The Devourer

Chapter 50

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Ling Tian saw that Su Mengyan and the others are looking at him in worry.

This made him wonder how he looked like just now, to actually make even the tigress Mengyan to look at him in worry.

" I'm fine. Just a little headache. Still.. It's surprising that you are worrying for me." Said Ling Tian gleefully as he looked at Su Mengyan with a smile.

" Hmph! Wh-Whose worried about you?! I just want you to heal my hand! Yes! That's it! So I can't have you unwell now!" Su Mengyan said out loud in a flustered tone with shades of red hue on her cheeks.

Ling Tian simply smiled at this tsundere girl's antics. Ling Tian held out a hand towards Su Mengyan.

Su Mengyan saw this and frowned at the same time, confused.

" What do you want?" Su Mengyan asked as she looked at Ling Tian with the cold glare she always used on him.

" Give me your broken hand. I'll fix it for you." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" No need." Su Mengyan immediately refused.

Ling Tian looked at Su Mengyan and was starting to get annoyed with her.

" Didn't you say you want me to heal your hand? Or did you lie to me?" Ling Tian asked with teasing smile.

" I-"

Ling Tian forcibly took hold of her right hand, which was precisely the hand which was broken. He examined and saw only a crack in her wrist bone. He can easily fix this.

" W-Wh-Wh-What are y-you doing?! Le-let go of m-my hand!" Su Mengyan was flustered as she stuttered while saying to Ling Tian.

" Stay silent and don't disturb." Ling Tian said to Su Mengyan in a calm tone.

Ling Tian used healing jutsu(a part of Ninjutsu pack) and heal her hand and it only took a minute for her hand to completely be healed by Ling Tian.

Su Mengyan stayed silent and so were the others. They felt some difference in Ling Tian. It was more like he now has a sort of mature aura and his tone that he used to reprimand Su Mengyan contained a bit of indifference.

Su Mengyan and the other girls including Su Fengxi found Ling Tian very charming now. Just a moment ago, Ling Tian had a bit of childish aura and a goofy air around him. But now, after fusing with Hit's inheritance, Ling Tian has a calm and collected aura and a bit of cold indifference.

This increased Ling Tian's charm in the eyes of the girls. Although Ling Tian is very handsome after his body was purified by nature energy from the nature core within Ling Tian's heart dimension, because of his child like personality, his handsomeness didn't matter much. But now was different.

[Ding! Host's talent 'Ki Control' has levelled up by 93 levels.]

[Ding! Host has gained a new talent, 'Assassination Forte'.]

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[Ding! Host has gained a new skill, 'Time Skip'.]

[Ding! Host's talent 'Close Combat Forte' has levelled up by 33 levels.]

[Ding! Host has experienced a higher level of power through inheritance, hence host's talent 'Battle Instincts' has levelled up by 19 levels.]

[Ding! Host has gained a new skill, 'Silent Killer Combat Arts'.]

[Ding! Host has completed a hidden quest, 'Level up Ki Control by 100 levels within 100 years.']

[Ding! Host has been rewarded - True Devil bloodline(x1), All Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu pack, 60,000 void points, 12 upgrade points.]

Ling Tian was left speechless with all the notifications from the system ringing on his mind.

" My goodness..." Ling Tian muttered as he could feel the changes within him.

All his senses have been enhanced to a whole different level. He now feel like he can control his Ki as easy as breathing is to him.

And with all the knowledge of Hit's fighting experience has directly increased Ling Tian's fighting skill to a godly level.

Ling Tian had thought that he would only get Hit's signature technique, the Time Skip from this inheritance. But never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he would get this level of benefits from a single inheritance. This has literally saved Ling Tian hundreds of years of hard work.

Ling Tian had to admit that Son Goku might be stronger than Hit in combat power. But when it comes to Ki control and battle techniques and killing techniques, Son Goku won't even compare to Hit.

