The Devourer

Chapter 47

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Ling Tian was observing the changes in Su Lingyan's body with his Sharingan.

Su Lingyan slowly gained her consciousness and got up.

Ling Tian quickly froze her with his ice attributed spirit energy. The ice that covered Su Lingyan turned into ice mist and disappeared.

All the impurities that were sticking to Su Lingyan was cleared away by Ling Tian's ice.

" What the?!" Ling Tian was shocked when he saw Su Lingyan's appearance, now that her curse was cleared away.

Su Lingyan's beauty surpassed even that of Su Mengyan and Su Xumei.

[Ding! Congratulations for completing the quest. Host has been rewarded with the auxiliary cultivation art- Heretical God Force.]

Ling Tian didn't pay attention to the reminder from the system and was only staring at Su Lingyan.

' Su Yu wasn't joking when he said Lingyan was more beautiful than the other two, was he?' Ling Tian thought.

Su Lingyan hasn't realized that Ling Tian had removed the blood curse from her and that she is back to her original beautiful self.

Su Lingyan saw that Ling Tian was looking at her in daze and was startled. According to her, she simply can't understand what this guy's true character is.

The Su siblings and Elder Sun had rushed over and saw Su Lingyan's current state.

Su Yu started crying in joy, while Su Mengyan and Su Xumei were on the verge of shedding tears.

" What's wrong with you guys?! Why are you-?! Ah... My voice.. It's...!?" Su Lingyan was startled at the change in her voice. It was the same voice she had before being 'poisoned' by disfiguring Lamia, only difference is that, her current voice seems much more mature.

" Sister! The poison in you is gone! Master cured you!" Su Yu said emotionally.

" Master? What master...?" Su Lingyan asked Su Yu absent mindedly.

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" It's that stupid Tian, Sis! He actually cured you!" Su Mengyan said.

" Ling Tian did?" Su Lingyan muttered and turned to look at the Saiyan in question.

Ling Tian was staring at Su Lingyan's chest in a daze, completely forgetting his surroundings.

There was only one thought in his mind now.

' Her jugs are huge! That's her real size. Her chest size must be at least D.'

Ling Tian started to move forward while looking at Su Lingyan's chest with a blank look.

Ling Tian reached before Su Lingyan. Su Lingyan was looking at Ling Tian, expecting him to say something. Su Mengyan was looking at Ling Tian in a less hostile manner, unlike before. Su Xumei was now looking at Ling Tian with a gentle gaze. While Su Yu was stupidly smiling as he wiped his tears.

" ?! "

Ling Tian suddenly placed both his hands on Su Lingyan's breasts, which startled her.

Ling Tian started fondling her breasts, which made her moan a bit.

" Ohhhh.... This is a real boob! This softness, Mengyan's boobs cannot even compare to it. This is definitely an E cup..... Indeed! I was right this entire time! Big boobs are justice!" Ling Tian exclaimed as a drop of tear came from his eyes, indicating how moved he was, because of Su Lingyan's big breasts.

Su Lingyan's face was red as apple and she couldn't move because of embarrassment. Ling Tian was still rubbing her breasts, if she tried to move, she felt like she would fall to the ground.

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei snapped out of their stupor and released killing intent when they saw their elder sister being molested by Ling Tian.

Elder Sun started sweating when he sensed their killing intent.

Ling Tian was oblivious to his surrounding. He was not even aware of what he was doing right now. Simply savouring the heavenly feeling in his hands, he was in his own dreamland.

" What are you doing??!!"


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Su Mengyan finally snapped as she struck a powerful punch at Ling Tian's face.


But the result was not what Su Mengyan expected. The moment Su Mengyan's fist struck Ling Tian's face, Ling Tian did snap out of his dream like state. But the price for it was pretty heavy. Su Mengyan's hand broke the moment she struck Ling Tian.

" Aaahh! My hand!" Su Mengyan cried out in pain as she clutched her hand.

" Ah!" Ling Tian realized his mistake when he saw Su Mengyan's state.

' System, what's going on with me? Why am I being so perverted?' Ling Tian anxiously asked the system.

[It's only natural, host.]

' Huh? How is all this natural?!' Ling Tian said in exasperation to System mentally.

