The Devourer

Chapter 66

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Ling Tian stopped laughing and looked at Yuan Qinghe with an emotionless expression. He was still wary of Yuan Qinghe. Even if his cultivation is gone, Yuan Qinghe still has his Ki and physical powers. With the destruction of his Cultivation, Yuan Qinghe's battle power has only decreased by 25%. He is still far stronger than Ling Tian.

" Aaaahh!!! You damn brat!! I'll kill you and everyone that's related to you and I'll destroy that damned sect of yours!"


Yuan Qinghe turned into a Super Saiyan again and rose to the sky.


Yuan Qinghe raised his hands and condensed a massive pink coloured Ki blast.

Ling Tian was startled when he saw this and immediately prepared to move away from the spot but he noticed that, a few miles away from here, there was an inhabitation of mortals, probably a village.

If he moved away from here and the Yuan Qinghe's massive Ki blast hit this place, all the people in that village will definitely die since they are only mortals. Ling Tian definitely didn't want innocent people dying because of him.

" Die!!" Yuan Qinghe yelled out and threw the massive pink coloured Ki blast at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian stood his ground and raised his hand to stop the blast. He could have used a KAMEHAMEHA wave to intercept the blast, but the shockwaves that will be created by the collision of two powerful attacks will pretty much cause a massive destruction.


Ling Tian caught the Ki blast with his hands, but he was losing as the Ki blast was too powerful for him to handle.

" Berserk Battle Tyrant!" Ling Tian hummed.

Ling Tian's powers multiplied by four times instantly. And he was able to stop the blast for a bit by this power boost.

This was Berserk Battle Tyrant, one of the two skills of the Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture along with Endless Battle Tyrant. It's a power boosting skill that can temporarily boost one's power level. Although it doesn't put strain on one's body like Kaio-ken, it drains one's Ki at a very fast rate when the skill is used.

" Urrggghhh.. Nghh.. Urgghh..." Ling Tian was being pushed back while he was trying to push back the Ki blast. He couldn't stand up to it. But he couldn't afford to give up.

Ling Tian's blood was boiling in excitement and his Ki keep increasing by each second and body was strengthening by each second.

The Battle Tyrant Ki scripture was being circulated by his body on it's own. Ling Tian's 'Adapt and Improve' skill was doing it's trick. Ling Tian could feel himself adapting to this level of power and his own powers were improving as a result.

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After a few seconds, Ling Tian felt like he had almost completely adapted to this level of power. His Ki has increased by almost six times.

Ling Tian had to admit, with his Zenkai boost and 'Adapt and Improve' skill, his growth speed is undisputed. He felt like he wouldn't even need thousand years to get his revenge if he keeps getting stronger at such pace.

Yuan Qinghe, of course sensed Ling Tian's sudden increase in power and he had a shocked expression.

" No! No!! How can your power increase like that!! I refuse to accept this!! I will kill you!!" Yuan Qinghe yelled with a maddened voice.


Yuan Qinghe fired a Ki beam onto the Ki blast and the Ki blast's size started to get more bigger and its destructive might also kept on increasing.

" ?! " Ling Tian got pushed back and was leaving trail on the ground.

" Dammit!" Ling Tian cursed. Right now, Ling Tian's potential is being stimulated to the limit and his Ki and body strength kept on improving by each second, much to Yuan Qinghe's despair.

Ling Tian's Legendary Saiyan bloodline lives up to its prestige. Ling Tian's power was rising at ungodly speed.

" Just a little more... A little more.... " Ling Tian felt like the bottleneck for the second level of Battle Tyrant Ki scripture was loosening.

Ever since the battle against the Seven Mortal Sins, Ling Tian was stuck at the peak of first level of Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture. In this battle against Yuan Qinghe, Ling Tian's progress in Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture was increasing and he felt like he was about to breakthrough to the second level.

" Die Die Die!!!!" Yuan Qinghe was going all out and was using all his Ki to strengthen the Ki blast.


" Finally!" Ling Tian exclaimed as he stood his ground against the massive Ki blast. He was not staggering anymore.

Ling Tian felt like some sort of lock that was binding him shattered.


Ling Tian's Ki kept on increasing and had increased by a whole ten times because of the breakthrough.

[Ding! Congratulations host for achieving the second level of 'Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture'.]

[Ding! Congratulations host, your body has broken through the 5th level of Ascended Mortal.]

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" Heh!" Ling Tian smirked and punched away the massive Ki blast into the sky and the Ki blast exploded.

" Impossible!" Yuan Qinghe said in shocked tone as he looked at Ling Tian with an incredulous expression.

Ling Tian clenched his fist to feel his strength and was quite satisfied.

Ling Tian looked up and saw Yuan Qinghe staring at him with a shocked expression.

" It's all thanks to you. As to show my gratitude, I'll kill you with my ultimate power." Ling Tian said as he smiled at Yuan Qinghe.

" What..." Yuan Qinghe was startled by Ling Tian's proclamation and felt a crisis.

Ling Tian clenched both of his fists and slightly spread his legs while standing.


" Haahhh...." Cracks started to appear on the ground Ling Tian was standing and rubbles started levitating on mid air because of Ling Tian's Ki.