Hit's level of Ki control is so high that he can make it seem like he doesn't exist at all while he's standing right before you.

While Ling Tian was in disbelief at the unexpected benefits he had gotten, the others were shocked that Ling Tian healed Su Mengyan's broken hand within a minute by using spirit energy.

" Boy, how did you do that?!" Elder Sun couldn't help but ask with a trembling voice.

Elder Sun's question made Ling Tian snap out of his thoughts.

Ling Tian said, " It's just a simple healing technique."

" Healing technique?! Do you know how rare such techniques are?!" Su Fengxi said in exasperation as she interrupted what Elder Sun was about to say.

" You should never reveal this technique to others. It might cost you your life." Elder Sun said with a serious expression.

" .... " Ling Tian was speechless. It was just a B rank healing jutsu. And the healing techniques in Devil God's memories are all at an impossible level. So he had refrained himself from using any of them, since these people might get a heart attack if he healed Su Mengyan within a second.

" I'll keep that in mind. Although there's no one in this world that can threaten my life." Ling Tian said with his usual carefree smile.

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" .... "

" .... "

" .... "

Elder Sun and the others were speechless by what Ling Tian said.

What Ling Tian said wasn't a lie. With the Spatial Movement Divine Power of the Sharingan, Ling Tian can escape from anywhere as long as he doesn't encounter a false god, who has a Spatial divine spark, for now.

Elder Sun sent a sound transmission to Ling Tian suddenly.

' Boy, can you try to make Xi'er your woman?'

' .... ' Ling Tian didn't know what to say. If this was him before he fused with Hit's inheritance, he would yelled out in surprised.

' Why don't you pick her up yourself?' Ling Tian asked Elder Sun in hopes to avoid the subject.

' She's my adopted daughter. Can you please try? I don't want to see her ruin her life like this.' Elder Sun said calmly.

Ling Tian looked at Elder Sun deeply.

' I'll be honest with you, old man. I don't want to have anything to do with her. She threw away her future for the sake of a dead person by making such a stupid decision despite your warnings. What makes you think she'll listen to me? If I try to do as you asked me to do, it'll be like I'm meddling in her affairs, which I'm not willing to do.' Ling Tian said to Elder Sun in a plain tone and cut off the sound transmission connection.

Elder Sun didn't say anything as he knew what Ling Tian said is right. This proved that Ling Tian is not lusting for Su Fengxi's beauty.

This change in character was obviously brought by Hit's inheritance. If there is one thing that Hit never does, then that is not meddling in others affairs unless it concerns him. Ling Tian has inherited this, although not as much as Hit.

Ling Tian sensed a lot of people coming towards this place and looked towards that direction. Elder Sun and Su Fengxi also looked towards that direction.

Soon after a few seconds.

About 20 men arrived there.

Three old men were leading this group and when they saw Elder Sun and Su Fengxi, they frowned.

" Young master Ye is here! He's injured!" Yelled one of the twenty men, which caught the three old men's attention.

" What?!" The three old men exclaimed as they rushed over and what greeted them was Ye Gouyi lying on the ground like a dead dog.

" Young master!!" The three old men exclaimed.

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' They came for that guy, huh?' Ling Tian thought.

" This is bad! The Ye clan elders! Ling Tian, you better run fast before they notice you!" Su Mengyan suddenly urged Ling Tian to leave this place with a nervous expression.

Ling Tian looked at the girl and was curious why she was so nervous.

" Why?" Ling Tian asked.

" You don't know Ye clan?! How long have you been in the sect?!" Su Mengyan exclaimed.

" Is Ye clan such a big deal?" Ling Tian asked with a plain tone.

" Big deal? Of course they are a big deal! Ye clan is one of the three clans that make up the Spirit Advent Sect!" Su Mengyan said.

