The Devourer

Chapter 60

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Ling Tian was anticipating what this unknown creature will do and he didn't have to wait for long.


Something struck at him. Ling Tian just raised a hand and blocked it.

" It's pretty rude to attack someone without a reason, you know?" Ling Tian said with a curious smile as he looked towards the direction he was attacked from.

" Grrr..." A beast like grumbling sound was heard.

Ling Tian looked at the figure that was slowly becoming visible. It had a dragon head with two horns and its eyes were golden coloured with strange red patterns near its eyes. It has two forearms with three claws. It had a deep blue coloured giant long snake like body with dragon scales.

" Well well.. A Flood Dragon, huh? Why did you attack me?" Ling Tian asked in a casual tone but his eyes showed a cold light.

" Human ant! How dare you enter my territory?! Don't expect to leave here alive!" The Flood Dragon said in a coarse voice filled with killing intent.

Ling Tian didn't care about the killing intent, but was intrigued by the Flood Dragon's words.

" Your territory? What's that supposed to mean?" Ling Tian asked in a curious tone.

The Flood Dragon didn't answer him but looked at the gigantic skeleton and when it saw the ice coffin that was floating above the skeleton, its eyes shone with a strange gleam and it continued to sense things around, but it looked like it couldn't find what it was looking for.

Ling Tian who was watching how this Flood Dragon was looking around, found it funny at the same time had a hunch of what it was looking for.

" Handover the immortal being's possession! And I'll think of letting you live!" The Flood Dragon said in a demanding tone.

" Immortal being's possession? The fu*k is that?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

" Don't play with me!!! Give it to me!! Right now!!!" The Flood Dragon yelled at Ling Tian in an enraged voice.

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" No need to raise your voice now, is there?" Ling Tian couldn't help but say in an annoyed tone.

" Don't make me repeat myself, human ant!" The Flood Dragon said in a threatening voice.

Ling Tian looked at this creature and couldn't help but marvel at its ignorance. Ling Tian is more than powerful enough to slap this Flood Dragon into oblivion. Yet, this creature keeps looking down on him.

" Let me make some things clear." Ling Tian said.

The Flood Dragon didn't say anything.

" First, I'm not a Human. I'm a Saiyan!" Ling Tian said in a firm voice.

" What's a Saiyan?" The Flood Dragon asked in a surprised tone.

" No need for you to know. Second, I've no reason to give you anything. Even if there was a reason, I still wouldn't handover something that's already mine." Ling Tian said as if it's a matter of fact.

" What did you say?!" The Flood Dragon yelled in anger.

" Oh shut up already! If not, I'll do it personally for you." Ling Tian said to the Flood Dragon in a cold tone.


The Flood Dragon roared in anger and the entire land was trembling. The lake was in turmoil, but it didn't even affect Ling Tian.

" No need to get so worked up. You will never be able to do anything to me, because I know everything about you." Ling Tian said with a calm smile.

" What?!" The Flood Dragon was shocked for a moment.

" Tsk. Stop yelling at every single word." Ling Tian said in an annoyed tone.

" Grrr.."

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" You just recently evolved into a Flood Dragon, didn't you?" Ling Tian asked with a calm smile.

The Flood Dragon's eyes raised in surprise.

" You must have gone to somewhere else to breakthrough to Divine Origin Realm, at the same time evolve into a Flood Dragon. It must have been tough on you, facing two different Lightning Tribulations at the same time." Ling Tian said as he looked at the Flood Dragon with a playful gleam in his eyes.

The Flood Dragon started to feel uneasy and wanted to just kill Ling Tian. But its instincts were telling it that if it attacks Ling Tian again, something very tragic will happen to it.

" You have just ascended to become a Divine Path cultivator. What makes you think you can kill me?" Ling Tian continued, " If I'm not wrong, then you were just a water snake type Monster beast with a minuscule portion of dragon blood within you. And that dragon blood must have a very high affinity with Nature Energy since you were able to stay in this place when even Divine Emperors are unable to enter this place."

" You must have had that dragon blood purified by the nature energy that old fox was emanating and must have freed yourself from being a monster beast and developed an intelligent consciousness. And because of the immense nature energy in this place and that dragon blood within you, you were able to become a Pseudo Nature Being." Ling Tian said.

The Flood Dragon was staring at Ling Tian in shock. Although it didn't know what 'Nature Energy' was at first, it slowly understood after listening to Ling Tian's words that it is the mysterious energy that made it possible for what it is right now.

" So what? I'll kill you and take back what's mine!" The Flood Dragon roared as it's aura started to surge.