Ling Tian's hair turned yellow gold, albeit a bit darker than the regular Super Saiyan. His body became slightly bulky and his eyes turned teal coloured.

" Haaahhh!!!!"


A green light flashed for a moment and disappeared.

*Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh* *Fssh*

There a slightly muscular man with yellowish gold spiky hair and shining white skin while a green hallow was around him flaming like a violent flame.

" No... Impossible... That form... That power..." Yuan Qinghe could not believe what he was seeing. He was afraid. His bloodline was trembling in fear.

" No.... H-how can... Someone like... You.. Exist...?" Yuan Qinghe asked while trembling in fear.

Ling Tian wasn't paying attention to Yuan Qinghe's rambling as he was in his own thoughts.

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' Hm? It turned out well. System.' Ling Tian thought then called System mentally.

[Host is currently in a 'Weaker Version' Legendary Super Saiyan form with a power multiplier of 160x. Host's 'True' Legendary Super Saiyan transformation gives a power multiplier of 800x.]

' 160 times the power boost, huh? Not bad.' Ling Tian thought with a smile.

Ling Tian's Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline is not the same as that of the one in Dragon Ball verse. His Saiyan bloodline mutated due to the three Origin forces and this gives him the level of talent rivalling the long lost Saiyan Gods.

Ling Tian had once transformed into a full powered Legendary Super Saiyan against Shawn Ashbringer, when he had got back his memories of the past. But Ling Tian had lost his sanity because, at that time, Ki was the dominant power system of his.

Ling Tian cultivates in five power systems. Ki, Spirit Energy, Body, Soul and Nature Energy.

When he had transformed into a full powered Legendary Super Saiyan for the first time, Ki was the dominant power within him. At that time, Ling Tian's Soul couldn't stand up to his Ki and his Ki control was pitiful. So he had completely lost his sanity.

But now, after his recent upgrade of his Soul, Ling Tian's soul is far stronger and is his current strongest Power system. Albeit a bit unstable.

Ling Tian's soul is now the most powerful soul in the whole Heaven's Fall World since his Orange level Soul is equal to the soul of a World Creation Realm cultivator, which doesn't exist in the Heaven's Fall World since Divine Emperor Realm is the limit of the Heaven's fall World.

And with his ungodly Ki control, Ling Tian inherited from Hit's inheritance, Ling Tian was easily able to achieve a weaker version of Legendary Super Saiyan transformation.

Ling Tian didn't go for the full powered transformation since he doesn't have guarantee that he will still be sane. If he mess up, He is sure that more than 80% of this world's population will be killed by him in a rampage.

After all, Being a Legendary Super Saiyan, His very existence is meant for destruction.

Ling Tian snapped out of his thoughts and saw Yuan Qinghe blabbering on this and that.

Ling Tian smiled indifferently and asked, " So, what do you think of this form? Pretty cool right?"

Yuan Qinghe wanted say something more when suddenly some things became clear for him. He realized that Ling Tian could have killed him from the very start, if Ling Tian used his Super Saiyan transformation.

" You.... You were using me this entire time, weren't you?!" Yuan Qinghe yelled in hate at what he realized.

" Oh?... Looks like you're not that stupid after all." Ling Tian still smiled indifferently as he said.

Yuan Qinghe remembered Ling Tian's massive power up when Ling Tian was facing off against Yuan Qinghe's super powered Ki blast. Everything became clear for him.

" You were using me to cultivate some Ki technique..." Yuan Qinghe muttered through his teeth while gnashing his teeth in anger and frustration.

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Ling Tian was still smiling indifferently.

Ling Tian indeed was holding back his transformation so that he could push his body to the limits and finally achieve a breakthrough in his Ki cultivation technique, Battle Tyrant Ki Scripture.

Other than the time when he almost lost himself in anger when Yuan Qinghe said he wants to refine his Little Blue into a pill, Ling Tian never took Yuan Qinghe seriously. Ling Tian only saw Yuan Qinghe as stepping stone for him to further increase his strength.

" No ..... We're both Saiyans. Why is there such difference....?" Yuan Qinghe asked in a voice filled with despair.

Ling Tian looked at Yuan Qinghe and said, " It's because you're just a half-breed and..."


Ling Tian disappeared from the spot he was standing at, and appeared behind Yuan Qinghe and continued.

" .... I am the Prince of all Saiyans!"

Ling Tian said proudly and lightly slapped Yuan Qinghe's back. Which sent him crashing into the ground.

The dust faded and in a large crater revealed Yuan Qinghe who was embedded into the ground.

Ling Tian appeared next to Yuan Qinghe. Most of Yuan Qinghe's bones and organs were shattered and he was on the verge of death.

Yuan Qinghe couldn't accept the fact that Ling Tian put him in this condition with just a light slap.

" Any last words?" Ling Tian asked in an emotionless voice.

" I-"


Yuan Qinghe could only utter 'I' as a yellow finger sized laser like Ki beam pierced his head and destroyed his sea of consciousness, swiftly ending his life while he had an expression of disbelief on his face.

Ling Tian looked at the dead Yuan Qinghe and said without emotions, " I forgot, but..."

" .. I don't have the habit of listening to the last words of those I kill."

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