The Devourer

Chapter 43

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Elder Sun looked at the wooden door, inside which lies a spirit rank heritage.

" It seems the boy died after all." Elder Sun sighed as he remembered a straightforward boy who called him 'Old Man' when addressing him.

Behind Elder Sun, a girl with disfigured face was standing and looking at the wooden door with sad emotions flickering in her eyes. She was Su Lingyan. The girl that guided Ling Tian into the martial arts library.

Besides Su Lingyan was a very beautiful girl who seems to be the same age as Su Lingyan. If Ling Tian was here, he would have probably been stunned by this girl's beauty.

And to the other side of Su Lingyan stood a handsome boy with a slightly childish face. He seemed to be a few years younger than Su Lingyan and the beautiful girl.

These two didn't say anything and just stood there to accompany Su Lingyan.


Suddenly the wooden door exploded and dust surrounded the place.

A human like figure became visible to Elder Sun and the three youngsters.

This human like figure suddenly shouted..

" I'm back!"

This startled them all and the two youngsters beside Su Lingyan saw that, a relieved sigh escaped from Elder Sun and Su Lingyan had a happy expression.

This dust cleared up and what revealed was Ling Tian.

Su Lingyan and the other beautiful girl beside her had their face become red as apple when they saw Ling Tian.

Ling Tian looked at Elder Sun and said emotionally, " Old man, I never thought I'd get to see you again, you.."

" Son of a bi*ch!!"

Ling Tian suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Elder Sun and punched him in the face, sending him flying as he crashed into the wall.

" What are you doing?!" The beautiful girl yelled at Ling Tian with a red face.

Ling Tian didn't turn to look at the girl and answered with a rough and frustrated voice.

" You expect me to just forgive him. I was almost frozen to death, forced to fight a weird human and forced to fight against seven devils with my life on the line! Me only punching him once is letting him off easy. Hmph!" Ling Tian snorted in annoyance.

" Poor guy. No wonder he's angry." The handsome boy beside Su Lingyan mumbled while looking at Ling Tian with an admiring look.

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" But you were the one who rushed into the chamber without even listening to Elder Sun." Su Lingyan said.

Ling Tian's face became slightly red and simply replied to Su Lingyan.

" Don't sweat about the small things."

" Why are you naked?!" The beautiful girl asked in an angry tone while her face was still red as she faced the other side.

" Naked?" Ling Tian asked in surprise and looked at his own body and noticed that he was buck naked now.

" How did that happen? I surely had a worn out pants though. When did I lose it?" Ling Tian said absent minded.

Ling Tian had a body that was not muscular at the same time not too lean. It was almost perfect. And his skin looked more fairer that it was when he entered the trial. Ling Tian was very handsome

" How long are you going to stay like that?!" Su Lingyan asked in a very embarrassed voice.

Ling Tian realized that he was staring at his own body in daze and that others were staring at his bare body.

" Ah.. Sorry. I'll put on some clothes." Ling Tian replied to Su Lingyan.

' System, buy me the same clothes like Black Goku's.' Ling Tian commanded the system in his mind.

[Ding! 3 void points required. Confirm?]

' Buy it.' Ling Tian affirmed the system.


[Ding! Would you like to withdraw the item you purchased?]

' If possible, can you just make those clothes be on me.' Ling Tian asked the system.



Ling Tian's body except for his head shined with white for a second and vanished. Now Ling Tian was completely dressed.

He now wore a sleeveless dark grey tunic, a long-sleeved black undershirt with turtle neck, a red sash, black pants and white boots.

Ling Tian looked very attractive and unique now.

" Oh.. Not bad!" Ling Tian said with a content smile as he examined his knew clothes.

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Elder Sun had already gotten up and came to the side of Ling Tian. He was surprised when he saw the the was Ling Tian dressed.

" Boy, you have gotten stronger huh? I can't even sense your cultivation level." Elder Sun said in praise.

" Hehe." Ling Tian sheepishly grinned at Elder Sun's praise.

" So, did you get the cultivation technique?" Elder Sun asked.

Ling Tian was silent for a second and replied, " Nah! It was all just a prank! I bet that progenitor must have set it as a trap to get rid of the enemies of the sect that might bother the sect for this cultivation technique."

" I see. Thought so." Elder Sun sighed as he thought of something.

" Huh?" Ling Tian was surprised that, Elder Sun didn't continue to question him.

Suddenly the the handsome boy beside Su Lingyan came towards Ling Tian and introduced himself, " Hi. My name is Su Yu."

Ling Tian looked at this guy who seems to be a few years younger than him and thought that if Su Yu was on Earth, he would be very popular.

" Hi. I'm Ling Tian. Nice to meet you." Ling Tian replied to Su Yu with a smile.


" Ughh.. I'm hungry!" Ling Tian said as his stomach was roaring in hunger.

" Now that I think about it, I never ate anything these past few days." Ling Tian muttered.

Elder Sun saw Ling Tian's predicament and said, " I was about to eat anyway. Why don't you join us?"

" Really?" Ling Tian looked at Elder Sun like a hungry stray dog that's looking for food.

" Nn." Elder Sun simply nodded with a smile.

Ling Tian still hadn't paid attention to the others as his mind was completely filled with hunger as he followed Elder Sun.


