The Devourer

Chapter 49

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Ling Tian looked at these people with a confusing look.

" You just don't give off the feeling of someone superior than us." Su Lingyan said with a thoughtful expression.

" .... " Ling Tian was speechless. It seems the fault lies with him.

Elder Sun looked at Su Lingyan and said, " Lingyan, lets see if your talents are back as well."

The others also walked walked towards Su Lingyan, as they were curious about it as well. Except Ling Tian, as he isn't interested in such things.

While the others were inspecting Su Lingyan's changes and Ling Tian was left out as he isn't interested in knowing it.

So he said to system in his mind.

' System, show me my status.'

[Ding! Analysing host's status.....

Name :- Ling Tian / Rayne Ashbringer

Void Level :- 0

Race :- Legendary Saiyan

Bloodline :- Legendary Saiyan

Bloodline level :- 19

Bloodline Attributes :- Endlessness, Berserk, Devouring Force, Temporal Force, Spatial Force, Chaotic Force, Void Force

Bloodline Perks :- Superior Battle Instincts , Full Recovery, Battle Growth, Combat Perception, Ability Intuition

Energy Cultivation level :- Mortal Core Realm 6th level

Soul level :- Initial Stage Dark Green Soul

Body level :- Ascended Mortal lv. 4

Numerical Stats.. .

Strength :- 1210

Agility :- 1054

Intelligence :- 1,240(Perception biased)

Vitality :- 28,400

Charm :- 118

Luck :- 373

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Constitution :- 91,000

Spirit Energy :- 98,000

Ki :- 2,86,589,000

Nature Energy :- 17,000

Soul Power :- 6,15,132,000

Eye-Bloodline :-

1. Rinnegan - lv.1[Skills :- Supreme Perception, Omnicounter, Creation and Destruction, 99 Lives Of Samsara, (The Six Paths - Deva path, Asura path, Human path, Animal path, Preta Path, Naraka path), Outer Path ]

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - lv.3 [Skills :- Eye of Hypnosis, Eye of Insights, Causality Perception, Dimension Ruler, Prescience, Death God's Glare, Susanoo, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi ]

3. All Seeing Endless Eye - lv.0(Sealed)[Skills :- Omnicompetence, Omniscience]

Special Powers/Skills :-

1. Adapt and Improve - lv.48

2. Nature Core - lv.???

3. Evil Core - lv.???

Talents :-

1. Alchemist - lv.1

2. Artificer - lv.1

3. Array Master - lv.1

4. Inscription Master - lv.1

5. Eidetic Memory - lv.max

6. Ki Control - lv.9

7. Sword Forte - lv.3

8. Close Combat Forte - lv.4

9. Battle Instincts - lv.3

10. Inferno Control - lv.3

11. Water Control - lv.2

12. Adamant Control - lv.3

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13. Spirit Energy Control - lv.10

14. Nature Energy Control - lv.2

Persona Growth Skills :-

1. Genesis Empyrean's Infinity - lv.1

2. Initial Black Body - lv.3

3. Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture - lv.1

4. Nature Immortal Body - lv.3

Battle Skills :-

1. Foundation Fist Arts - lv.4

2. Illusionist - lv.4

3. Telekinesis - lv.4

4. Throwing - lv.4

5. Mortal Steps - lv.6

6. Ki Blasts - lv.4

7. Devour - lv.1

8. Taichi Fist - lv.5

9. Foundation Sword Arts - lv.1

10. Berserk Battle Tyrant - lv.1

11. Endless Battle Tyrant - lv.1

12. Rasengan - lv.4

13. Ninjutsu - lv.5

Tactical Skills :-

1. Cooking - lv.1

2. Poker Face - lv.4

3. Acting - lv.4

System Functions :-

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Void points :- 9,919,199,997

Upgrade points :- 50

System Inventory :- Summoning lottery(x3), Random Character Inheritance(x1), Random Sub-system, 50 mid grade spirit stones, Virgo's celestial summoning key, Ghoul bloodline(x1), Spirit Art-Heretical God Force. ]

Ling Tian looked at his stats and was quite satisfied. But there was one thing that was bugging him.

' System, why I did get the mastery of Ninjutsu when I had only integrated with it but not actually use it?' Ling Tian asked.

[Any Skill or techniques that host received from the system will grant host the basic mastery of the skills or techniques.]

' I see. That makes sense. So lets take a look at my rewards..... Wait! Before that, system! Don't I get some beginner's pack or something like that?' Ling Tian asked System while feeling a bit hopeful.

[There's no such thing host. There is no free food in this world. If you want something, you need to work for it.]

' Tch! What's wrong with me dreaming a bit. Anyway, lets take a look at my rewards.' Said Ling Tian in his mind.

