The Devourer

Chapter 42

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Ling Tian stood there with a dumbstruck face.

" Why do I need authorities to fu*king use the store, when I have billions of void points??!!!" Ling Tian shouted in exasperation.

[Host can use the store. But only the items available for host's authority will be shown on the store.]

" Kghhkk.." Ling Tian was gnashing his teeth in anger because of his seemingly 'unreliable' system.

" Just how useless are you gonna be? If I can't buy from store, what will I do with all this void points?!" Ling Tian asked in a annoyed and angry tone.


" You bastard! .... Sigh. Damn it!!"


" So tell me, how do I gain this authority?" Ling Tian asked in a frustrated tone.

[host, your void level represents your authority. Right now, your void level is zero. Your void level is increased when you complete a set of quests.]

" Then give me a quest already!!" Ling Tian said impatiently.

[There are no quest triggered at the moment.]

" Tch, "

"Forget it.." Ling Tian said as he sighed in defeat as he felt helpless.

" Still, why did you even give me such a huge amount of void points?"

[The rewards given to host were based on his achievements host accomplished during the time of the test by the system.]

" Achievements, you say?" Ling Tian asked with a bit of confusion.

[Yes. Host defeated opponents like Jiang Zhentian's clone and the seven sins. And host killed the Devil God Virtyq, who couldn't killed even by almighty beings like the Saiyan Gods. Despite Devil God Virtyq being completely powerless at the time you ended him, he was still in the end an Eternal God. So the amount of Void points rewarded to host is justified.]

" I see. That's quite reasonable..... But... What the fu*k am I going to do with all this void points?! You can't expect me to buy billions of laptops now, do you??!!" Ling Tian asked in exasperation.

Ling Tian was feeling awful now. It was like having the perfect situation to have sex with your girlfriend, only to find out that her grand aunt has come.

[Host could use it to upgrade his eye bloodlines and awaken their skills.]

" Eye bloodlines?"

[Yes. Host can upgrade Rinnegan(Samsara Eye) and gain access to the six paths including the outer path.]

" Now that I think about it, there are some skills I have no idea about. Would you mind explaining it, system?" Ling Tian asked.

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[Yes, host.]

" First, what's with that 'Adapt and Improve' skill? And why is its level so high? I don't remember training in such a skill." Ling Tian asked.

[It literally means what the name states. Host can adapt to various situations and improve yourself based on those situations.]

Ling Tian was shocked by this skill. He understood that, once he adapts to anything, that thing will never be a threat to him. This skill had the potential to make him invincible.

" But why is it so high levelled?"

Ling Tian asked. Because a skill like this obviously couldn't be levelled up at such pace. He hadn't even been to this world for more than ten days.

[It is because host survived the presence of two Saiyan Gods and many other god level humanoid Saiyans in Ixceria, even if only your consciousness was there at that time.]

" Ohhh.. Looks like I'm pretty awesome, huh?" Ling Tian smiled with content.

[Please don't get the wrong idea host. This special skill was given to you by planet Ixceria's will, when you travelled to the past.]

" What?! Why would it --"

[Host, you are really underestimating the Saiyan gods. When your consciousness had travelled past in the time to Planet Ixceria. The planet had chosen you as its master and used the origin energy of the planet to protect you, so that Raiga and Fairon's powers wouldn't destroy you. Otherwise, host's consciousness would have been obliterated in an instant in their presence, even if the Saiyan gods didn't meant to do it.]

Ling Tian was quite surprised, but this cleared up a lot of his doubts. Ever since he got all of Devil God's memories, he came to know the true terror of Gods. He knew that, with his current power level, even a low-tier god could kill him with just a thought. So he was wondering why he could stand and argue with Raiga and Fairon, who are at the pinnacle of divine path.

Suddenly, Ling Tian noticed that the two skills below the 'Adapt and Improve' skill being shown in question marks.

" Hey system. what are those two skills? Why are they written in question marks?" Ling Tian asked with curiosity.

[Those two aren't skills. They are special powers. Those two represent the two energy cores within host's heart dimension. These types of powers have never appeared in the entire realm and system has no records of it.]

" Ah! Those two things huh. Seriously, what are they in the end?" Ling Tian said while rubbing his forehead.

[Host. Would you like to name these two powers?]

" I don't even what these powers are? So it would be inappropriate to name them." Ling Tian replied to the system.

[Would you like to know the functions of these two energy cores?]

" You know them? Why didn't you say that?"