*Munch* *Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

Elder Sun, Su Lingyan, Su Yu and the beautiful girl were looking at Ling Tian like he was a monster.

" That's the thirty eighth serving and the last portion of the spirit rice..." Su Yu muttered in disbelief as he stared at Ling Tian who was eating the spirit rice given to him by Elder Sun.

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" .... "

" .... "

" .... "

Su Lingyan and the beautiful girl couldn't say anything as their mouths were wide open as they looked at Ling Tian. In their entire life, they had never seen anyone who could eat so much food in a single session.

Although not in an exaggerated way as the youngsters, Elder Sun was also looking at Ling Tian in shock and a bit of regret.

' That was my entire rations for three months..' Elder Sun thought bitterly.

Cultivators don't have the need to eat three times a day like mortals as spirit energy revitalizes their energy. But the all the spirit rice Ling Tian just ate is equal to a mortal's food for one month.

' I guess he's a Saiyan, after all.' Elder Sun thought with a bitter smile.

" Phew.. Thanks for the food.. But Elder, don't you have any meat? Just rice tastes kinda bland you know." Ling Tian said to Ling Tian after he swallowed the last bit of spirit rice.

" You really have no shame, do you?! You just finished his entire spirit rice stock and now you're complaining?!" The beautiful girl yelled at Ling Tian.

" Hmph. You will only understand if you eat rice without any side dishes!" Ling Tian retorted to the girl.

" What the heck are you talking about?!" The beautiful girl was getting irritated by a certain Saiyan.

" By the way, what's your name?" Ling Tian asked without turning to look at the girl.

" It's Su Mengyan." The girl replied as she scowled at Ling Tian.

" I see. Mengyan, huh. It's a nice name." Ling Tian said in a carefree manner.

" Don't call me Mengyan." Su Mengyan said as she glared at Ling Tian coldly and used a cold tone. It's evident that she doesn't like the way Ling Tian addressed her.

Ling Tian didn't look at this beautiful girl who now had a cold countenance. But Ling Tian didn't feel perturbed by this. If it was the Ling Tian before he had fused with 20% of his Saiyan instincts, he would have definitely complied with Su Mengyan's command. But not now.

" Hmmm... Well, you don't have the choice here. I'll call you whatever I want. If you want me to change it, you should be stronger than me." Ling Tian said to Su Mengyan with a carefree smile.

" What did you say?! A mere outer court disciple is telling me, a core disciple to be stronger than him? How funny!" Su Mengyan said sarcastically and released the aura of her cultivation, 3rd level Mortal Core Realm.

Su Lingyan and Su Yu felt a bit of suffocation from Su Mengyan's aura.

But Ling Tian completely ignored it. It was completely laughable. Even the pressure of an Eternal God like Devil God Virtyq couldn't do anything to him. In comparison, Su Mengyan's pressure was not even worth mentioning.

" So Old man. Do you have any meat for me to eat?" Ling Tian asked with his usual carefree smile.

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Elder Sun sighed and turned to Su Mengyan and said, " Mengyan, stop it. The boy is far stronger than you. He might be on the same level as me or maybe even stronger than me."

" What?! How is that possible? He not even an Inner court disciple!" Su Mengyan uttered in shock at Elder Sun's statement.

Elder Sun took out a large egg which was as big as a 3 year old child. Ling Tian who saw this had his eyes glittering.

" I don't have any meat. But this is the egg of a Blue Giant Sparrow which is a rank 5 monster beast. Even earth rank flames can't boil this egg, so this egg may be useless to you." Elder Sun said to Ling Tian while having a bit of expectation that Ling Tian could do something about this egg.

Ling Tian didn't notice Elder Sun's expression and was solely looking at the large egg while drooling a bit.

*Pshh* *Schrk*

Ling Tian held out his hands and fire and ice mist appeared on each of his palms. He held the egg and the egg was covered by a layer of gold and blue light film covering the egg for a few seconds before disappearing.

Ling Tian glared at the large egg and the shell of the egg came off the egg and was thrown to the side by an invisible force.

' Telekinesis really is convenient.' Ling Tian thought for a second before focusing on the boiled egg.

" Now lets eat!" Ling Tian said as he materialized a sword with adamant spirit energy.

" Wait a second!! How can you use the power of both fire and ice at the same time??!!" Elder Sun had lost his calm after seeing what Ling Tian just did.

Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Yu were so shocked that , they couldn't even utter a word.

It is common sense in the world of cultivation that fire and ice cannot exist in the same place. A cultivator cannot cultivate both fire and ice. If someone tries to do that, their body will be destroyed by the forces of fire and ice.

So the shock of Elder Sun and the Su trio is understandable.

Ling Tian looked at Elder Sun, who interrupted him as he was about to eat the large boiled egg.

Ling Tian didn't have to look at the other three as he could guess that they must be shocked as well.

' I only used fire and ice simultaneously. What's the big deal about it? They are looking at me as if I just did some kind of miracle.' Ling Tian thought.

' Oh well. I guess its time I introduce myself, so that they won't be so shocked from each and every things I'll do.' Ling Tian made up his mind and stood up from his seat.

" Cough.." Ling Tian cleared his voice.

" I believe I haven't really introduced myself properly, huh? Very well!"

" I am Ling Tian! A Saiyan and the most talented being in all of existence!" Ling Tian said with a proud and arrogant smile as he looked at the others.

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