The Devourer

Chapter 51

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Ling Tian used 'Mortal Steps' to instantly appear near the unconscious cultivators of Ye clan.

He looked at Ye Gouyi who was lying on the ground like a dead dog and spotted a black ring on his left hand's pinky finger.

Ling Tian took the black ring which was a storage ring and the contents inside it. Inside the ring, there was 5,000 mid grade spirit stones, 180 high grade spirit stones, and other resources like pills and stuff. There were many artifacts as well, but they were all too low levelled to enter Ling Tian's eyes.

Unlike others, Ling Tian doesn't need pills and such for breakthroughs, but only spirit energy is needed. If he has spirit energy, he can breakthrough to new realms without facing any bottlenecks or foundation problems. This is the speciality of Ling Tian's spirit energy cultivation technique, Genesis Empyrean's Infinity.

" Ohhh... As expected of a core disciple! This guy is quite rich for a place like this." Ling Tian said in a surprised tone. But his face showed no surprise.

It would be funny if he is actually pleased with this level of wealth. He has all the wealth of Devil God Virtyq and can be considered the most wealthiest existence in all realms including God's Realm. But unfortunately, he's unable to use any of those resources as only those that have entered the divine path can utilize them.

Ling Tian will have to rely on other resources to reach Divine Origin Realm so that he will be able to use his almost unlimited resources.

Ling Tian took away all the storage artifacts from all the people from Ye clan and the richest were the three old men, where each could rival the wealth of Ye Gouyi. Ling Tian stored them all in his Soul Storage Space.

' With all these spirit stones and the ones I'll get as reward for the quest, I'll be able to breakthrough into the mid stages of Earth Core Realm within a week.' With this thought Ling Tian smiled.

If Ling Tian has a weakness right now, it is his spirit energy cultivation. He has the experience of Devil God Virtyq who has lived for billions of years and faced all sorts of things, so when it came to experience, Ling Tian doesn't lack at all.

His Ki cultivation, Body and Soul is comparable to the cultivators at Divine King Realm.

" Yo-you! Why did you steal all their possessions?!" An angry and confused voice interrupted his train of thoughts.

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Ling Tian saw Su Mengyan coming towards him with an angry face and the others slowly following behind her.

" What do you mean?" Asked Ling Tian with a blank expression.

" You don't know?! You just stole everything from them!! It's broad daylight robbery!" Su Mengyan yelled at Ling Tian.

" Tsk." Ling Tian clicked his tongue in annoyance.

" You always keep finding faults, don't you?" Ling Tian stared at Su Mengyan and said in an annoyed tone.

" They came here with ill intent, you know?" Asked Ling Tian.

" But still, stealing from them is bad." Su Lingyan said with a low voice.

" You people... They were having thoughts about killing me.." Ling Tian said in a helpless tone at the pestering of these women.

" But still --" Su Lingyan wanted to object against Ling Tian but was interrupted.

" Stop being naive already! I'm already showing them mercy by sparing their lives. With my level of power, I should have already reduced them to dust with the way they showed hostility and disrespect towards me." Ling Tian said in a cold tone.

" Me taking their things is punishment for them." Said Ling Tian.

Su Mengyan and the others thought about what Ling Tian said and knew that he was right. If it was someone else in place of Ling Tian who has a very high power level and a bunch of goons just come out of nowhere and disrespect high, these people and even their clan would be wiped out.

But there was one thing that was bugging them.

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" But why are you stealing from them? Couldn't you do something like beat them up a little and demand for some compensation?" Su Lingyan couldn't help but ask.

" What would you possibly know about the poverty of a poor man! Why would I do something bothersome like arguing with them, when I can take what I want by force! I have a reason for it anyway." Ling Tian said to Su Lingyan in a bland tone.

" .... "

" .... "

" .... "

" .... "

Su Lingyan and the others now understood what was going on.

Ling Tian was simply poor at the moment and wanted resources. So he took this chance to get what he wants. Or at least that's what they thought.