[Host must remember that he is a Saiyan. Saiyans are always straightforward and don't resort to complicated methods to solve things. If they feel like doing something, they will just do it, regardless of the consequences. Although Saiyans are a little lustful, their thirst for battle completely overwhelms it. But you are an exception, host.]

' Exception? How am I an exception?!'

[Host. Although in your previous world, you were kind and naive, you were definitely not innocent. You were quite perverted while you were on earth. But you didn't give in to those impulses and kept a rational mind. But in this world, from the moment host got the Eternal Rank Spirit Root, the Original Sin Spirit Root, your attitude has become a bit aggressive.]

' Sorry man. Can you explain it in a way I'll understand?' Ling Tian asked the system, at the same time oblivious to the fact that he is still fondling Su Lingyan's breasts.

[It basically means, if host feel anger, the Original Sin Spirit Root will amplify host's wrath. If host feels envy, the Original Sin Spirit Root will amplify host's envy. And similarly like what is happening now, host felt a bit of lust and the Original Sin Spirit Root simply amplified it. And with 20% of Saiyan instincts fused with host, host is a walking bomb right now that might explode anytime.]

' Let me guess. The reason why I've not yet become a super villain is because of my strong soul.' Ling Tian said.

[Host is correct. Host doesn't need to worry too much about it. As long as you don't completely resist your own impulses, the Original Sin Spirit Root won't go out control.]

' I know that. Thanks anyway.'

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[You're welcome, host.]

" Looks like I need to put more effort into soul cultivation." Ling Tian muttered.

" Li-Ling Tian, could you let go?" A voice suddenly interrupted his train of thought.

Ling Tian saw a red faced Su Lingyan looking at him bashfully and realized that he was still fondling her breasts.

Ling Tian felt a bit guilty when he saw the tears in the corners of Su Lingyan's eyes and immediately let go of her breasts.

" Sorry. It was just a treatment. I had to make sure you were okay." Ling Tian lied with a straight face, which made others believe that he wasn't lying.

[Ding! Tactical Skill - 'Acting' has been learned.]

[Ding! Tactical Skill - 'Poker Face' has been learned.]

" I see... It's alright then." Su Lingyan said in a very low voice.

" That's right Sister Lingyan. Master did the same treatment for Sister Mengyan as and she got well." Su Yu said in a happy tone as he had full trust in his 'Master' after seeing that he had really cured Su Lingyan.

" Ack!" Ling Tian's expression froze.

" .... " Su Lingyan became silent.

" Little Yu! He did that with my chest as well?!" Su Mengyan, who was groaning in pain because of her hand asked Su Yu frantically.

" Yeah! Your chest was bloated up with that bad stuff, so master had to use a special massage technique to cure you." Su Yu said with an innocent happy expression as he looked at Ling Tian in admiration.

' This fool....' Ling Tian was speechless at Su Yu's naivety.

Su Mengyan was looking at Ling Tian in pure anger.

Su Xumei came near Su Yu and asked, " Did he do anything to me too?"

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" No. Master said you did not have any problem. Why are you asking Sis?" Su Yu asked.


Su Xumei didn't reply to Su Yu as she unsheathed her long sword and walked towards Ling Tian with killing intent.

Ling Tian was a bit baffled at Su Xumei's behaviour. He couldn't understand why she is showing hostility towards him when he didn't do anything to her.

" Wait you two! Your mother will be here by any minute now! So its best you settle down." Elder Sun said.

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei stopped in their tracks and showed a bit of fear.

Su Yu looked like he was happy to see this 'Mother'. While Su Lingyan looked anxious.

Ling Tian was a bit curious about this 'Mother' that could make a tigress like Su Mengyan to show fear.

" Don't think this is over between us." Su Mengyan scowled at Ling Tian, while Su Xumei icily glared at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was a bit speechless. He is on a completely different levels of power than these two girls. But for some reason, these girls don't show any respect or fear towards him, despite getting a glimpse of what he is capable of.

" You two... You guys do realize I'm far stronger than you, don't you?" Ling Tian asked.

" .... "

" .... "

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei went silent.

" Sigh." Ling Tian sighed looking at them.

" Hm?" Suddenly Ling Tian sensed an individual with a cultivation level of 3rd level Divine Origin Realm approaching at a very high speed.

After a few seconds, a silhouette in white dress arrived.

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