The Devourer

Chapter 54

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" What??!!" Ye Guishen exclaimed in shock.

Su Fengxi remembered that what she had said to Ling Tian. ' My life belongs to you.' This indirectly means that Su Fengxi belongs to Ling Tian. She had said such a thing without thinking at that time.

Su Fengxi blushed hard that she lowered her head to hide her blushing face.

Elder Sun and the Su siblings were also speechless. Even the short tempered Su Mengyan couldn't find words to refute against Ling Tian's claim.

Suddenly, Ling Tian walked next to Su Fengxi and put his hand over her slender waist and hugged her with one hand.

Su Fengxi was startled by Ling Tian's sudden action and wanted to push him away, but Ling Tian held on to her tightly and looked into her eyes with a stern look. When she saw that look, she understood that Ling Tian is doing it for her and calmed down.

Ling Tian looked at Ye Guishen and smirked mockingly as he said, " There you have it. So watch your words when you address her from now on."

That broke the last string that was holding back Ye Guishen's jealousy and rage.

" How dare you lay your filthy hand on my woman?!!" Ye Guishen yelled in rage as his aura surged and the lands started trembling because of his outburst of spirit energy.

" Junior brother!" One of the two men standing behind Ye Guishen shouted.

Ye Guishen got back to his senses and looked at the man who called him and said, " Senior brother Fang, I'm sorry for doing this, but if I don't kill that brat, I'll lose my dignity."

Senior brother Fang looked at Ye Guishen in disdain and berated, " Fool! That boy is strange. Even I can't sense his cultivation. I'm sure you're not able to sense either. Charging in without even analysing your opponent. You're disgracing master!"

" Don't rush in Junior brother! We know nothing of that boy." The other man said to Ye Guishen.

" Senior brother Jing.. "

Ye Guishen looked at Ling Tian and unwillingly backed up.

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" You guys are pretty calm minded, unlike the fools of Ye clan. As expected of Divine path cultivators." Ling Tian praised the two men, at the same time, berating Ye clan.

" Why you!!" Ye Guishen got pissed off easily by Ling Tian's words, but calmed down after receiving a glare from the one called Senior brother Fang.

" Who are you?" Senior brother Fang asked Ling Tian.

" Isn't it proper manners to first introduce yourselves before asking others?" Ling Tian asked with a carefree smile.

Senior brother Fang was surprised by Ling Tian's words.

" I am Liu Fang. This is my brother, Liu Jing. We are enforcers from Spirit Water Sacred Lands." Liu Fang introduced himself and the other guy, who is Liu Jing.

" I am Ling Tian! Nice to meet you." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" Tell me something. Why can't I sense your cultivation? I can definitely sense that your skeletal age is not even sixteen, so there's no way your cultivation can be higher than mine." Liu Fang asked Ling Tian.

" You must be cultivating a good soul technique, huh?" Ling Tian asked Liu Fang with a smile.

Liu Fang and even Liu Jing was surprised. Liu Fang said, " You could say that.."

" Well, lets just get this straight. You guys don't have any intention to harm me right?" Ling Tian asked.

Liu Fang and Liu Jing were momentarily surprised, but said at the same time, " No."

Ling Tian smiled when he heard their reply and said, " I see, then sleep."

Ling Tian activated Sharingan and used a very high-level illusion on the Liu brothers.

Liu Fang and Liu Jing slowly lost their consciousness despite their unwillingness and fell to the ground.

Ye Guishen who saw this was scared out of his mind. Because, his senior brothers are at the peak of 10th level Divine Transformation Realm and were very close to breaking through to Divine Lord Realm.

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If Liu Fang and Liu Jing were forced into an unconscious state with just a word of Ling Tian, then he wouldn't be much better as his cultivation is 6th level Divine Transformation Realm, which is way weaker than his Senior brothers.

" I don't want to involve the innocent, you see." Ling Tian said and thought, ' I don't want them to develop hostility towards me, since they look like pretty decent people.'

Ye Guishen looked at Ling Tian in fear and kowtowed and nervously said, " Se-senior.. Th-this j-junior didn't realize the heavenly might of senior! Please spare this lowly junior!"

" Oh? Don't worry! I won't take your life. I'll only take all your wealth. After all, I'm still a powerhouse! With the level of disrespect you showed me, I should be outright killing you. But I'm a pretty good guy, so I'll only take your wealth in place of your life." Ling Tian said in a mighty tone like he is a senior cultivator who is talking to his junior.

Ye Guishen was about to agree to Ling Tian's suggestion since life is more important than wealth. But suddenly he remembered a certain natural treasure within his storage ring which could completely change his future to a glorious one. He suddenly felt unwilling.