Even the naive Su Yu was speechless by Ling Tian's act.

" Hey, you don't have to do that you know? The Ye clan will keep making trouble for you after what you did to Ye Gouyi." Su Fengxi warned Ling Tian.

" Oh, shut it! I already know that." Ling Tian said in an indifferent tone.

Su Fengxi didn't know why, but she felt a bit hurt when she saw Ling Tian's indifference towards her and tears started welling up in her eyes.

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" Hey, why are you being so cold and indifferent all of a sudden?!" Su Mengyan snapped as she couldn't take Ling Tian's sudden change in attitude.

" Cold?" Ling Tian was surprised and came to a realization. Ling Tian was becoming more and more like Hit and he didn't even realize it.

' Looks like inheritances have their own disadvantages as well.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian closed his eyes and cleared his mind of the unnecessary emotions that were invading his mind and his mindset was slowly turning back to his former self with the addition of a calm and collected disposition.

Ling Tian opened his eyes and now he was back to his normal self.

Su Mengyan and the others saw this sudden change in Ling Tian and saw his usual carefree smile. They couldn't help but smile. Even Su Xumei who always have a cold expression smiled slightly.

Ling Tian looked at Su Fengxi and saw that she was about to cry. He felt guilty and understood why she's like that. If someone just suddenly acted cold towards you with no reason at all, they will feel hurt.

" Hmmm... Say... It's a good day huh? Aha..ha..ha.." Ling Tian said to Su Fengxi in an awkward tone.

" It's already afternoon." Su Mengyan said from behind him.

" .... " Ling Tian looked at Su Mengyan in a deadpan expression.

Ling Tian rubbed the back of his head and said, " I'm sorry. I was not in my right mind."

" Nn." Su Fengxi simply nodded and saw that Su Mengyan and the other two girls were looking at her with strange expressions.

" Still... It's pretty embarrassing for a Divine Origin Realm cultivator to cry, you know? Who knows, maybe you're the only one?" Ling Tian said in a teasing manner.

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Su Fengxi's face became red with embarrassment. She, a cultivator who broke through the mortal shackles by going against the heaven's will, actually was on the verge of tears just because a teenager was indifferent to her.

She didn't know how to face Ling Tian. This was the second time she's embarrassing herself in front of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian continued teasing Su Fengxi as he thought that this woman is not that bad. Maybe she just wanted these Su siblings to be happy, that's why she sacrificed her future.

Ling Tian didn't know the value of family or familial love as he had never experienced it. Even Devil God Virtyq and Hit has no knowledge of such things. So Ling Tian thought that Su Fengxi was just being foolish by sacrificing her future for something meaningless like the Su siblings.

But after sensing the emotions of these people because of his Nature Sense, Ling Tian thought that this woman is actually admirable for sacrificing her future for her loved ones.

' The desire to protect the happiness of your family, even at the cost of ruining yourself, could this be a form of love as well?.... Seriously... Love really is complicated. I wonder if I'll ever come to understand it.' Ling Tian thought.

" Hm?" Ling Tian sensed an aura coming towards this place. From the aura, he could deduce that the individual who was coming was a 4th level Divine Transformation Realm expert. Which is even stronger than Elder Sun.

Ling Tian looked around and saw an yellow crushed talisman on the ground near one of the old men. Ling Tian seemed to have ignored it before.

Ling Tian picked up the talisman and immediately identified it.

' Sound transmission talisman. The old man must have used it the moment he saw that Ye whatever's condition. Since I was busy looking at the quest details, I must have not noticed it.' Ling Tian analysed as soon as he saw the crushed talisman.

Ling Tian looked towards the direction and smiled as he muttered, " Maybe I'll get to test Time Skip in a fight after all."

Elder Sun had already sensed this presence and was a bit apprehensive. But when he saw Ling Tian smiling as he looked at a certain direction, Elder Sun felt pity for a certain someone.

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