The Devourer

Chapter 59

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Ling Tian looked at the woman and remembered the promise he made to her father, Aquazaine King Rowyn.

Ling Tian became more determined.

" Looks like I now have another reason to get stronger other than for revenge." Ling Tian said.

Suddenly he remembered something. He asked the system, " System, open the All Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu pack and integrate it with me."


Ling Tian felt a massive wave of information and experiences of various jutsus imprint on his mind and when the process was done, Ling Tian had a happy smile on his face.

" It really does have all techniques from Narutoverse. This is way better than the Ninjutsu pack I got at the beginning." Ling Tian was quite happy.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Eight Inner Gates technique, Impure Reanimation jutsu, all special jutsus like Wood release jutsus, Dust release jutsus, lava release etc., basically now Ling Tian knows of every single jutsus, whether it is Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu, he knows them all and has intermediate mastery over it. He can also use them all since all elements originate from Chaos and Ling Tian's Legendary Saiyan bloodline has the power of Chaotic Force in it.

Ling Tian said, " Show my status."

[Ding! Analysing host's current stats....

Name :- Ling Tian / Rayne Ashbringer

Void Level :- 0

Race :- Legendary Saiyan

Bloodline :- Legendary Saiyan

Bloodline level :- 19

Bloodline Attributes :- Endlessness, Berserk, Devouring Force, Temporal Force, Spatial Force, Chaotic Force, Void Force

Bloodline Perks :- Superior Battle Instincts , Full Recovery, Battle Growth, Combat Perception, Ability Intuition

Energy Cultivation level :- Earth Core Realm 4th level

Soul level :- Initial Stage Dark Green Soul

Body level :- Ascended Mortal lv. 4

Numerical Stats.. .

Strength :- 1210

Agility :- 1054

Intelligence :- 1,240(Perception biased)

Vitality :- 28,400

Charm :- 118

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Luck :- 373

Constitution :- 91,000

Spirit Energy :- 400,000

Ki :- 2,86,589,000

Nature Energy :- 17,000

Soul Power :- 6,15,132,000

Eye-Bloodline :-

1. Rinnegan - lv.1[Skills :- Supreme Perception, Omnicounter, Creation and Destruction, 99 Lives Of Samsara, (The Six Paths - Deva path, Asura path, Human path, Animal path, Preta Path, Naraka path), Outer Path ]

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - lv.3 [Skills :- Eye of Hypnosis, Eye of Insights, Causality Perception, Dimension Ruler, Prescience, Death God's Glare, Susanoo, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi ]

3. All Seeing Endless Eye - lv.0(Sealed)[Skills :- Omnicompetence, Omniscience]

Special Powers/Skills :-

1. Adapt and Improve - lv.48

2. Nature Core - lv.???

3. Evil Core - lv.???

Talents :-

1. Alchemist - lv.1

2. Artificer - lv.1

3. Array Master - lv.1

4. Inscription Master - lv.1

5. Eidetic Memory - lv.max

6. Ki Control - lv.102

7. Sword Forte - lv.3

8. Close Combat Forte - lv.37

9. Battle Instincts - lv.22

10. Inferno Control - lv.3

11. Water Control - lv.2

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12. Adamant Control - lv.3

13. Spirit Energy Control - lv.10

14. Nature Energy Control - lv.2

15. Assassination Forte - lv.5

Persona Growth Skills :-

1. Genesis Empyrean's Infinity - lv.1

2. Initial Black Body - lv.3

3. Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture - lv.1

4. Nature Immortal Body - lv.3

5. Heretical God Force - lv.0

Battle Skills :-

1. Foundation Fist Arts - lv.4

2. Illusionist - lv.4

3. Telekinesis - lv.4

4. Throwing - lv.4

5. Mortal Steps - lv.14

6. Ki Blasts - lv.28

7. Devour - lv.1

8. Taichi Fist - lv.5

9. Foundation Sword Arts - lv.13

10. Berserk Battle Tyrant - lv.1

11. Endless Battle Tyrant - lv.1

12. Rasengan - lv.9

13. Ninjutsu - lv.10

14. Time Skip - lv.4

15. Silent Killer Combat Arts - lv.23

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Tactical Skills :-

1. Cooking - lv.1

2. Poker Face - lv.4

3. Acting - lv.4

System Functions :-




[Original Sin System]

Void points :- 9,919,259,997

Upgrade points :- 64

System Inventory :- Summoning lottery(x3), Virgo's celestial summoning key, Ghoul bloodline(x1), True Devil bloodline(x1), Djinn: Amon.]