Ling Tian simply smiled and used his right hand to taunt the Flood Dragon to make it's move.


The Flood Dragon opened its mouth and a gigantic red coloured mass of spirit energy condensed inside it's mouth.

' Dragon blast, huh?' Ling Tian thought as he could feel a unique energy fluctuation coming from the red spirit energy. Dragon Blast is one of the common racial attack skill of the Dragon race.


The Flood Dragon fired a red beam of energy at Ling Tian which caused a massive tremor in the lake since both Ling Tian and the Flood Dragon are inside the lake.

But the expected explosion did not come, which confused the Flood Dragon and an unknown fear crept up it's heart.

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The Flood Dragon increased the output of the spirit energy.

" That won't do, you know?" A voice was heard amidst the wave of red energy.

The Flood Dragon's golden eyes widened in shock and it stopped the attack. Then it saw Ling Tian amidst the red energy wave, but now he had purple eyes with strange patterns on it.

The Flood Dragon didn't know why, but it was terrified of those eyes.

It was shocked again when all the red energy was absorbed into Ling Tian's hand. It knew that it is not an opponent for Ling Tian.

After absorbing the energy, Ling Tian flashed by the Flood Dragon's side and asked, " So what's your last words?"

" I-" the Flood Dragon was about to say something but was cut off by Ling Tian.

" You don't get to have any last words." Ling Tian said and put his hand on top of the Flood Dragon's forehead.

A blue coloured transparent Dragon like figure was pulled out from the Flood Dragon's body.

This was the Flood Dragon's soul.

Ling Tian had extracted it using Rinnegan's power.

The massive soul of Flood Dragon condensed into a hand sized ball in Ling Tian's hand.

Ling Tian pulled out his newly upgraded katana and inserted the condensed soul of Flood Dragon into the katana.


Ling Tian created a Ki barrier around two meters around him which isolated the water from two meters near Ling Tian.

Ling Tian cut his right hand's index finger, which caused it to bleed and he used his blood to write numerous symbols on the surface of the blade of the katana and there was a sort of energy connection between each of these symbols.

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After he wrote 28 symbols with his blood on the blue crystalline blade, Ling Tian uttered in a slightly tired tone, " Blood God Ritual - Spirit-Soul Transformation."

The blue katana glowed with intense blue light and released a terrifying fluctuation of power, but it was all blocked by Ling Tian's Ki barrier.

This was one of the various techniques Ling Tian knew from Devil God's memories. This technique uses one's own life blood to inscript 28 different runes required for the technique to work. This technique transforms a soul into an artifact spirit and it can also transform an artifact spirit into a genuine soul.

Ling Tian had forcefully turned the soul of Flood Dragon into an artifact spirit of his new katana.

" Now with an artifact spirit, this is a true spirit rank combat artifact!" Ling Tian said with a happy smile as he looked at the blue katana in his hand.

Ling Tian observed the artifact spirit inside the katana and saw that it hadn't gained its consciousness yet. So he let it be.

" From now on, you are called Dragon Subduing Blade!" Ling Tian named his unnamed katana.

Usually, once an artifact ascends to Spirit Rank, it forms an artifact spirit for itself. But since the Katana was upgraded to Spirit Rank by the system, it didn't form an artifact spirit. So it was still only a false Spirit Rank Combat artifact. But now that Ling Tian has turned the Flood Dragon's soul into the katana's artifact spirit, the artifact has become a true Spirit Rank Combat Artifact.

Ling Tian then looked at the lifeless body of the Flood Dragon and thought, ' Dragon meat is the most delicious meat in all realms. Although this is only a low level Flood Dragon, it should still be delicious. Lets take it as food reserves.'

Ling Tian immediately stored the Flood Dragon's body which was 600 meters long in length inside his Soul Storage Space.

Ling Tian then went towards the skeleton and neared the ice coffin and stored both the skeleton and Ice Coffin inside his Soul Storage Space. He isn't able to keep the ice coffin inside his Genesis World, since he still hasn't created a complete living planet yet, he has created only it's core for the planet.

Ling Tian suddenly saw a bluish transparent cocoon in the place where the skeleton used to be.

Ling Tian was bewildered, because he couldn't sense it at all, even with his Nature Sense.

This peaked Ling Tian's interest and he went near the bluish cocoon to observe it. When Ling Tian saw what was inside the cocoon, he was utterly shocked.


Inside the bluish cocoon, a girl about ten years old was inside. She had blue hair and fair skin. There were strings of water threads entering her skin as if it was providing her energy.

" A Water Elemental." Ling Tian muttered as he continued to observe the cocoon.

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