The Devourer

Chapter 70

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Ling Tian was looking at the frozen disciples with a bit of irritation.

Lin Ke'er looked at this scene in shock and got more nervous. Yan Zuqing and the others came towards Ling Tian and Xin Qinyue's eyes had a weird shine when she looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian didn't talk to them and simply ignored them. He looked at Lin Ke'er and stared into her eyes. Lin Ke'er wanted to run away. But she had a gut feeling that she won't be able to. She didn't know why Ling Tian wants to make her his disciple. He has Yan Zuqing, Su Xumei, Xin Qinyue by his side and she herself knows that she is not comparable to them.

Lin Ke'er didn't know why Ling Tian was even bothering with her.

" How long are you going to act scared like that?" Ling Tian asked in a serious tone.

" ?!" Lin Ke'er looked at Ling Tian in a confused manner.

" Even if its purity is very low, it is still Saiyan blood that is flowing within you. How long are you going to keep on disgracing it?!" Ling Tian asked in a slightly angry tone.

" Saiyan blood... I-I do-don't have s-such a n-noble blood within me..." Lin Ke'er said in a nervous tone.

" .... " Ling Tian simply looked at Lin Ke'er with a thoughtful expression as he thought, ' I won't be able to change this character of her in a short while. This character must have been built up in her childhood, so it must be rooted in her.'

Ling Tian know that for a person to grow shy and timid, they must have lived their childhood in... ridicule! One's childhood can build up their character. Anything that happens in their childhood leaves a great impression on their mind.

" Sigh... Forget it. So answer me. Do you agree to be my disciple? Not that your answer matters since I've made my mind." Ling Tian said.

Lin Ke'er looked at Ling Tian and asked, " Why... do you want to take me as a disciple...?"

Ling Tian looked at Lin Ke'er and smiled, which made her get more flustered.

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" I bet, no one has taken you as a disciple in our sect, right?" Ling Tian asked.

" ?!" Lin Ke'er was surprised.

" It's probably because of your strange constitution, right? They had no knowledge about it. Isn't that so?" Ling Tian said.

Lin Ke'er was shocked because it was exactly as Ling Tian had said. Most of the cultivation techniques in the Spirit Advent Sect was incompatible with her and only an incomplete Battle type cultivation technique was compatible with her.

But the cultivation technique she practices is something the others do not cultivate and hence there was no one who could teach her anything. She had to rely on herself.

" I'm very familiar with your type of physique. So I'll teach you the right way of cultivating your physique." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" Why...?" Lin Ke'er asked in a deep voice.

" I just felt like it." Ling Tian simply said.

" Huh?" Not only Lin Ke'er, but also the three girls who were standing behind were also puzzled.

" With no reason?" Lin Ke'er couldn't help but ask.

" Why do I need a reason to do something? A Saiyan always does whatever he wants and he doesn't care about reasons." Ling Tian said.

" Saiyan?" Lin Ke'er asked absent minded.

" You'll know of it eventually." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

" I'll become..." Lin Ke'er muttered.

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" Hm?"

" I'll become your disciple... But I want to have the power to help my sister. Can you give me the power..." Lin Ke'er asked in a bit of serious voice, mustering up all the courage she has in her.

" Mm." Ling Tian nodded. Though he had no idea what sort of power she requires, if its within the limits of the Heaven's Fall World, Ling Tian can easily help her get stronger.

[Ding! Congratulations for completing the quest. Host has been rewarded - +5 charm, Black Sword- Yoru.]

' Yoru! Mihawk's sword! Damn I'm lucky! I got an awesome vessel for Amon!' Ling Tian thought excitedly.

[Ding! Host has levelled up! Void level 1!]

Ling Tian got even more excited. It seems meeting Lin Ke'er was very lucky for Ling Tian.

" Um... Aren't you going to free them..... Master..?" Lin Ke'er asked in a shy tone.