Ling Tian looked at his stats.

" Hey, system. I've been meaning to ask but it always slipped my mind. But, why is my All Seeing Endless Eyes sealed?" Ling Tian asked.

[Host's Legendary Saiyan bloodline level should be at level 45 to unseal the particular eye bloodline.]

" Bloodline level huh? Will the power and corruptive powers of my Saiyan instincts also increase with the increase in bloodline level?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.


Ling Tian's face fell and looked disheartened.

" Well, what's with those upgrade points? Do I use them to upgrade you, system?" Ling Tian asked.

[No, host. The system is already at its peak. There are no upgrades needed. Host just have to increase his void level to gain access to more of Void Origin System's functions.]

" I see. So why is my void level still zero? I'm sure I've completed a few quests already." Ling Tian asked.

[Host still have to complete two more quests for his void level to level up.]

" Hmm.." Ling Tian smiled while knowing that his void level will finally increase.

" So what use is the upgrade points then, and what is that upgrade function?" Ling Tian asked.

[Upgrade function allows host to upgrade anything except for the system itself. The upgrade points are what is required for host to use the upgrade function.]

" Anything you say?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask in doubt.

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[Yes. Anything. Host can also use any high level items as catalysts which will increase the value of the end result.]

" Well... Will I be able to upgrade my soul as well? How many upgrade points will it cost?" Ling Tian asked while suppressing his faint excitement.

[Yes. It will only cost one upgrade point for the first upgrade. Two upgrade points for the second upgrade on the same target. Four upgrade points for the third upgrade on the same target. Eight upgrade points for the fourth upgrade on the same target and so on.]

" Wow!... Still... better safe than sorry." Ling Tian muttered as he created an adamant katana with a long blade with his adamant spirit energy.

" System, can I upgrade this?" Ling Tian asked.


" Then upgrade it!" Ling Tian said with an face full of expectation.

[Ding! Host has chosen to upgrade 'Unknown Adamant Katana' for the cost of 1 upgrade point. Confirm?]

" Yes." Ling Tian affirmed.

[Ding! Would host like to use a catalyst?]

" .... Yes." Ling Tian said.

[Please present the catalyst to the system.]

" Hmm... What should I use?... Oh.. That will do." Ling Tian took out a white jade and said to the system, " System, this is the catalyst I've chosen."

[Ding! Host has chosen 'God Spirit Jade'(x1) as the catalyst for upgrading 'Unknown Adamant Katana'.]

[Starting the upgrade process.. ]

Suddenly, a white light glowed on the adamant katana that Ling Tian casually created and was engulfed by this light.

[5...4...3....2....1...0... Upgrade complete.]

[Result:- 'Unknown Adamant Katana' is now a 5 Star Top Grade Spirit Rank Combat Artifact.]

Ling Tian had a shocked expression as he looked at the newly modified katana on his hands.

Ling Tian had originally just made the katana with his adamant powers and didn't make it in detail like its hilt and such. But now after the upgrade, the originally adamant blade was now a deep blue crystalline slightly curved, slender single-edged blade and the hilt was pure white with deep blue markings on it with a golden-blue gaurd and a long grip to accommodate two hands. It was quite heavy with the weight of 1.7 tons. But with Ling Tian's current strength, this weight doesn't mean much to him.

Ling Tian was fascinated by the structure of this katana.

" But I'm a Saiyan. I mostly fight unarmed..... But then again, all the sword experiences I have will be wasted if I don't use it." Ling Tian muttered.

Devil God Virtyq had practised the way of sword his entire life with his natal combat artifact, Abyssal Devil Sword. His attainment in the way of sword surpassed everyone during his time and his unique Sword Intent, Abyss Soul Sword Intent, reigned supreme over all other Sword Intent. His Sword Intent had the unique property of disintegration.

Ling Tian had all the experiences of Devil God and Ling Tian also had his understanding of sword just like his comprehension of laws. But Ling Tian didn't make use of it since he felt more compatible fighting with his fists.

Now Ling Tian decided that he will practice in sword as well as fist, because he didn't want a gift granted to him to be wasted and wanted to make full use of it.

" Hm?" Suddenly Ling Tian sensed something entering the forest and closing in on the lake. But Ling Tian couldn't sense any of its power or the fluctuations in the surrounding. If not for his Nature Sense, he would have never sensed it.

That certain 'something' entered the lake, but not a little disturbance was made in the water of the lake. Ling Tian was really curious as to what kind of creature is capable of such a high level stealth that almost is at the same level as Hit.

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