" ?! " Ling Tian was surprised but was instantly irritated. From his conversation with Jiang Zhentian's clone and Shawn Ashbringer, he easily deduced that the founder of the Spirit Advent Sect, Ling Feng was actually Shawn Ashbringer in disguise. And the fact that this Sect was built by Ling Tian's grandfather, Shawn Ashbringer, so that Ling Tian could have a place to call home.

So one could say that Spirit Advent Sect literally belongs to him. So when Ling Tian heard that some other clans were ruling over the home his grandfather had left for him, he got annoyed.

' Looks like I have to get rid of some rodents that's ruining my home later.' Ling Tian decided in mind.

Su Mengyan wanted to say more, but a shout made her shut her mouth.

" Young Master is crippled!!" One of the twenty men screamed.

" Whaaatt??!!" The three old men exclaimed in shock.

The Su siblings looked at Ling Tian in terror. Same with Su Fengxi. Elder Sun didn't say anything as he knew of it from the very start.

The Su siblings had thought that Ling Tian only beat up Ye Gouyi, but never thought Ling Tian would actually cripple Ye Gouyi. But the next shout amplified their shock to a whole different level.

" You-youn-young master's pen*s is gone!!!"

" Whaat??!!" The three old men exclaimed again and they felt like the world was crumbling apart.

The Su siblings and Su Fengxi looked at Ling Tian in disbelief and this time even Elder Sun was staring at Ling Tian with his mouth wide open in shock.

The three old men suddenly turned towards Elder Sun and the others and one of them said.

" Fourth Elder, Tenth Elder! What's the meaning of this?! How did this happen to our Young Master?!"

At the same time, a sudden quest popped up in Ling Tian's mind.

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[Ding! Sin Quest triggered

Task:- steal all the wealth of those that possess ill intent towards you in these 10 minutes in this area

Reward:- 10,000 high grade spirit stones, Djinn-Amon, 2 upgrade points.

Penalty:- lose fifty percent of your soul. ]

Ling Tian was a bit surprised. He was happy at the rewards but very scared of the penalty.

' Damn... So this is a sin quest. Indeed, the rewards are very high, but the the penalty is terrifying. Well, since these people have ill intent towards me, it's not an unreasonable quest.' Ling Tian thought.

Elder Sun was about to reply to the three old men but Ling Tian interrupted him.

" It's me that gave him that punishment. What? You guys have something to say about that?" Ling Tian asked with a carefree smile as he calmly gazed at the three old men.

" You?! How dare you?! You dare to provoke Ye clan?! You're simply courting death!" One of the old men said in a voice full of anger.

The rest of the twenty men who seemed to be the henchmen of the three old men also started cursing at Ling Tian and started to prepare to attack him.

Elder Sun and Su Fengxi and the Su siblings were baffled at Ling Tian's sudden change in attitude. Especially Elder Sun. He understood Ling Tian well enough to know that Ling Tian wouldn't provoke others on his own.

But now, Ling Tian was taking the initiative to provoke others.

Ling Tian ignored others and looked at the group that was raging in anger and smiled.

This wasn't Ling Tian's usual carefree smile, but a playful smile.

" I see.. That's great! It's a pity that you guys are too weak to test the capabilities of my new skill, Time Skip. But don't worry, I won't be killing you." Ling Tian said as his pupils turned red with three tomoe in it.

Su Fengxi, who was seeing Ling Tian's Sharingan for the first time was dazed by the beauty of Ling Tian's red eyes.

Even Su Mengyan, Su Lingyan and Su Xumei who had already seen it once were dazzled by the beautiful appearance of Sharingan. Meanwhile, Su Yu was admiring the Sharingan as he thought it was cool.

But the same could not be said for the group that was hostile towards Ling Tian. They felt like death was upon them and they might lose their life anytime.

' Sharingan : Illusion.' Ling Tian muttered in his mind as he looked at the group.

The group of twenty including the three old men trembled for a second and fell unconscious without even knowing why.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The daze of girls who were absent mindedly admiring Ling Tian's Sharingan was brought back to their senses with the sudden thudding sounds.

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