' Summoning lottery huh? I definitely can't use them within the sect.' Ling Tian set aside the thought of using the summoning lottery for later as he wouldn't be able to explain the summoned people's identities if he suddenly summoned them inside the Spirit Advent Sect.

' Hey, what's this random sub system about?' Asked Ling Tian.

[It's a sub system connected to the original system, which is void origin system. The sub system has its own unique characteristics. For example, if the sub system host draws is Gamer System that host is familiar with, then it will have the game like interface and host can get stronger by killing other living beings.]

' I see. Then use the random sub system lottery now!' Ling Tian said excitedly.

[Ding! Congratulations host for gaining 'Original Sin System'.]

[This sub system gives out quest that are related to the seven sins and host can now gain void points by performing any of the seven sins. While the rewards for completing the quests issued by this sub system are usually high, the penalty for failing the quests are very severe.]

" .... " Ling Tian was stunned.

' Fu*k! Are you deliberately trying to make me a villain?!' Ling Tian felt like this system was doing this on purpose.


' Sigh.. Forget it. Summoning Virgo is also out of question. System, integrate the Heretical God Force technique into my mind.'


Ling Tian felt a wave of information enter his mind and the knowledge to cultivate this technique was very familiar to him now.

' That was fast!... Ghoul bloodline is out of question. That only leaves character inheritance. System, use the character inheritance lottery.' Ling Tian said to system.

[Ding! Congratulations for getting the inheritance of 'Hit the Assassin'.]

[Host will all the life experiences of Hit the Assassin and gain the knowledge of all his techniques.]

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' Hit from Dragon ball super, huh? Never saw that coming. Well, his 'Time Skip' should be useful.' Ling Tian thought as he measured the gains and loses if he integrate with this inheritance.

' System, is it safe for me to integrate with this inheritance? Will it affect my original personality?' Ling Tian asked.

[Host will only feel a bit of pain. But it shouldn't be a big deal for host. It won't change host's personality by much. Host will just get a little bit of Hit the Assassin's calm personality. It will not erase host's original personality, only add extra.]

' Then again, Hit's personality is not too bad. He's calm and collected. Not too ruthless. So it shouldn't be bad. System, integrate the inheritance with me now!' Ling Tian said.


" Nghh.." Ling Tian felt a wave of pain in his head as a lot of memories flooded into his mind. Unlike with Devil God's soul, where all the emotions and personality of Devil God was erased by Devouring Force within Ling Tian, this time, even emotions were flooding into Ling Tian's mind, which caused him a lot of pain as his soul was subconsciously rejecting the emotions of Hit.

" !! " Su Mengyan and the others saw Ling Tian suddenly clutching his head with his hands as he had an expression of pain on his face.

" Stupid Tian! What happened to you?" Su Mengyan asked in worry as she was looking at Ling Tian with a worried face.

" Master!" Su Yu was also worried.

Su Lingyan was looking at Ling Tian while tears were threatening to flow out of her beautiful eyes.

Su Xumei was looking at Ling Tian with a worried face as well.

But this was not the case for Elder Sun and Su Fengxi. They were shivering in fear now. It was not just them. All the cultivators in the Spirit Advent Sect who broke their mortal shackles are shivering in fear.

The cause was obviously Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was unconsciously releasing a bit of his soul power while fusing with Hit's memories.

Ling Tian was originally a natural born god, who was born with a cultivation level of Celestial Transformation Realm. He might have lost his cultivation and divine spark, but his soul still has the aura of a god.

Only those that have entered the divine path can sense this aura of god from Ling Tian's soul.

Since the Su siblings are only at Mortal Core Realm, which is far from the divine path, which starts from Divine Origin Realm, they are unable to sense it.

The leakage of soul power stopped as Ling Tian's pain ceased after a few seconds.

All divine experts in Spirit Advent Sect were looking for the source of the terrifying aura, but they couldn't find even a trace of it. Except for two. These two were Elder Sun and Su Fengxi, who were looking at Ling Tian in absolute fear.

' Even that bastard didn't have this kind of aura. Just how strong is this guy?!' Su Fengxi thought as she compared Ling Tian's soul aura with that of a certain 'scum'.

Ling Tian came to his senses and was in a bit of shock. Ling Tian had thought that he would get the uses of Time Skip from this inheritance and that's it.

But he has gained more than he had thought.

Hit deserves to be one of the best assassins. His assassination skills are almost unreal and his skill level is simply astonishing. Hit mostly fights unarmed, but he had mastered uses of most of the weapons in his early years and his almost thousand years of expertise in the field of assassination makes him one of the best.

One of the most notable perks of Hit is his Ki control. Even the gods will be unable to sense Hit if he doesn't want to be found.

And now all of this experience belongs to Ling Tian. This inheritance even contains Hit's experience of fighting against Son Goku and Jiren as well.

Ling Tian has got more than what he had demanded for.

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