The Devourer

Chapter 67

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Ling Tian looked at the corpse of Yuan Qinghe with a thoughtful expression. Ling Tian has already taken every valuables from Yuan Qinghe and the wealth in Yuan Qinghe's storage ring far surpassed that of the Ye clan, Ling Tian looted from.

Ling Tian made a decision. That is to find a way to hide Little Blue's existence as a Nature Being. Otherwise, what happened today will happen again and if he faces a Divine Emperor, he will have a lot of difficulty, protecting Little Blue.

Ling Tian took a last look at Yuan Qinghe's corpse and muttered, " Probably after a few years, you will be forgotten from this world. You're lucky that I'll have to remember you for eternity because of my eidetic memory... Or Maybe Not."

" Goodbye."

Ling Tian produced the Nine Sun Fire and burned Yuan Qinghe's corpse to ashes and not a single piece of cloth was left behind.

Ling Tian surveyed the surrounding and erased everything that might notify his presence in this place. He even slaughtered all the monster beasts that witnessed the battle between him and Yuan Qinghe, since there are people out there who can retrieve information from even mindless beasts.

Ling Tian didn't want to make enemies of strong people of this world, at least, not yet. But that doesn't mean he's afraid of them.


In a distant continent, away from the Divine Water Continent, Ling Tian is on.

In a dark chamber, there were a lot of glowing jade tokens with names imprinted on it floating in mid air.

There were two old men who looked about 70 years in age, guarding the massive door which seemed to be the entrance to the chamber.

Suddenly, one of the jade token with the name 'Yuan Qinghe' written on it, cracked, then shattered into pieces and finally turned to dust.

" What?!" One of the old man exclaimed.

" Young Master Qinghe's soul jade shattered and even turned to dust!!" The other old man exclaimed in shock.

The two old men couldn't even react when the soul jade shattered and were freaking out.

The old men calmed down soon and one of them said, " Just who was it, that killed Young Master Qinghe? For the soul jade to turn to dust like that, that person must be terrifyingly powerful. Just what kind of being did Young Master Qinghe provoke?"

" Whoever it is, he is surely far stronger than even lord Jun!" Said the other old men.

" We should inform Master Yun at least. Young Master Qinghe is his son after all." The first old man said.

" Mm. I hope Master Yun won't do anything rash and look for that scary being." The other old man sighed in distress.

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Ling Tian had felt a surge of Soul power coming out of Yuan Qinghe the moment he was killed and tried to invade into Ling Tian's soul. But unfortunately, Ling Tian's powerful soul destroyed that foreign soul power, the instant it came in contact with Ling Tian's soul.

Ling Tian got rid of everything that might indicate his existence in this place and for the monster beasts he killed, he stored the corpses of the monster beasts so that he could use them as food supplies later. Ling Tian was inside the unknown lake, refining the Water Spirit Energy Vein for more than ten days and he hasn't eaten in these days, so he is very hungry.

Strangely, unlike other cultivators, Ling Tian is unable to use spirit energy to fulfil his hunger. Ling Tian came to a conclusion that it must be related to his Saiyan bloodline.

" It's about time I return." Ling Tian said to himself.


[Ding! A Quest has been triggered..

Task:- Take Yan Zuqing's first kiss.

Time Limit:- None.

Reward:- A Random Equipment(x1), Random Skill(x1)

Penalty:- None. ]

" .... " Ling Tian was speechless.

After staying silent for a few minutes while staring at the Quest details, Ling Tian helplessly said, " How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"

Ling Tian was pretty calm. Compared to this, Devil God had done way more outrageous things when he was comprehending the laws of Lust for the sake of forming his Original Sin Divinity.

Although there are no penalties for not completing this quest, Ling Tian wanted to complete this quest. The System rarely gives out quests and Ling Tian still needed to complete two quests to increase his void level to level 1 so that he could finally use the System's shop.

Ling Tian imagined some scenario of how he can complete this quest.


--Straightforward approach--

" Hey, Zuqing! Can you give me your first kiss?" Ling Tian asked.

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" No." Yan Zuqing instantly rejected.


" That won't work." Ling Tian muttered and started to imagine the next scenario.


--Tricking Her--

" Hey, Zuqing! Nice day, huh? It has been... Ah?! What's that?!" Ling Tian 'exclaimed' as he pointed upwards with a 'startled' expression.

Yan Zuqing looked up and saw nothing. Ling Tian took this chance and kissed her lips.

" ?! "

Yan Zuqing pushed away Ling Tian and...


Slapped him hard in the face.


" Ummm... No chance of this even working either..." Ling Tian said as he sighed.

Ling Tian could think of many other ways to do this, but some of them required force while some of them needed scheming to the point all the plans were ridiculous.

Ling Tian was really helpless. Ling Tian shook his head and got rid of such thoughts. The quest has no time limit, so he just decided to leave it for now and accomplish it when he gets the chance.

