The Devourer

Chapter 61

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Ling Tian was very much interested in knowing more about this Water Elemental.

From Devil God's memories, Ling Tian knows that Water Elementals are born from the accumulation of pure elemental Nature Energy. And the reason for this Elemental's birth is probably the remnants Aquazaine King Rowyn.

Ling Tian tried to touch the cocoon, but some kind of force repelled him and his Nature Energy, despite being the purest was of no use here.

" What's going on? Is my Nature Immortal Body useless against this water cocoon?" Ling Tian muttered in a distressed voice. This was the first time his Nature Energy he was proud of, let him down.

[No Worries Host. It is because the level of host's Nature Immortal Body is too low that Host is unable to access this Water Elemental.]

" Low level, huh?" Ling Tian said in a low voice.

Suddenly an idea came to Ling Tian's mind.

" System, upgrade my soul!"


[Ding! Do you wish to use a catalyst?]

" Yes." Ling Tian answered immediately.

[Ding! Please present the catalyst to the System.]

Ling Tian took out a white shining orb out of his Soul Storage Space and said, " System, proceed."

[Ding! Host has chosen 'Aquazaine Trinity Fox's Divine Soul'(x1) as the catalyst for upgrading host's soul.]

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[Starting the Upgrade process...]

Suddenly, Ling Tian's mind went blank and was shrouded by white light. His entire soul was shrouded by the white light, but the black vortex remained untouched.

[5....4....3....2.....1...0 Upgrade complete]

[Result:- Host's Soul level has increased from 'Initial Stage Dark Green Soul' to 'Mid Stage Orange Soul.]

[Host's soul power has increased by 120 times. Intelligence increased by 8 times.]

Ling Tian slowly came to his senses and when he heard the notifications given by the System, he was a bit surprised, but that surprise was replaced by another surprise.

Ling Tian's senses had increased to a whole different level and now he could sense everything in this planet. But Ling Tian knew that this wasn't the limit of his soul sense as his soul sense was blocked by the barrier, Super Saiyan God Fairon had laid on the Heaven's Fall World. So his senses couldn't bypass the barrier.

But there was one thing that was a bit troubling for Ling Tian. Right now, Ling Tian couldn't properly control his soul power and his body was also becoming a bit unstable because of his powerful soul as it seemed too powerful for his body to handle.

As the saying goes, only a powerful vessel can handle powerful strength. Otherwise the vessel will be destroyed by the power. It is the same for Soul as well as Ki. If ones body is powerful, it can contain a powerful soul. Usually, cultivators use their cultivation base to sustain their growing soul, since not everyone takes on the path of body tempering.

Right now because of this problem, Ling Tian is unable to use his Eye bloodlines. Because Rinnegan/Samsara Eyes mostly use the soul power instead of spirit energy and Ling Tian's Sharingan/Copy-Wheel Eyes also use soul power to use illusions and some certain divine powers.

Even with a cheat like 'Adapt and Improve' Skill, Ling Tian would need at least a few weeks to be able to control his now overwhelming soul power.

" Looks like there is a disadvantage to this upgrade skill as well." Ling Tian said wryly.

Ling Tian didn't think of upgrading his spirit energy cultivation level, because it will only cause him more harm than good.

Ling Tian's cultivation technique, Genesis Empyrean's Infinity is a very profound technique and he needs to remember and experience each step of the cultivation. If he just upgrade his cultivation level by using the Upgrade function of the system, it will cause his comprehension of the Genesis Empyrean's Infinity to stagnate and cause problems for his future cultivation.

" Now then." Ling Tian used his newly strengthened soul sense to sense the water cocoon but he still couldn't sense anything.

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" Even with my enhanced senses, I can't sense the inside of the cocoon." Ling Tian said as he frowned.

" Looks like I don't have a choice here." Ling Tian muttered then said to the system, " System, upgrade my Nature Immortal Body!"


[Ding! Does host wish to use a catalyst?]

" Yes and here." Ling Tian took out a crystalline jade like blue pearl and said to the system.

[Ding! Host has chosen 'Water Nature Core'(x1) as the catalyst for upgrading host's Nature Immortal Body.]