[Host never asked. The blue core is a massive concentrated mass of Nature energy, that was also bestowed by the will of planet Ixceria. This blue core can endlessly generate the purest nature energy. And also to mention, this blue core purified host's body and granted the host, the 'Nature Immortal Body' which has the highest affinity with nature energy in all of existence. This is also the reason why host is able to cultivate Genesis Empyrean's Infinity with such ease.]

" .... "

[ The purple core is the massive concentrated mass of evil energy that originally belonged to Raiga. But when Raiga had used the power of 'All Seeing Endless Eyes' to bypass time and inject his evil energy directly into host's body, the devouring force devoured that energy and formed a core just like the blue core within the heart dimension. But this purple core doesn't have the property to endlessly generate evil energy like that of the blue core. But it can absorb the negative forces in host's surrounding and strengthen itself. The negative forces include malice, negative emotions and such. This is also the reason why host does not lose himself in anger as the purple core will absorb the negative emotions you feel slowly.]

Ling Tian was shocked that the two different coloured suns in his heart dimension had such capabilities. He didn't know what he felt right now. Such powers were given to him by planet Ixceria's will, so he was sure that it definitely wants him to do something for it.

" That explains that physique as well. System, name those two powers as Nature Core and Evil Core!" Ling Tian said without a bit of hesitation.

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" Also, mind explaining why there are so many skills for Sharingan? I can only understand two of those skills. And also about Rinnegan's skills as well." Ling Tian asked.

[The reason for the divine powers of Copy wheel eye is because of its evolution or what host prefer to as Mangekyo Sharingan. Also the three divine powers - Dimension Ruler, prescience and Death God's Glare was awakened by host when you forcibly broke the void seal put on you by the system and awakened the copy wheel eye and even evolved it to its second evolution.]

" Then why don't I have Susano?" Ling Tian asked in confusion.

[Host, it is best you remember that, the special powers of this world is more than you know from the anime you have seen. Susano is also a divine power that is commonly inherited by the Uchiha members who have awakened their Mangekyo Sharingan. But in this world, the Uchiha does not exist and host's Copy wheel eye has no connection to the Uchiha. So other than having the same powers with the basic form of Copy wheel eye, the divine powers and the path of evolution is different for your copy wheel eye and that of the Uchiha. Of course, host is free from the curse the Uchiha suffer from. The same applies for Samsara Eyes as well.]

" I see. It's pretty complicated huh?" Ling Tian sighed.

[Yes, host. The reason why copy wheel eye is one of the original eye bloodlines is because it gives the user, the ability to steal another's divine power and make it their own. Host probably knows this since host has Devil God Virtyq's memories. An entity can only hold three divine powers. And divine power is different from divine spark and divinity. The copy wheel eye has eighteen evolutions and with each evolution, the user can take five divine powers into the copy wheel eyes and it becomes their own.]

" Divine power, huh? Still, I really wanted Susano..." Ling Tian said with a sad expression.

[Host can always buy it.]

" No thanks. I already know that I can't buy it now, so stop saying such things."

[Host can buy the divine powers of copy wheel eyes in Narutoverse, since host already has the eye bloodline. And the same applies for Samsara eyes as well.]

" Wow! Why didn't you say it before? I can finally use the void points!" Ling Tian cheered.

[Does host wish to confirm the purchase?]

" not now. First explain all the skills I'm unaware of." Ling Tian said.

[Yes, host.]

" I wish you'd stop calling me host. If possible, change your voice into that of a cute little girl and address me as Onii-chan!" Ling Tian said with an excited smile.

[Host does not have the authority.]

" Fu*k!! Again with the fu*king authority!!" Ling Tian gnashed his teeth in frustration.

[Prescience - the ability to look into five seconds into the future. Number of usage of the ability depends on the soul power of the user.

Death God's Glare - with a single glare, user can destroy the soul of other beings. 100% guarantee on destroying the soul of someone weaker than the user. 10-40% chances of destroying the soul of someone stronger than user. Burdens the users soul with each use.

Dimension Ruler - Allows the user to dominate the entire dimension, user exists in. The power of the 'Dimension Ruler' depends on both soul power and spirit energy cultivation of the user.

Causality perception - The ability to perceive and understand all cause and effect relations.

Omnicounter - Omnicounter allows the user to oppose to all things, beings or powers. The power is split into sections where it counters that all original positions with opposites. It opposes basically anything with its direct opposites. The cost for using this power is the users soul. This skill burns away the users soul depending on what the user wants to counter. Misuse of this power can lead to users soul being completely destroyed.

Creation and Destruction - a power of the samsara eye. It allows the user to create anything that user has full understanding of and destroy anything that users soul is capable of.