Ling Tian sensed the Flying Thunder God Kunai he had given to Su Xumei and immediately disappeared from the place.


--Two minutes after Ling Tian had went after Yuan Qinghe.--

Su Xumei was looking at the direction Ling Tian had flew away in worry then she looked at the crystalline Tri-pronged Kunai in her hand.

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She turned and saw Little Blue being a bit anxious and staring at her warily. Even with her usual cold expression, she couldn't help but smile wryly at the fact that this little girl is very wary around others, except for Ling Tian.

" Ngh.."

Su Xumei suddenly heard a feminine groan and turned around to look for the source.

What she saw was Yan Zuqing holding her forehead in a bit of pain. If Ling Tian was here, he would probably freak-out. Even if he didn't use his Sharingan and soul power to cast the illusion, and only used his spirit energy, it was still a high level Genjutsu capable of trapping anyone who is not a divine path cultivator.

Su Xumei looked at Yan Zuqing in a bit of shock and uttered, " Big Sister Zuqing..."

" Lil'Mei, Where is that guy? How can he cast such a high level illusion on whim like that?" Yan Zuqing asked Su Xumei with a slightly displeased tone.

" He did it because he didn't want us to get involved in his problems." Su Xumei said.

Little Blue was looking at Yan Zuqing with shiny eyes as if she's attracted to Yan Zuqing.

" Hmm... That makes sense." Yan Zuqing pondered for a bit then she looked at her teammates who were standing like shadows in a daze and Xin Qinyue who was lying on the ground since Su Xumei knocked her out.

" First, I should release them from the illusion." Yan Zuqing decided.

" Big Sister Zuqing, it's best you don't do that. Ling Tian might use more forceful methods to restrain them if you release them from the illusion." Su Xumei said in an emotionless tone.

" That guy... Just who is he in the end? He was powerful enough to sent a Sacred Land Enforcer flying with just one hit." Yan Zuqing frowned as she thought about Ling Tian.

Then she noticed how Little Blue was slowly moving towards her with a curious expression. Yan Zuqing was surprised by this. Earlier, she was wary with everyone except Ling Tian, but now, Little Blue is taking the initiative to approach her.

Little Blue came near Yan Zuqing and touched Yan Zuqing's hand.

Yan Zuqing was startled for a bit then smiled. She crouched down and hugged Little Blue. Little Blue also smiled. If Ling Tian was here, he would have probably burned with jealousy. He had to wait more than an hour for Little Blue to take the initiative to come to him.

Su Xumei who saw this was surprised and a bit jealous, because she didn't get to hold Little Blue. But Su Xumei didn't show it.

--After twenty minutes, the same time Ling Tian finished off Yuan Qinghe.--

Su Xumei saw Yan Zuqing trying to teach Little Blue how to spell words, Little Blue did manage to pick up some words but they were kind of weird.

Little Blue was now trying to write some basic letters that Yan Zuqing taught on the ground with a stick. It was a wonderful scene. Su Xumei couldn't help but smile when she looked at Little Blue.

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Yan Zuqing just noticed a a strange small Crystal blade with weird writings on it, on Su Xumei's hand.

" Lil'Mei, what is that strange knife?" Yan Zuqing asked.

" I don't know. Ling Tian gave it to me before he left." Su Xumei replied.

This peaked Yan Zuqing's interest and she said, " Lil'Mei, can you give it to me for a second?"

" Nn." Su Xumei nodded and threw the tri-pronged adamant kunai towards Yan Zuqing.

Yan Zuqing moved forward to catch the kunai, but right when she was about to catch the kunai...


A black clothed young man appeared in the place of the kunai, with the kunai in his hand.

This black clothed youth is Ling Tian who just teleported to this place.

Yan Zuqing couldn't stop her movement and crashed into Ling Tian who was still confused and fell down with her on top of him.

Yan Zuqing and Ling Tian's eyes went wide in shock because...

Their lips touched each others. They kissed.

Ling Tian simply didn't know how this happened and was still in shock at what just happened when a sudden notification rang out in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations for completing the quest. Host has been rewarded - Shape Changing Black Cloak(x1), Rare Physical Boost Skill- Godspeed.]

While Ling Tian is in a daze at the notification, Yan Zuqing hastily got of him and stared at Ling Tian with a red face and shy expression. She looked very sexy at the moment. Too bad, Ling Tian couldn't appreciate this as he just got out of his daze.

Su Xumei was standing there with no changes in her expression. But she was stuck in the place. She couldn't comprehend what just happened. Little Blue was simply looking at this all with an innocent expression.

Ling Tian slowly stood up and stared at Yan Zuqing.

' I didn't even get to feel that kiss, and that was sort of my first kiss too. Wait a second. Can this even be called a kiss? No it's can't! So it's only natural that I should kiss for real this time.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian came up to Yan Zuqing and asked, " Umm... Can we kiss again? I didn't get to kiss properly."


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