The Devourer

Chapter 48

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A beautiful lady in white silhouette appeared before them.

This lady's beauty was otherworldly. This lady was unbelievably beautiful. She had a graceful stature and curvaceous body. Her moon-white dress was spotlessly clean and it didn't reveal much of her skin, but it still couldn't hide her splendid body figure. Her face was so beautiful, as if they were carefully carved by gods. This was the most beautiful woman Ling Tian had ever seen.

" Goddess.." Ling Tian muttered as he stared at this lady in daze.

But right now, this beautiful woman's face was filled with anxiety as she looked around.

" Mother!" Su Lingyan called out to the woman.

" Mother?!" Ling Tian was shocked.

" Lingyan!" The lady rushed towards Su Lingyan and hugged her.

" You're really cured? This is not a dream?" The lady said while caressing Su Lingyan's face as both mother and daughter started to cry.

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei also started to tear up as they went and hugged them.

Su Yu stood beside Ling Tian and didn't rush up to his crying family. He just silently shedd some tears as he looked over at his family hugging each other and crying.

' That's strange. I don't feel my lust going out of control. This woman is obviously way more beautiful than Lingyan. System, what's going on?' Ling Tian asked the system mentally.

[It's because of host's special skill, 'Adapt and Improve'. Host has already adapted to seeing these beautiful women, so host's resistance towards such things has improved.]

' Well damn..' Ling Tian thought.

Su Yu looked at Ling Tian and asked, " Master, do I resemble a real man now?"

Ling Tian looked at Su Yu for a second, then said with a smile, " You would have been, if you weren't crying."

" I see.. I have a long way to go to become a real man that can protect his family." Su Yu said while wiping away his tears.

" Hmmm... Well... Good luck with that." Ling Tian simply said.

" Master, what do you feel like, when you protect your family?" Su Yu suddenly asked.

Ling Tian was surprised for a moment, then looked up at the sky and said, " I don't know. I've never had a family. The closest things that are like family to me are the nun who took care of me when I was in the orphanage and my grandfather, who did so much for me. But I don't even know if he's still alive."

Suddenly the beautiful lady separated from her children and came towards Elder Sun.

" Grandpa Sun, where is the senior who healed Lingyan?" The lady asked Elder Sun.

" Fengxi, it's that young man over there." Elder Sun replied to the lady named Fengxi as he pointed at Ling Tian.

The lady who was called Fengxi looked over at Ling Tian with her phoenix like eyes which made Ling Tian's heart skip a beat.

The lady saw Su Yu, her son looking at Ling Tian in admiration and sighed. She knows what her daughters had done to her naive son.

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The lady came over to where Ling Tian was, cupped her hands, bowed and said, " This unworthy junior greets Senior."

Ling Tian was startled. So was Elder Sun and the Su siblings.

" What makes you sure that I am this senior?" Ling Tian asked.

" I trust Grandpa Sun. He's like a father to me. He has never lied to me." The lady said.

Ling Tian suddenly smiled and he adjusted his posture.

Ling Tian cupped his hands to the back, stood straight and looked at the lady like he was looking at her, like how an elder looks at the disciples.

" Raise your head, child." Ling Tian said to the lady in a deep voice.

" Thank you, senior." The lady thanked Ling Tian politely as she raised her head.

" What is your name, child?" Ling Tian asked in a mighty voice.

" This lowly one is Su Fengxi. This lowly one thanks senior for helping her daughter. This lowly one will never be able repay the favour of senior." Su Fengxi said in a grateful tone.

' Su?' Ling Tian thought as he found it weird that the children of this woman is not named after their father.

" Don't worry about it, child." Ling Tian simply said.

" Senior, may this lowly one know of your prestigious name?" Su Fengxi asked humbly.

' Ohh... Prestigious eh? Very well.'

" This lord is Optimus Prime. The leader of the tran-gahah!!"


Ling Tian wanted to give a glorious introduction of himself, only to be interrupted by a slap on the back of his head.

" !! " Su Fengxi was shocked, angry and nervous. Because the one that hit the 'senior' was her feisty daughter, Su Mengyan.

Su Fengxi was angry at Su Mengyan for disrespecting the 'senior'. She was nervous thinking of what kind of fate awaits her daughter for disrespecting the 'senior'.

But what her daughter said next shattered her image of the 'senior' in her mind.

" Mother! Don't be so respectful to this stupid Tian! He's not some senior, only an outer court disciple!" Su Mengyan said to Su Fengxi.