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99 Lives of Samsara - The most powerful and mysterious power of Samsara Eye. This skill allows user to experience the past ninety nine lives of the user and user can take anything that user had in those lives like techniques, spirit roots, divine sparks, divinity, bloodlines, special physique. User cannot obtain certain things from those lives like natal weapons, people, artifacts etc.

Black Body - a special body that belongs only to those that received the baptism of Devouring Force, one of the three origin forces. This body can absorb any and all energy and can strengthen the body endlessly. No changes will be caused to the body's appearance. The speed of energy absorption depends on the skill level.

Nature Immortal Body - a physique that possess the purest nature energy and have the highest affinity to nature energy. Only one entity can possess this special physique at the same time. This entity will be the Nature Immortal. There are many divine powers, a Nature Immortal has access to. The divine powers will awaken with the improvement in the physique. Has a passive property to purify the surrounding and amplify the nature energy in the area. ]

" Damn! Now that's some overpowered skills! But what's with that Omnicounter? It's use means, basically sacrificing part of my soul!" Ling Tian grumbled in irritation.

[Ding! Detected a divine power - Spatial Movement ]

" Huh? Where?" Ling Tian asked in bewilderment.

[ It's the Black Saint Space Pearl. The divine power is sealed within the artifact.]

" I see. That makes sense. Does that mean, there were divine powers in those two pearl I devoured before?" Ling Tian asked the system.

[Yes, host.]

" ..... "

[Does host wish to extract the divine power and let the copy wheel eye assimilate with the divine power?"]

" Sure. Go ahead! Also buy me the divine powers of Itachi's Mangekyo and the six paths power including the outer path." Ling Tian said with a casual tone.

[ Three divine powers - Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo costs 800,000 void points and the Six Paths including outer path costs 80,000,000 void points. Do you wish to confirm the purchase?]

" Damn, now that's costly! System buy it all!" Ling Tian affirmed the system.

[Ding! Do you wish to integrate with them now?]

" Yes! And integrated the Ninjutsu pack as well!" Ling Tian answered.

[Ding! Integrating divine powers and skills...]

" Nnghh.." Ling Tian groaned a bit as his eyes felt itchy and a sudden wave of information came to his mind and imprinted into his memory.

[Ding! Integration complete.]

[Host! It is suggested that you quickly take the divine power - Spatial Movement and hurry and leave this place. Because this closed space will crumble apart in twenty minutes.]

" What?!" Ling Tian was shocked by what he heard. Ling Tian knows what will happen to him if this closed space really did get destroyed while he is still here.

Ling Tian will either be killed by the space cracks or drift in the unknown empty space and possibly die.

" So how do I take this divine power?" Ling Tian asked in a bit of urgency.

[Host just have to use power of copy wheel eye to access the Black Saint Space Pearl and copy wheel eye will do the rest. The divine power has no resistance as the artifact spirit was probably destroyed by Shawn Ashbringer.]

Ling Tian took the black pearl in his hand and his eyes turned red with three tomoe in the red irises. It then changed into a five cornered star like pattern.

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Ling Tian looked at the Black Saint Space Pearl with his Mangekyo Sharingan and some red strings came from Ling Tian's eyes and entered the black pearl. After a few seconds, the red strings dragged out a black orb as the red strings had completely tied it up. The black orb was then absorbed into Ling Tian's right eye and Ling Tian's eyes felt stingy.

Ling Tian didn't bother looking for stats now and rushed towards the spatial array formation.

Without the divine power within the Black Saint Space Pearl, this formation cannot be activated. So Ling Tian couldn't use the array formation anymore.

But it did have a use for him.

Ling Tian placed his hand on the array formation and sensed for the space coordinates in the array formation.

" Gotcha!" Ling Tian found a single space coordinate, which verified that this was a one time use array formation.

" Lets try this." Ling Tian muttered to himself and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, it was now his Mangekyo Sharingan.

" Spatial Movement!"


Ling Tian uttered as he disappeared from the place.


In a chamber..


Ling Tian appeared and he looked around him and saw the familiar chamber and the spatial transfer array and heaved a sigh.

" It really worked! I now have the ability to teleport! Hahaha!!" Ling Tian laughed in joy.

" Now its time to return!"

Ling Tian flashed to the wooden door and punched it with his fist.


The wooden door was blasted away and a wide hall was presented before his eyes.

Ling Tian still remember this place very well. It was in this place that he was almost frozen to death.

Ling Tian saw the wooden door that was the entrance to everything he went through for the past few days.

Ling Tian flashed to door and punched it hard which shattered it into pieces.

Ling Tian was greeted by the visages of a few people, of which, he knew two of them.

Ling Tian looked at the people who were looking at him in shock and said.

" I'm back!"

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