his mouth shut after all!" Ling Tian's grandfather sighed.

" So what's your real name? Ling Feng is your temporary name isn't it?" Ling Tian asked with a smile.

" So you figured out that as well, huh? Well, although it's a bit late, let me introduce myself." Ling Tian's grandfather said.

" I am Shawn Ashbringer! The 11th generation King of Saiyans and of course your grandfather." Ling Tian's grandfather said with a proud smile.

" Hmmm..." Ling Tian didn't look impressed or looked at Shawn in awe like what Shawn had thought.

If Ling Tian was actually surprised by such a trivial thing, then that would be funny. He has the entire life memories of the Devil God, who was the strongest Spirit energy cultivator at his time.

" You don't look too surprised, why is that?" Shawn Ashbringer asked Ling Tian with a sad smile while thinking, ' Is the title of King of Saiyans really that unimpressive?'

Ling Tian saw his Grandfather's expression and was confused and didn't know what to say.

Shawn saw his Grandson's confusion and sighed in defeat.

" Sigh, forget it. So Rayne, why are you still in Body Refinement Realm? Didn't you use the resources I left behind for you?" Shawn asked in doubt.

Ling Tian looked surprised and asked,

" What resources?"

From the memories he got from his predecessor, Ling Tian doesn't know of any cultivation resources he had in his possession.

" Hm? You know... Like the thousands of top grade spirit stones I left for you." Shawn said with a smiling face.

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" Top grade spirit stones? I don't kno---" Ling Tian was about to say he doesn't know anything about the top grade spirit stones. But as he was about say it, a memory suddenly surfaced in his mind.


In the shore of a wide lake, a boy and girl around the age of seven were sitting there and throwing stones in the lake.

" Brother Tian, these stones aren't bouncing on the water at all!" The little girl pouted.

" True." The little boy agreed and thought for a moment before remembering something.

" Yue'er, don't worry. I have something that will definitely do the trick!" Little boy exclaimed in excitement.

The little girls eyes lit up and looked at the boy hopefully.

The little boy touched the ring he was wearing and silver coloured started falling from nowhere in front of the boy and girl.

" Wah! They're so pretty!" The little girl exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

" I know right! These stones will definitely bounce on the water surface!" The little boy said with a cheeky smile.

" But Brother Tian. These stones look very special. Can we really use them like this?" The little girl asked as the excitement in her eyes dimmed a bit.

The boy saw this and said, " Don't worry Yue'er. These are the stones my Grandpa left for me before he left for his journey so that I can have something to play with."

" Really?" The girl asked.

" Really!" The boy reassured her.

" But why would Grandpa Ling leave stones for you to play?" The girl asked the question that bugged her.

" Can't help it! Grandpa is very stupid after all!" The boy sighed.

" ..... " the girl stayed silent with a small smile on her face.

The boy took a silver stone and threw it on the lake surface.

It bounced more than ten times and the girl was left in awe.

" See I told you right!" The boy laughed with a proud face.

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And after that, the girl also threw a silver stone and the result was the same as that of the boy's.

After that both the both the boy and girl threw all the silver stones one by one into the lake while laughing joyfully.


" Blarghh.."

Ling Tian coughed up a mouthful of blood because of the memory he just saw.

Shawn had a strange expression when he saw his grandson vomiting blood at the mention of the spirit stones.

" Sigh... I don't want to know what you did with them and I don't have much time left so I'll unseal the seal I had put on your soul when you were an infant."

Shawn put his hand on the head of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was startled by this.

But suddenly a transparent chain appeared to be bounding him.

" Hah!"

With a cry of Shawn, the transparent chains shattered, at the same time, Ling Tian's eyes went blank and he fell down looking lifeless.

Shawn looked at his grandson, who is unconscious on the floor and sighed.

" I hope you won't be consumed by hate, after remembering the pain you suffered that time."


When Ling Tian came to his senses, he found himself in a dying infant body. He couldn't move or control the body, but he felt all the pain that body was feeling.

Ling Tian had never felt this kind of pain, in fact, he never thought such type of pain existed.

Suddenly Ling Tian felt another presence near him and what he saw was a infant form of himself. Ling Tian immediately understood that the infant was the true soul of the body he has occupied right now.

The infant's eyes brimmed with high intelligence, something that an infant shouldn't be capable of.

But there was something that caught Ling Tian's eyes. The infant's soul was slowly crumbling apart and the infant was probably thinking of a way out of this situation.

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Ling Tian realized that this was his predecessor's past.

The infant's next action completely startled Ling Tian, because...

The infant had severed a part of his soul from the crumbling soul and used a force, which was most likely chaotic force and opened a crack in space.

The infant's consciousness was destroyed by the use of what was probably Chaotic force, because of its current state. But the severed part of the soul was sucked into the space crack and for some reason, Ling Tian was also dragged with this soul.

When Ling Tian came to, he, with the soul was floating on the surface of a blue planet.

" ?!"

Ling Tian recognized this blue planet instantly. If he actually couldn't remember the planet that he grew up in, Ling Tian would be a retard with no cure.

This blue planet is Earth!

But Ling Tian couldn't understand why he was floating on the outer surface of Earth with this soul.

Suddenly the soul flew into Earth and entered the body of a child that had been left on the door of an orphanage.

Ling Tian who saw this, had his eyes wide in disbelief.

" No...,there's no way right?... Something like this is impossible..." Ling Tian was muttering, hoping that this was all his imagination.

After a few minutes, a lady in her twenties in a nun's robes opened the main door of the orphanage. As soon as she did, she saw the child and was surprised. She took the child in her arms and looked around to see whether the one who left the child here was still in the vicinity. But she couldn't spot anyone and took the child inside the orphanage.

" Sister Catherine?!!"

Ling Tian uttered in shock. Now everything was clear to him.

That child was Ling Tian, as a human on Earth.

He was never a human to begin with. He had only taken over a dead child's body to survive on Earth.

He wasn't a reincarnator, but he originally belonged to the world, he currently is in.

Ling Tian didn't transmigrate into his current body, but was simply returning to his original body.

Before Ling Tian could ponder anymore, his vision went blank and he lost all senses of his surroundings.

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