Ling Tian rubbed the back of his head and glared at Su Mengyan.

" Tch! I was just getting to the good part!" Ling Tian grumbled in annoyance.

" .... " Su Fengxi stared at Ling Tian with a stupefied expression.

Ling Tian looked at Su Fengxi and said, " Hey, I am Ling Tian! Nice to meet you, beautiful lady."

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" You...." Su Fengxi's face became red with embarrassment. To think she, a Grand Elder of the sect actually behaved like a junior towards an outer court disciple. If others came to know of it, she'd become a laughing stock.

" Don't get so mad now! It was just a joke. Don't take it so seriously." Ling Tian said with a smile.

" Nghh..." Su Mengyan groaned in pain as she held her hand.

Su Fengxi's embarrassment was wiped away and her face turned serious as she took Su Mengyan's hand and examined it.

" Yan'er! What happened to your hand?" Su Fengxi asked with a pained face.

" It's him! He broke my hand!" Su Mengyan said as she pointed at Ling Tian.

" What?!" Su Fengxi's expression became cold.

" He also molested me, Lil'Mei and big sis Lingyan!" Su Mengyan added fuel to Su Fengxi's raging flames of anger.

" Unforgivable!" Su Fengxi coldly stared at Ling Tian.

' Dammit! What's wrong with these people? They not only not thank me for what I did?! Now they are picking a fight with me?!' Ling Tian thought in frustration.

" Don't worry! I'll be sure not to kill you!" Su Fengxi said.

" Mother, wait! He's --" Su Mengyan wanted to say something to Su Fengxi, but was interrupted.

Su Fengxi used her cultivation base to pressure the entire place, which interrupted what Su Mengyan wanted to say.

" Oh? You want to fight me?" Ling Tian asked Su Fengxi with a smile, completely unperturbed by Su Fengxi's pressure.

" Fight you? Do you think I'm so low to fight against an outer disciple? Don't make me laugh!" Said Su Fengxi as she looked at Ling Tian in a condescending manner.

" You hurt my children! You'll pay the price for it." Su Fengxi said with a bit of hatred in her voice.

Elder Sun had wanted to stop Su Fengxi, but Ling Tian's single glance stopped him. He realized that Ling Tian was not going to do anything excessive.

Su Yu and the others wanted to stop Su Fengxi, but they couldn't move because of the pressure.

Su Fengxi was not aware that her pressure is hurting her dear children.

Ling Tian saw the faces of the Su siblings which was contorted in pain and got annoyed. This woman was really careless.

" You know, just because I'm an Outer court disciple, doesn't mean I'm weaker than you." Ling Tian said and hummed as the pressure on the place vanished without a trace.

Su Fengxi was shocked and came to her senses. She realised that she had unintentionally harmed her own children.

" You really are inexperienced, aren't you?" Ling Tian asked Su Fengxi with a carefree smile.

" What do you mean by that?" Su Fengxi asked warily.

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" First, can you sense my cultivation level?" Ling Tian asked.

" Of course I -?! I.. I.. I... I can't.." Su Fengxi muttered as she stared at Ling Tian with fear in her eyes.

" See.. What did I tell you? You didn't even analyse your opponent's strength and directly provoked him. You're lucky that it's me. If it was someone else, I'm sure you would have been in a miserable state by now." Ling Tian said in a reprimanding voice.

" Kid, just let her be. She's not a battle freak like you." Elder Sun interjected Ling Tian.

Su Lingyan suddenly comes in front of Ling Tian and look him in his eyes.

Ling Tian started to get nervous.

" Thank you." Said Su Lingyan in a soft voice.

" Huh?" Ling Tian was surprised.

" I'll never be able to repay you for what you did." Su Lingyan said in a graceful voice.

Su Mengyan and Su Xumei also came in front of Ling Tian and thanked him in an emotional way.

" Stop it..." Ling Tian said in an embarrassed manner.

Su Fengxi was confused as she was looking at her daughters showing their gratitude to this mysterious boy.

" Mother, this is how it is..." Su Yu then narrated about everything that happened and everything he knows about Ling Tian. Su Fengxi was surprised and ashamed. Not only has she not shown any gratitude to Ling Tian for saving her daughter, but she also foolishly berated her benefactor.

Su Fengxi thought about something for a bit and made up her mind. She strode to where Ling Tian was.

Ling Tian saw this beautiful lady come toward him.

