The Devourer

Chapter 53

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Ling Tian now had his back facing to Elder Sun and the others, so they weren't able to witness the appearance of Rinnegan. Only Ye Xiyuan saw Ling Tian's Rinnegan and he was outright terrified of it, despite Ling Tian completely supressing the aura of Rinnegan.

" You!!..." Ye Xiyuan was trembling in fear.

" Oh? You can sleep now. Of course, you'll never remember me after you wake up, just like your other clan members." Ling Tian said as he gazed into Ye Xiyuan's eyes with his Rinnegan.

Ye Xiyuan eyes became droopy and he slowly fell unconscious, unwillingly.

Ling Tian caught him and threw him towards where the other members of the Ye clan were laying unconscious.

Ling Tian deactivated his Rinnegan immediately.

Ling Tian examined the contents of the storage ring and was quite satisfied.

There were a total of 8 million two hundred thousand mid grade spirit stones, 2 million high grade spirit stones, 18 thousand top grade spirit stones and even 3000 low grade spirit crystals(Note: Spirit crystals are one level higher than spirit stones and Spirit jades are one level higher than spirit crystals.) and a lot of medicinal herbs, artifacts, natural treasures and many other valuables.

' With this amount of spirit stones, I can easily breakthrough to Heaven Core Realm within a few weeks.' Ling Tian thought a bit excited at the thought of gaining more strength.

Although he is quite carefree now, his obsession for revenge against Gran Ashbringer is completely imprinted into the depths of his soul and he still remembers the inhuman pain he went through because of Gran.

Ling Tian kept the storage ring into his soul storage space and instantly appeared next to the group of Elder Sun and the others.

Su Mengyan now showed a bit of fear towards Ling Tian. Because from the beginning, Even someone as powerful as Ye Xiyuan couldn't even move in the presence of Ling Tian. She saw with her own eyes how Ling Tian had toyed around with Ye Xiyuan.

Su Xumei and Su Lingyan were also a bit apprehensive now. While Su Yu was showing more respect to Ling Tian.

" Hoh? It seems you guys have finally learned to show some respect." Ling Tian said with a cheeky smile and patted Su Mengyan's head softly.

With Ling Tian's words, the tense feeling the others were feeling vanished.

Su Mengyan got angry when she saw how Ling Tian was patting her head.

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" You should always treat me with respect like thi-??!!"


Ling Tian couldn't finish his words and his eyes went wide in shock. Su Mengyan had kicked him on his crotch when his guard was down.


Ling Tian fell on the ground while holding his private part in pain.

" Wh-why did... you do... that... you v-violent woman...!!!" Ling Tian uttered in a trembling voice as he was gritting his teeth to endure the intense pain.

" Hmph! That's what you get for messing with me!" Su Mengyan said in a haughty tone as she turned away.

Elder Sun got a chill up his spine, when he saw what Su Mengyan did to Ling Tian. Su Yu was looking at his sister with a scared face as he was covering his private area with his hands.

Su Xumei now looked at Ling Tian in pity, while Su Lingyan rushed towards Ling Tian's side and asked, " Are you okay Ling Tian?"

Ling Tian raised his head and looked at Su Lingyan who was looking at him with a worried face.

Ling Tian suddenly hugged her and buried his face into her E sized breasts and emotionally said, " You really are an ideal woman, unlike that violent girl."

Ling Tian rubbed his face on her chest and was feeling very content. While Su Lingyan was standing there stiffly with a red face while trying to push off Ling Tian.

" What are you doing to my sister?!"


Su Mengyan yelled and kicked away Ling Tian from Su Lingyan's bosom.

" Tch." Ling Tian stared at Su Mengyan in annoyance.

" .... " Su Fengxi was still shock at the things that just happened. Her feisty 'daughter' just kicked an insanely powerful man in his nuts and her Kind and gentle 'daughter' was molested by this insanely powerful man.

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" Ling Tian, are.. You.. Alright..?" Su Lingyan asked Ling Tian with a low stuttering voice and her cheeks was red with embarrassment.

Ling Tian looked at Su Lingyan as if he was witnessing a miracle and then looked at Su Mengyan and Su Xumei.

" Lingyan, you are really an angel! You are so different from your two violent sisters." Said Ling Tian.

" What did you say?!" Su Mengyan asked in exasperation.

Su Lingyan asked, " So are you fine?"

" Ah? Yeah! I'm fine! I have a special physique. So I recover pretty fast." Ling Tian replied to Su Lingyan with a laugh.

