The Devourer

Chapter 38

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When Ling Tian came to his senses, he realized that he was in his infant body again. But he didn't feel any pain like before.

But strangely, he was now in a room and was lying down on a bed.


The door to the room suddenly opened and a handsome spiky black haired man who seemed to be in his twenties walked in.

Ling Tian knew instinctively knew who this man is , although he doesn't know how he knows it.

This man is Gran Ashbringer! Ling Tian's father's blood brother and Ling Tian's first uncle.

Ling Tian felt a huge amount of anger bumbling up within him. But the infant's body didn't show the anger Ling Tian felt. But the infant looked at the man in a confused way, despite being far more intelligent than Ling Tian.

" Hey, my dear nephew." Gran smiled at the infant.

The infant looked at Gran seriously and Ling Tian who was within the infant's body was getting a bad feeling when he saw Gran's smile.

" I feel bad for doing this, but you're in my way to supremacy, my dear nephew!" Gran exclaimed as he looked at the infant with killing intent in his eyes.

The infant felt danger and its pupils shined with starry white light. But before the infant could utilize the terrifying power of its eyes, Gran had used his fingers to pluck out the infant's eyes in a split second.

" Aaahhh!!" Ling Tian screamed in pain, because although Ling Tian isn't in control of the body, he can feel everything that the infant will feel.

To Gran, he obviously couldn't hear Ling Tian's scream of agony. But he was smiling as he heard the pained cry of the child.

" Hehe.. Without the power of this eyes, there is nothing you can do to resist me, little brat!" Gran let out a crazed laughter as he was looking at the two tiny bloodied eye balls in his hand.

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" I always wanted to be the king of Saiyans and I had always worked hard for that purpose. But why?! Why?!! Why did it have to be your father who got chosen to be the king of Saiyans ?!"

" It doesn't matter. After I get what I want from you, my dear nephew! I'll be the king of Saiyans anyway! Hehehe!" Gran laughed, but Ling Tian or the infant couldn't see what expression Gran had on his face, because the infant's eyes were plucked out and Ling Tian's senses were the same as that of the child, so he lost his sense of sight as well.

" Aaarrghh!!"

Ling Tian screamed again because he suddenly felt like his sea of consciousness was being destroyed. He was wishing for death now because he couldn't bear this soul tearing pain.

Gran was forcefully plundering the infant's Spirit root and God Spark without caring for the fatal damage that it is causing to the infant's sea of consciousness.

" After I refine these and make it mine, my talent in spirit energy cultivation will soar and I'll definitely be able to become an eternal god! I really have to thank you, dear nephew! As a gratitude, I'll give you a very painful death! Hahaha!!" Gran laughed in an excited and aggressive tone.

Ling Tian was full of hate and when he heard what Gran said, his hate for this man increased dramatically.

" I'll kill you.. I'll kill you.. I'll kill you.. I'll kill you!!!"

Ling Tian kept on shouting in anger and hatred. Unfortunately, Ling Tian's words of hatred couldn't be heard by anyone.

" This will be the last!" Gran said.

" Aaaaarrrgghh!!!!"

Ling Tian cried out in pain. He felt like every inch of his body is being torn to shreds and the pain he felt was horrifying and he was wishing that he would die soon, so he wouldn't have to suffer this anymore. But a part of him was stubborn and unwilling to die in such a way.

Gran was extracting the God essence of the infant and the infant couldn't even scream as all its energy is being taken away by Gran.

" Haha! With this I'll be able to ascend to be a Saiyan God that even father couldn't achieve!" Gran laughed excitedly.

Ling Tian felt like he lost all his strength and didn't have any energy to utter a word, not that anyone can hear him.

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Ling Tian felt his consciousness fade and darkness enveloped him.


Shawn Ashbringer was looking at his grandson who was lying on the ground in worry.

Suddenly Ling Tian's fingers moved and a red chain appeared on his forehead.

Shawn who saw this was surprised and muttered, " A void seal. But why does Rayne have such a thing on him?"


The red chain on Ling Tian's forehead suddenly cracked and broke apart, startling Shawn.

Ling Tian slowly stood up and stood there with his eyes closed.


Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes and his pupils were red and black tomoe started to emerge in both of his eyes.

" What the?! That's.... Copy wheel eye!!" Shawn exclaimed in shock.

Ling Tian's face was contorted in anger. There were three tomoe in each of his red eye and they were spinning furiously.

" Unbelievable! How can a Saiyan possess the Copy wheel eye?" Shawn uttered in disbelief.

The furiously spinning three tomoe in Ling Tian's red pupils suddenly fused into one point in the centre of the pupil and a new pattern appeared.

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" Copy wheel eye's second evolution! Is his hate so high to this point?" Shawn muttered as he looked at Ling Tian with a sad expression.


A sudden pulse came from Ling Tian and his eyes suddenly turned normal.

Ling Tian anger was also gone as he looked dazed.

" Hm?" Shawn was alerted by that sudden shockwave.

" I'll.... Kill.... Him..." Ling Tian slowly said as his dazed expression was turning into that of pure anger.

" I'll kill him!!!!"


Ling Tian's Ki flared up and it was a green coloured Ki , unlike his usual colourless Ki.

" I'll kill him!! Even if its the last thing I do!!" Ling Tian yelled as his eyes started to turn blue and his hair blinking with greenish gold light.

" I have a very bad feeling about this." Shawn realized that it was getting dangerous, but he did not move to stop Ling Tian's transformation. He felt ashamed, because it was because of his own son that his grandson is in this state now.

Shawn was sad because of Ling Tian's hatred towards Gran, his own son. But he knew that Ling Tian will never forgive Gran.

" Urrggghhhh..... Khghh... How dare he do that to me!!" Ling Tian yelled in pure anger.

*Shurck* *Shurck* *Shurck*

Ling Tian's muscles bulged and his entire physique started to get very bulky.

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" Kgghhh... Haaahhhhh!!!!!"


A blinding flash of greenish golden light blinded the entire place. Strangely, despite the shockwaves created by Ling Tian, the temple like place is completely fine.

The light faded soon.

*Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh*

*Sizzle* *Sizzle* *Sizzle*

There stood Ling Tian, who was now very bulky and large with his spiky greenish golden hair. His eyes didn't have a pupils and only white sclera.

The green coloured Ki was violently flaring around him and lightning sizzling on his flaring Ki.

Shawn looked at the current state of his grandson and had a grim expression on his face.

" Hmm.... To think he would awaken a mutated Saiyan bloodline.... That sinister form, it's definitely the legendary Super Saiyan in the ancient records. Looks like there is no hope for Gran." Shawn laughed with a grim face.

" But seriously. This brat has been giving me trouble all the time." Shawn looked at Ling Tian and smiled, remembering the trouble he went through to save Ling Tian, four thousand years ago.

" Looks like I have a Legendary Super Saiyan to subdue!"

Shawn said because he knew that Ling Tian would listen to no one at this point and from what he saw, the current Ling Tian didn't have a clear mind or the intent to battle like normal Super Saiyans does, but what he had right now was...

The intent for pure destruction!

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