[Starting the Upgrade process....]

Ling Tian's body started to glow in white light, but Ling Tian was conscious this time and was able to witness the changes happening to his body.

[5....4....3.....2.....1.....0...Upgrade complete.]

[Result:- The level of Nature Immortal Body has increased from 'level 3' to 'level 16'.]

[Host has unlocked three of the Divine Powers of Nature Immortal.

1. Yin-Yang Manipulation - Gives host the ability to manipulate the forces of Yin and Yang.

2. Nature Life Boost - host is able to boost the life force of other living beings. It can only be used three times on a single life.

3. White Flame of Judgement - a special flame that only Nature Immortal possess. One of the very few offensive powers of Nature Immortal. It can judge and punish living beings in accordance to host's ideals. ]

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[Host's life force/Vitality has increased by 38 times.]

[Host's Charm stat has increased to 263.]

[Host's Luck stat has increased to 493.]

[Host's Nature Energy has increased by 18 times.]

Ling Tian was surprised by all the notifications. Especially the ones mentioning divine powers and his increase in luck and charm.

Ling Tian then looked at his body to see what sort of changes the upgrade has brought. But as soon as he observed the changes in his body, he was shocked.

" What the fu*k!!"

Ling Tian's body was now very lean and perfect with no extra muscles to be seen and his already fair skin was even more fairer.

Ling Tian made a mirror with ice and observed his face and was shocked once again.

He was way too handsome. If Ling Tian could be called handsome before, now he could be considered almost perfect.

But that was it. Other than his Charm and Luck increasing and his vitality also increasing to a whole different level, there was no increase in his physical strength.

And his control over Nature Energy doesn't seem to be messed up like with soul power.

" System, what's going on? Why is there no increase in physical stats? Why is my Nature Energy Control perfectly fine?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask the system because Devil God had no knowledge of the Nature Immortal Body, so Ling Tian couldn't rely on Devil God's memories for an answer this time.

[Host, Nature Immortal Body is not a Battle-oriented physique, but the ultimate supportive physique. So it wouldn't increase Host's battle power. And Host's Control of Nature Energy is not affected because, Nature Immortal Body already has the highest affinity towards Nature Energy, so for Host, control Nature Energy is very natural, unlike Soul power which needs a lot of time and practice.]

" I see, that makes sense. Well, it has already made me so handsome and every cell of my body is overflowing with life force. So the benefits far outclass the benefits from strength gain." Ling Tian said with a smile.

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" Well then, lets try it again." Ling Tian said as he touched the cocoon's surface again.

A blue light shined which blinded Ling Tian and the light engulfed Ling Tian and the next second Ling Tian vanished from the spot.


When Ling Tian came to his senses, he found himself in a marshland with blue coloured grass. Every thing here was blue coloured, except for the clouds in the sky and himself.

" Where am I?" Ling Tian muttered as he looked around.

Suddenly, Ling Tian saw a small human figure in a few distance away. Ling Tian was surprised for a moment before using Mortal Steps to approach that small human figure in extreme speeds.

It only took a second for Ling Tian to reach the figure. Ling Tian now got a good look at the view of this figure.

It was the same little girl he saw inside the Crystalline cocoon. But now her eyes were open and her eyes were blue. Ling Tian was fascinated by the beauty of this little girl's eyes. It matched her light blue long hair. She wore a deep blue clothes.

The girl seems to realize Ling Tian's presence and was startled and immediately ran away and put a distance between them.

" Hi there. I'm Ling Tian, what's your name and what is this place?" Ling Tian asked with a smile and used a bit of spirit energy to enhance his voice so that the little girl will be able to hear it.

" .... " The little girl was startled again by Ling Tian's voice and stared at Ling Tian with a wary gaze.

' Could it be? ..... She can't understand me?' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian then sat on the spot and silently looked at the little girl with a curious smile.

The little girl was also staring at Ling Tian with a look of interest, wariness and desire. The pure Nature Energy that Ling Tian has was extremely attractive to the little girl, but she instinctively restrained her desire.

Both Ling Tian and the little girl was staring at each other, waiting to see what the other party will do.

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