" Don't ignore me!" Su Mengyan yelled.

" Sigh.." Elder Sun simply sighed seeing how the tension in the surrounding was gone because of Ling Tian's antics.

Ling Tian turned towards the other side and a few seconds later, three men who seemed to be in their thirties appeared.

Ling Tian turned to Elder Sun and asked, " Is it just me or the divine path cultivators of this sect have a lot of free time."

Elder Sun smiled wryly as he looked at the newcomers.

" He's Ye Guishen, the father of Ye Gouyi and also the current head of the Second faction of Ye clan and also the First Elder of the sect." Elder Sun informed Ling Tian.

" The other two?" Ling Tian asked.

" Must be experts from Spirit Water Sacred Lands." Elder Sun replied.

" Sacred lands?" Ling Tian was confused by this term.

" There are eight sacred lands that supervise the eight continents of the Heaven's Fall World. Almost all the sects and factions on the eight continents are subordinates to the sacred lands. Our Spirit Advent Sect is a subordinate faction of the Spirit Water Sacred Lands which rules the Divine Water Continent, which we are in right now." Elder Sun informed Ling Tian.

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Ling Tian pondered about it and was quite irritated at the fact that Spirit Advent Sect had submitted to some other force.

Meanwhile, when Ye Guishen saw his son's condition, he was enraged and didn't pay attention to the other members. The two people behind Ye Guishen were also startled by their friend's son's tragedy.

Ye Guishen turned to face Ling Tian and the others and was about to burst out in anger. But when he saw Su Fengxi, all of his anger vanished and revealed a lustful and greedy glint within his eyes.

" Oh? Fourth Elder and Fengxi, did you do this to my son?" Ye Guishen asked in a strange tone.

When Su siblings saw Ye Guishen, they revealed hatred in their expression, even Su Lingyan who is always kind and forgiving showed hate towards this man.

When Su Fengxi heard the way Ye Guishen addressed her, she showed a disgusted expression.

Elder Sun also frowned when he saw Ye Guishen, but when he thought that Ling Tian was with them, his tensed expression eased up.

This all didn't go unnoticed by Ling Tian.

" Ahh.. I love it when you show that expression to me! But what will you do, now that my son is in this state." Ye Guishen said in a pondering tone.

The two people behind Ye Guishen frowned when they saw Ye Guishen acting like that.

" It has nothing to do with me!" Su Fengxi said in a disgusted tone.

" Do you really have to use such a disgusted tone? You'll be mine sooner or later!" Ye Guishen said with a laugh.

Su Fengxi and the Su siblings frowned when they heard that.

" I don't think that's possible." A voice interrupted the exchange of Ye Guishen and Su Fengxi. Su Fengxi revealed a slight smile when she heard this voice.

It belongs to Ling Tian.

The Su siblings also got excited.

' Will he help us?' Su Lingyan thought as she looked at Ling Tian with a pleading expression.

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' Stupid Tian is super strong! He'll definitely beat that sh*tty bastards ass back to his home. It would be better if stupid Tian destroy that guy's manhood like he did with his son.' Su Mengyan thought as she looked at Ling Tian with an encouraging look in her eyes.

Both Ling Tian and Ye Guishen felt a chill go up their spine.

Su Xumei simply stared at Ling Tian as she thought, ' I hope he kill that scum.'

Su Yu thought, ' Master will definitely help mother!'

Elder Sun simply smiled and looked at Ye Guishen in pity. He was sure that Ling Tian will make this almighty First Elder to suffer a lot.

" .... " Ye Guishen looked at Ling Tian who interrupted his conversation with his 'Beloved'.

" What do you mean by that young man?" Ye Guishen asked in a calm tone.

" It just means, she already belongs to me." Ling Tian said a smile and proud tone.

" !? " Ye Guishen was stunned. The two behind Ye Guishen were also stunned.

Su Fengxi's smile froze.

The Su siblings stared at Ling Tian in shock. Even the always cold Su Xumei had a shocked face.

Elder Sun also looked at Ling Tian with wide open eyes. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought Ling Tian would utter such words.

Ye Guishen had almost lost control of his emotions.

" Young man, you shouldn't say whatever that comes to your mind. You might lose your life because of it." Ye Guishen said to Ling Tian with a smile with eyes shined with a ruthless intent.

" But its the truth. She was the one who proposed to me and said she will belong to me forever." Ling Tian said as he shrugged his shoulder.

" What??!!"

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