" Eh?" Ling Tian froze. This was the first time a girl has ever called him master.

" Master?" Lin Ke'er called Ling Tian.

" Ah? Ah! Right! Those people..." Ling Tian turned and looked at the the group of more than thirty youths frozen in icy blue ice.


Ling Tian clicked his fingers and the ice covering the people shattered and turned to dust leaving people behind. They seemed perfectly fine. Ling Tian controlled the ice so that they will not suffer from the deadly cold of the Glazed Ice. Otherwise, they would have turned into ice mist.

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The people were looking at Ling Tian in fear and didn't even have the courage to utter a single word before him. Even though Ling Tian didn't harm them, from what he just did, it is clear that Ling Tian could easily kill them all and they wouldn't even know how they died.

Yan Zuqing saw that none of the disciples are harmed. It seems Ling Tian didn't give in to his anger, but simply forgave them.

" I'm surprised you forgave them." Yan Zuqing said to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian simply smiled and replied, " A woman who took care of me in the past told me, 'Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, cost of hatred, and the waste of energy.' And besides I'm not that low to pick on weaklings."

" She must have been a very kind woman." Yan Zuqing said as she smiled.

" Yeah. She is a wonderful woman." Ling Tian said as he thought of the nun that was like a mother to him in his past life on Earth.

The women saw Ling Tian's smile and was dazed. This was a heartfelt smile from Ling Tian when he thought of his 'Mother'.


Suddenly a monstrous roar of a beast resounded in the surrounding and all the disciples lost their consciousness. Only the girls near Ling Tian were fine.

A large shadow came out of the forest and walked towards the lake while the lands trembled with each step the figure took.

' A bear?' Ling Tian thought.

The figure was a bear or rather a silver colour bear. It was about 35 feet tall and was pretty fat as well. It is obviously not your every day normal bear.

Ling Tian recognized this bear. It was a Rank 6 Monster Beast, Silver Blood Bear! Ling Tian knew that this beast must have come to this place since the pressure of Immortal God no longer exists in this place and this beast must have come here to claim this place as its domain.

" It's Silver Blood Bear! A Rank 6 monster beast!" Yan Zuqing exclaimed as she was frozen in fear. So were the other women. It is understandable, after all, a Rank 6 monster beast is equal to a Divine Transformation Realm cultivator. To mortal cultivators like them, this monster beast was an invincible existence.

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Even Su Xumei was frozen in fear and totally forgot about Ling Tian who is capable of thrashing a Divine King, much less a Divine Transformation Realm expert. But this was the difference between man and beasts. Beasts presence itself can instil fear into humans and distort their calm mind, which makes those humans an easy target for Monster Beasts.

" Despicable Humans! How dare you enter this king's territory?! I'll devour you all!! Roar!!!" The Silver Blood Bear spoke loudly in an arrogant and haughty tone.

The girls trembled in fear. If they were not near Ling Tian, they would have long lost their consciousness and they would not have to experience such fear.

Little Blue was still clung onto Ling Tian's back without a care in the world.

Ling Tian saw pitiful conditions of the girls and sighed.

He bend down and picked up a piece of rock. This caught the attention of the girls and Su Xumei stopped trembling in fear and looked at Ling Tian with shinning eyes. The others were still trembling in fear.

The Silver Blood Bear looked at Ling Tian and was angered when it saw Ling Tian not showing fear towards it.

" Human Scum!! How dare you disres-?!"

Before the Silver Blood Bear could finish its words, Ling Tian flicked the piece of rock using his thumb finger of the right hand and...


The head of the Silver Blood Bear burst into pieces like a smashed pie while instead of red blood, it was silver blood.

" .... " The girls froze in utter shock.

Ling Tian looked at the sky and saw that it was about to become night, then looked at the headless corpse of the Silver Blood Bear.

Ling Tian turned to the girls who were still in shock and said, " Guess we've got ourselves a hefty dinner!"

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