Su Fengxi stood before Ling Tian and looked at Ling Tian in his eyes with determination and said, " I'll never be able to repay you for saving my daughters lives and curing my eldest daughter's poison. From this point, my life belongs to you."

Su Lingyan, Su Mengyan and Su Xumei were shocked at hearing their mother's words. Su Yu was also shocked. Even Elder Sun was shocked as he knows how much Su Fengxi hates men.

Ling Tian was also surprised by this. His calm mind almost got filled with lustful thoughts. But he managed to hold his reason.

" Hey, lady. You shouldn't say such things to a man. They might take it the wrong way." Said Ling Tian while wryly smiling.

" I'm serious! My life belongs you! I have no other way to repay your kindness!" Su Fengxi said with unwavering determination.

" Mother! What are you saying?!" Su Mengyan finally snapped out of her stupor.

Su Lingyan and Su Xumei also tried to convince Su Fengxi to change her mind, but she wouldn't budge at all.

' Hey, old man. Why is this woman going so far?' Ling Tian asked Elder Sun using Sound transmission.

' It's because you saved her family.' Elder Sun replied to Ling Tian while looking at Su Fengxi and her daughters with a kind smile, like a father looking over his children.

' Family, huh? Then again, this family sure is full of weird ones except for Lingyan. They get angry too easily.' Ling Tian said to Elder Sun.

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' It's because they are family. You know, Xi'er is really a pitiful child.' Elder Sun said to Ling Tian in a sad tone.

' Hm? What do you mean old man?' Ling Tian's curiosity was peaked by what Elder Sun said.

' It's better you don't know this.' Elder Sun said as if he didn't want to say it.

Ling Tian didn't say anything and didn't insist on knowing it since he didn't want to pry on other people's matters.

' Hey old man, are they really family?' Ling Tian asked.

' Oh? You noticed? Your senses are terrifying!' Elder Sun looked at Ling Tian in shock.

' Sure, they have some kind of connection, but its definitely not that of a mother and children. I refuse to believe a virgin giving birth to four children.' Said Ling Tian. With his Nature Sense, sensing such things come to him as natural. Earlier, he had sensed that this woman's yin was untainted and pure, which is something a mother of a child shouldn't have.

' It's as you said. The mother of these kids is Xi'er's twin sister. She perished a long time ago.' Elder Sun sighed.

' Then what about this woman's husband that Su Yu talked about?' Ling Tian asked.

' Su Yu told you that? Well, everything he said is true, except it is of his true mother. That event is also the reason their mother lost her life.' Elder Sun said.

' Does Lingyan and the others know of it?' Ling Tian asked.

' No they don't. Xi'er had continued to pretend to be their mother.' Elder Sun said in a sad tone.

' How ridiculous! She's ruining her own life by taking on someone else's responsibilities. She's only harming those siblings by doing this. Sooner or later, they'll come to know of the truth eventually and at that time it will only cause more pain.' Ling Tian said in an annoyed tone.

Elder Sun didn't say anything as he knew that, what Ling Tian said is true. Thus the conversation between Ling Tian and Elder Sun using sound transmission ended.

Suddenly Su Mengyan stood in front of Ling Tian and said with a frown.

" If you try anything funny with my mother, I'll make sure you'll regret the day you were born!"

Su Xumei looked at Ling Tian with an extremely cold expression. Su Lingyan looked at Ling Tian with a face of helplessness. As for Su Yu, he was still smiling at Ling Tian as if he was sure that his 'Master' was a kind guy.

Ling Tian looked at the girl who was standing in front of him, not showing any fear at all.

" Sigh.. I really don't understand, how you are able to talk to me in such a way. Although I've not shown much of my strength, I'm sure you've seen a bit of what I'm able to do. Tell me, why do you all not fear me?" Asked Ling Tian as he was really curious about it.

" .... " Su Mengyan and the others were surprised and bewildered as well. Yes. From the time when Ling Tian revealed a bit of his might by easily destroying the gigantic yellow spear that was able to kill everyone below 5th level Divine Transformation Realm, they all knew that Ling Tian was terrifyingly powerful.

Yet, they did not feel any fear towards Ling Tian. Instead, they felt at ease when they were talking with Ling Tian and felt all negative feelings they have slowly vanish.

" No I don't." Su Mengyan said.

" Me too." Su Lingyan also said.

" Same." Su Xumei said.

" I don't fear you, master!" Su Yu said.

Su Fengxi didn't say anything as she had no idea about what was going on here.

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