" Senior, I'm very poor I don't have anything worth your time senior." Ye Guishen tried to put up a sad smile while saying this, but to Ling Tian, this smile looked very ugly.

Ling Tian was annoyed by Ye Guishen's hypocritical behaviour.

" You little!! Fine! Have it your way! I'll just kill you and take them myself." Ling Tian said in an angry voice.

" !! " Ye Guishen was scared out of mind and instantly prepared to flee. But unfortunately for him, Ling Tian wasn't going to let him flee.

' Telekinesis.' Ling Tian said in his mind and an invisible force extended from him and covered Ye Guishen who was preparing to flee and dragged him near Ling Tian and slammed him on the ground.

" Hngh..." Ye Guishen slowly raised his head and what greeted him was the annoyed face of the 'senior'.

" Were you going somewhere?" Ling Tian asked in a teasing tone.

Ye Guishen was trembling in utmost fear. He understood one thing. That is, he'll never be able to flee in the presence of this terrifying 'senior'.

Su Fengxi who was still in Ling Tian's embrace had long stopped struggling and when she saw how Ling Tian was playing around with the 'abominable fiend' in such a way. She felt very pleased. She already forgot that she is in a man or rather, a boy's embrace.

When she saw how comically, Ye Guishen was trembling in fear, and how Ling Tian is putting up such an act, she couldn't help but laugh a little.

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Ling Tian was mesmerized by the sight of Su Fengxi's laughing figure. Even the trembling Ye Guishen stopped shivering in fear and was looking at Su Fengxi in daze and lust he subconsciously felt.

Su Fengxi saw Ye Guishen looking at her with lust and was disgusted. But when she saw Ling Tian looking at her in daze, there was no lust within his eyes, only appreciation. She blushed and buried her head into his bosom. Although Ling Tian is not even 16 years old, his physical appearance is that of a 19 years old youngster.

' He really is different from others. But his personality is too unstable..' Su Fengxi thought as she blushed.

Ling Tian snapped out of his mild stupor. Then he suddenly got angry. Because...

Ye Guishen was looking at Su Fengxi with eyes full of lust.

" Oi!" Ling Tian called out.

Ye Guishen snapped out of his lustful stupor and saw Ling Tian looking at him with cold eyes.

" You really have some nerve looking at my woman in that way. I should just kill you after all." Ling Tian said.

Su Fengxi's face became red as apple when she heard Ling Tian address her as 'My Woman'.

But Ye Guishen was scared out of his wits.

" No! Senior! Please forgive me!! I'll never do that again!!" Ye Guishen pleaded.

" Hm?" Ling Tian saw the sky and saw that it was about to be evening and wanted to end this all so he could return home.

" Sigh.. It's already getting late." Ling Tian said in a carefree tone.


Ling Tian was now looking at the storage ring in his hand, which he just snatched from Ye Guishen.

Ye Guishen's eyes went wide from shock when he saw his storage ring in Ling Tian's hand.

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" No! Give it back!!" Ye Guishen jumped at Ling Tian, only to be smashed to the ground again.

Ling Tian quickly used the power of 'human path' of Rinnegan without letting Su Fengxi notice it and broke the soul link between the storage ring and Ye Guishen.

Ling Tian inspected the contents of the spirit ring and finally understood why Ye Guishen was so reluctant to part with his storage ring. It was because, there was Fire Spirit Marrow, which is a natural treasure which can enhance the grade of one's spirit root.

But to Ling Tian, this is absolutely useless.

Each one of his Spirit Roots are at Ancient Divine Rank at the minimum.

But this treasure will be very useful for increasing his cultivation level.

[Ding! Sin Quest completed. Host has been rewarded 10,000 high grade spirit stones, Djinn: Amon, 2 upgrade points.]

Ling Tian looked at Ye Guishen with his Sharingan and said, " Sleep."

Ye Guishen couldn't resist the invading powers of Sharingan and fell unconscious.

Ling Tian let go of Su Fengxi and turned towards the others.

" I'm going back." Ling Tian said.

" As for these people, just ignore them, I've already erased the part of memory where they have seen us. So just go back and don't tell anyone anything about what you saw here." Ling Tian said seriously.

" Why don't you stay for a bit more?" Su Mengyan asked.

" I've plenty of things to do." Ling Tian said and flew away without even waiting for their reply.

The reason Ling Tian is rushing back is because, his Original Sin Spirit Root is going on amplifying every emotions of him.

His mindset is already unstable because he fused with Hit's inheritance and it will take a few days for him to get normal. And with the troublemaking Original Sin Spirit Root amplifying his already unstable emotions, his mindset is completely messed up.

He needed to quickly find a quiet place so he could start stabilizing his soul and fix his unstable personality.

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